Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

8 Sloan and Pamela

"You kept quiet about such a serious thing!

Aslan suddenly yelled at Shaw, who had returned from Lassind's mansion. Until evening, when Prime Minister Flanagan caught him, Aslan was sick of hearing reports of his absence, went to the dragon house to get Meryl to heal him, and heard Sloane quarrel with Pamela.

"I thought Shaw was hiding something, but this was it."

Meryl asked me not to be angry with Shaw for taking care of child dragon Sloan, but I was angry that Aslan kept quiet thinking sweet things anyway.

"If Pamela was a dragon knight, you thought you could get her politically married. How could he be a henna chocolate?"

Shaw's not a henna chocolate!

Sloan, who took me to the seawater bath, shelters Shaw for how much fun it was.

'Aslan, Sloane seems to like Pamela. I want Sloan on hand, so I don't want my daughter-in-law abroad'

Aslan muttered that Mia would surely also show difficulty in dissolving her engagement to Seagal, but I thought I'd call her in and scold her anyway.

Yelling at him, Shaw apologizes for being silent, but argues that he doesn't know if he has Dragon Knight qualities because he can't talk to Sands and can only talk to Sloan.


Aslan was angry that Shaw, who had never defied himself, was in a period of rebellion.

"Sure, I should have reported that Pamela was able to talk to Sloan, but I wondered if I could be a Dragon Knight, so I thought I'd better see how it went."

He lowered Shaw down not wanting to hear white excuses or anything, but Aslan figured out why Pamela couldn't talk to the other dragons.

Shaw hesitated to tell his father about Sloan, afraid that Pamela would get rough when he was finally separated from Seagal for a political marriage, but eventually he found out, and he went home with Tobotobo.

"Sands, how could Pamela just talk to Sloane?

Worried that his father would scold him or that Pamela would be used as an instrument of political marriage, Shaw, who became a doyodoyo, went to see Sands. Sands, who was resting his enormous body in a dragon house off the palace, noticed Shaw was depressed.

"Shaw? I don't even know why Pamela and Sloan can talk. If Pamela grows a little bit more, we'll have to see if she can talk to us, or if she can only talk to Sloane."

Shaw was finding it hard to hear Sloan's words, which had not yet been born six months later.

"I wonder if it's because Pamela and Sloane missed each other away from their parents. It's easier for me to hear Sands."

'Of course you do! I'm Shaw's Dragon Rider. "

Sands is sweetening to Shaw, so while I was scratching around my eyes and doing it, my heart calmed down.

"It's up to your father to decide where he wants Pamela to be his wife. I can't talk to you, but I'll give you whatever cover I can. I wonder what Erica thinks about William? If you don't like it, you have to cover for this one."

Shaw is baffled that Erica and Pamela, who have never been involved before, will be the ones who care so much. Sister Improvement, who went to her daughter-in-law, wondered if each lived happily ever after, and Shaw fell asleep with Sands lying around too.

"Again, were you sleeping here..."

Worried about the scolded Shaw, he peered out of the palace, but when Sands comforted him with a stuffed shell, he sighs when he sees his remaining sleeping face of childhood.

"I'm not taking you to bed!

Playing his nose with a pin and finger, Aslan, who said a bunch of nagging bedtime words and laughed bitterly at his depression, followed the dragon house saying that he was still a child even with all his back stretched out.

"I don't know what to do with Pamela."

There are still two princes in the Kingdom of Iran, and Prince Narcisse of the Kingdom of Laurent walks in the garden at night with the scent of flowers, thinking he is 15 years older but single. Aslan finds himself rarely hesitant to marry a princess with dragon knight qualities, though there are other countries.

"Shaw's sweetness is making me weak?

Aslan went back to the rear palace, asking himself if he was getting old and sweet.

The next day, Aslan takes Pamela to the dragon house and tries to see if she can talk to Sloan, but she gets alert when she can take up her permission, like Erica's sister, and burns her hands even though she's silent.

"Pamela, it's important!

Since Pamela wouldn't open her mouth so hard, I tried to talk to Sloane from her, but she blocked her ears and crouched.

"Get Shaw!

I tried to get Shaw to come by the dragon house, but after a while I was told I was out in awe.

"That idiot, where have you been all morning!

Shaw had attached a promise of a visit to Link's mansion on the pretext of consulting him about investing in a landfill wharf, but he was going out with Sands to the sea away from the royal palace, which would be rude from the morning.

I wanted to clear up the crisp mood last night, because I wanted to leave the royal palace a little.

"When we're done briefing the merchants, let's go to Sands Island and Chennai! You can take me aboard a ship sailing the East Route."

Many of the ships sailing through the port of Leyte were still mailing, via the Prius Canal to the Kingdom of Cazaria and to the eastern coast of the Golce continent, but there are also a few more ships sailing along the eastern route. Shaw thinks floating in the ocean that if he had the magic of the wind, he would let him aboard any ship.

He seemed to abandon Pamela and had a tickle and chest ache, but it was his father who decided to marry him, and he gave up that he couldn't help but make a scene.

Sea-bathed Shaw says it's also a hassle to go back to the outhouse for a bath, water in a fishing village well along the coast, and head to Link's mansion.

Link was disappointed to hear Prince Shaw's visit was a consultation on the terms of his investment in the landfill wharf, although he thought it was in the Chennai case.

"Is it a wharf usage priority? That's fascinating, can this investment be bought, sold or inherited as stock certificates? Then a lot of people try to buy it for their retirement lives. Perhaps you should give an estimate of how much dividend you can expect in a given year."

Shaw thought there was going to be more investors besides merchants. It's been a good discussion so far, but I'm worried about how to cut Chennai out and come up with a good excuse.

"Is there a boat at Mr. Link's that sails the East Route? I'd like to go to Sands Island for a visit, but not necessarily because the Harley on Brother Karin or the Eltoria on Uncle Melt will conveniently return to the port of Leyte."

Link is in a hurry to see where Prince Shaw's sincerity lies. A little, Prince Hassan decides to keep an eye out because he may be overdoing it.

Link sweated cold when he decided to visit Chennai's trading hub as well as Sands Island.

"I hope you have a ship that Prince Shaw is planning to sail… of course, if you have a ship to sail on, you can take it aboard."

I assumed that Link, whose tone changed subtly, was in a backward mood somewhere, and now I quit the mansion saying this was enough.

"We're surveying the port of Leyte, let's go to Professor Ford and the others."

Shaw heads to an office in the port of Leyte where he may be asked to observe again from the sky.

"Prince Shaw, where were you going? A samurai was looking for you to return to the royal palace as soon as possible."

The researchers told me, but I sigh that Pamela must be obstinate at any rate.

"Shaw? Is that good?

Nash sounds worried about Shaw not trying to go home.

"It doesn't make sense when I go home. My father took Pamela..."

Shaw shuts his mouth as Seagal and Saleem come into the office with Professor Ford.

"Shaw, your father wants you."

Saleem told me, Shaw leaves reluctantly.

"I don't want to go home to the royal palace!

Shaw, who was trying to give up when he was in a seawater bath, but was filled with unconvincing feelings, wants to escape somewhere with the Sands.

"Shaw? Aren't you going back to the royal palace?

"Sands... Towards the Royal Palace"

Shaw takes a big deep breath and returns to the royal palace if he escapes, but not for Pamela.

I've been waiting for Shaw's return in a harsh way in the morning, and Aslan's mood sucks. My youngest son, Pamela, defied me, and my son would almost scold me for tightness, but Aslan is vulnerable to his daughter.

He poked at his sweetness like that, and Shaw came back in the middle of it being caustic, and it's late! And he yelled at me.

"What can I do for you?

Shaw also asks in a murky and defiant manner.

"Pamela won't talk to Sloane. Convince him to talk to Sloan. Maybe you can talk to the other dragons. Try again."

"My father couldn't do it, but there's no way I can."

I was angry with Shaw, who said Shira ~, but Mia came into the room, so I put up with her gut.

"Dear Aslan, I cried Pamela!

I can pissically scold Mia if she intends to bring Pamela back to Princess Dragon, who has become honest because of this.

"There's nothing to cry about. I just told him to talk to Sloan."

Mia didn't object to what Aslan did, but this time she looks difficult.

"You don't like seeing the same eyes as Erica. Pamela refused to talk to Sloane because she realized she was getting married."

"Mia, Pamela is a princess! Isn't it political marriage that got you engaged to Seagal? They also marry foreign princes. No, it's rather close to Shaw's wish, because many countries that value dragon knights are monogamous."

Reasonably, Father was right, and I only met Seagal about once, so I knew there could be an engagement cancellation, but it was hard for Shaw to accept.

"But in what country? Erika will marry you in the Kingdom of Iran..."

"The Kingdom of Laurent has a second prince, Narcisse, and the Kingdom of Salaam, the Kingdom of Hedge, and the Principality of Malta."

Mia shook her head to the side.

"Is Prince Narcisse of the Kingdom of Laurent 25 years old? Pamela's only nine years old. Isn't she 16 years older? Oh, it's no use, even if I tell you that your wife has a younger wife. Prince Narcisse won't wait until he's 31. Pamela can't be my daughter-in-law in a pirate country."

Kechon Kechon makes Aslan angry.

"It's tough! A dragon is attacking Princess Pamela's room!

The woman jumps in with a bright blue face and Aslan, Shaw and Mia head to Pamela's room in surprise.

As the dragon was attacking Princess Pamela, the rear palace was filled with screams from the escaping ladies and samurai. Pamela's room was closed by rain doors, tucked away and locked away, but the wind is attacking the rain doors that are ready to go through.

"Sloan! Stop it!

Aslan stopped by surprise, but doesn't sound like an excited Sloan.

"Meryl! Stop Sloan!

Aslan commands Merrill, who is looking at him like he is in trouble.

'I can't! Sloan's too small,' cause if I stop him, he'll get hurt. '

Sands flew in, too, to Sloane, stop! I screamed, but I couldn't reach my voice, and I'm in trouble.

Though small, the dragon's Sloan is a momentum that could burst and break the rain door in the room, knocking down the pillars as well.

"I'll get Pamela out of here. Because if a piece of wood flies, it's dangerous, and you're scared."

Aslan pokes at Shaw and tries to jump into the room and comes out holding Pamela herself.

Pamela had her room destroyed by a dragon and was blubbering, so she was hugging and crying to her father, who had come to help her.


Aslan and Shaw are thrust through their chests by Sloan's sad cry when he finally breaks the rain door but finds out there's no Pamela inside.

"Fool! Pamela is here."

Sloane, who was sitting in the room, went out into the garden with the mundane and ran over with Yotayota in the wake of the Pamela being held by Aslan.

"Pamela! Let's go to the sea bath!

Aslan and Shaw are stunned by Sloan's impatience as to whether he destroyed Pamela's room to go to the sea bath.

"No! I'm not playing with dragons! You're marrying Master Seagal!

Pamela got off her father's arm and ran away, but even if she was small, the dragon could fly, so she couldn't let her escape, and the garden of the rear palace, which was beautifully planted with flowers, is devastated.

"Father, isn't this a trick? It's time to stop or Sloan will destroy your temple."

Mia nearly faints when she sees the garden she manages and plants stunning flowers, repeatedly trampled and vandalized by Sloan, but scolds Aslan.

"Let me stop you now! That's terrible! Those flowers are hard to bloom!

Watch Sloan land on the corner planting precious alpine plants, staring at Aslan. Aslan panicked to stop Sloane saying this was awkward because he knew Mia had been letting him take care of it for years! I yelled, but I haven't heard a voice, so I decide to convince Pamela to do better.

"Pamela! I'm gonna let you marry Seagal, so play with Sloan!

Pamela jumped out of a tree in the garden in front of your father, really? and asks with his breath bouncing.

"I don't know if Seagal will get me a horse like this."


Shaw doubted that he had deliberately escaped from the way to the side of the flower that Mia cared about when he saw Pamela holding him to his father.

"Pamela! Gotcha! I want to bond with Pamela!

With Dosin and his head poked from his back, Pamela was pushed down by Sloan for each father.

"Sloan! I just hatched from an egg and I won't forgive you!

Meryl scolds me for not growing up, and when can we bond? and Sands and Shaw laughed as they remembered themselves, asking the parent dragon, Sloan.

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