Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

28 The Cadfell.

The meal with Queen Algiers ended soothingly. Traditional Surah Kingdom dishes resembled those of the Southeast Islands and were easy to eat for Shaw, and here too, spices were modest in the Royal Palace, so I ate a lot.

"It was a treat"

Queen Algiers is in a good mood for a healthy appetite for young Shaw and smiles at her again.

"Shaw's healthy."

After the meal, Death, who returned to Queen Alger's shoulder from the clash, nods to praise her for liking Shaw, who also eats well, and fools that the royal man is a snack these days.

"In the Kingdom of Surah, the diet of men is popular. It's lamentable, it would be better for a man to work out his body than to impose dietary restrictions. When you see a man nayonayo, you want to feed the snake god."

Shaw imagined that Snake God was a living bait, swallowed whole, and his back freaked out.

"Mother, when you say such horrible things, Master Shaw will be taken seriously. Master Shaw, the Snake God doesn't eat humans."

"Zelia, Shaw knows it's a joke"

To Death's words, really? And I sit next to Shaw and ask.

"Yes, Queen Alger must have just been mourned for the sloppiness of the man she is today."

Queen Algiers encourages Zelia to show her around the garden, smiling and watching as she likes Shaw.

The young Zelia nostalgic for Shaw and guided him through a stunning orchid that only blooms in the Surah kingdom of the garden, but he only looks about eight, so he was in the mood of dealing with his sister Marilyn unconsciously.

I wish I could have gone home just like that, but in the East Room, Zelia wanted to introduce Shaw to the L.A. she cherished the most as a sign of her favor.

"Master Shaw, I'd like you to meet my great best friend. It's called L.A."

Glittering his black eyes, he offers Shaw a little white snake on his palm from inside his sleeve. For a moment, Shaw was driven by the urge to jump away, but stomps at it with the utmost effort to hurt Zelia offering that she would be cute all the way.

"Ross, nice to meet you, I'm Shaw"

Somehow I said hello and it was a ho shaw.

"Shaw, nice to meet you"

Zelia says hello back to Ross with Pippi and a small voice, well! and rejoice.

"Ross, you can hear Master Shaw!

"I can hear you, and Shaw smells so good. When you grow up, you should be Zelia's son-in-law '

Zelia is blessed by her best friend Ross to dye her cheeks pop. Shaw was full of unexpected stories, but I think we need years before young Zelia grows up.

Ross hides in the clothes of Chorocholo and Princess Zelia as Tash stops on his shoulder after realizing Shaw was upset by the snake, albeit small.

"No more! Master Shaw's Tash won't eat L.A. I'm sorry, because Ross hatches from an egg and there's no time. '

Zelia begins to brag that Ross is a child of the Serpent God.

"I'm still scared because I'm a baby."

Baby Called Ross Faces Out Of Cholo Cholo And Collar Mouth, To Tash, Don't You Want To Eat? Ask a question.

"I Don't Eat Because I'm Full"

Happy with Tarsh's reply, he returned to Princess Zelia's palm. Shaw got used to little L.A., stopped wanting to jump out, and left the Royal Palace after a friendly conversation with Zelia in the East Room.

In the room in front of the Royal Palace's dock, he was worried about Shaw, who Ambassador Rebben had not quite returned to, but when officials told him he had safely left the Royal Palace with Tash, he sighed a ho of relief.

"Prince Shaw, I was worried because I couldn't get out"

Shaw apologized for keeping Zelia waiting because he was showing her around the garden after dinner, but Ambassador Raben was in a good mood for fun.

I went back to the embassy by boat and was asked by Root Dust and Leaf Dust for tea in the study.

"Ambassador Raben, Princess Zelia is still young."

To Shaw's words, Ambassador Raben tilts his neck.

"Princess Zelia is almost 11 years old. Prince Shaw and I are three years old different, so I think you look great..."

I am surprised that Prince Shaw was only about eight years old, so Ambassador Raben wonders if he is someone else and asks this question.

"He showed me a little white snake who could talk to me about Ross. You said it was a snake god's child?

When I hear Prince Shaw spoke to Ross, I assure him that Ambassador Raben is Princess Zelia.

"We haven't been able to investigate the name Ross, but there are only a few snakes we can talk to and so on in the Kingdom of Sura, so it's Princess Zelia."

When Shaw tells Ambassador Raben that he felt young compared to Erica and Pamela, he laughs bitterly that that would be impossible compared to the dragon princesses.

"The princesses of King Aslan are feared to be dragon princesses, because they inherit beauty, brains and temperament. Princess Zelia must be a layman. Well, the people of the Kingdom of Surah are basically relaxed. Rather, Queen Algiers is the exception."

I sympathize that Queen Algiers is struggling when Ambassador Reuben asks me about the lazy bureaucracy in the Kingdom of Surah.

"What sweet things! Queen Alger, the handyman, is a mighty man who has merged a small neighboring country. Don't let your luscious figure and soft waist fool you!

Ambassador Raben scolds me and I honestly reply that Shaw figured it out, but asks the royal man if the diet is popular.

"Oh, you mean Prince Jenas. He and the others around him are parasites of the Kingdom of Surah. Sure, he'll be about 20, but he's just playing with Prapra, and there's nothing he can do about it. It's a cereal crush. I don't think she's a wise, hard-working Prince of Queen Algiers, but I have no doubt she's the Queen's first prince."

In the Kingdom of Surah, the Queen ruled the country for generations, but more importantly the ability to talk to the Serpent God, and Shaw had learned that for generations there were times when the King ruled without his abilities being passed on to the Princess.

If Prince Jenas was 20 and Princess Zelia was 11, Shaw asks Ambassador Raben if he would have grown up thinking he would be king at a young age.

"I hear Prince Jenas can't talk to the Serpent God, so he won't put it on the throne. But the people around you seem to be smoking sweet juice. I'm not sure, but the ambassadors of the kingdom of Kazalia, McQueen, Cherotov of the Kingdom of Laurent, Bentley of the Kingdom of Iran, and the ambassadors of the three kingdoms, Prince Jenas seems to be doing something good. I don't think you have a dumb ambassador riding such a dumb prince, but you might be pretending to ride it."

Shaw feels like he smelled corruption behind politics.

"If too much prank passes, you'll be sacrificed by the Snake God."

"Princess Zelia said that snake gods don't eat humans. Ambassador Raben, it's no use threatening me."

To Prince Shaw, who made a strong statement with Tung, Ambassador Raben could not contain the temptation to tell a horrible story.

"Usually Snake God would be rational and not eat humans or anything like that. But once a few years when you peel, they're going to be very violent. To curb the frustration then... Prince Shaw! Are you all right! It's a rumor, because it's a rumor without a scratch!

To Shaw, who made me look pale imagining a giant snake god peeling off, shit! and Ambassador Raben reflects on his horror lovers and apologizes that it is a joke or a rumor without roots or leaves.

The ambassador, who at the end of his visit would like not only to meet Princess Zelia face-to-face, but also to solve the problem of the deal at all, reflects on his bad habits and suggests that if distractions go to see if the Dragon and the Cadfell have arrived to the harbor.

"It could take a couple of days already, but maybe we're here. And even if the Cadofel isn't there, there are always a few ships in the Southeast Islands Union. You can take a tour of the city of Salizan."

Sweet to Ambassador Raben's favor, desperate and sesame, Shaw heads to the harbor with Pips, Wonder, Version and when he changes into his regular clothes.

There are many ships in the harbour that export rice and those that carry wheat, some of which are merchant ships in the Southeast Islands.

"Not yet, you haven't arrived on the Cadfell. It's been 12 days since we sailed Chennai, so maybe around tomorrow"

Wonder and the version are about Pips' education in life at the embassy, easier said and more comfortable, but I'm disappointed because I was thirsty to see the nostalgic Cadfell.

Pips saw the sea from the air when he arrived at Salizan, but only chilled. I watched the blue and shining sea far from the embassy on the high ground, but I glanced at the horizon at the harbor.

There was no way Sands would want to come near the sea and take a sea bath.

"Shaw! Let's go to the seawater bath!

Shaw got tired from lunch with Queen Alger, so I agree with Sands' suggestion.

"Yes, can Pips swim? The Southeast Islands are island countries, so it's normal to be able to swim."

"We take fish in the river, so we can swim a little bit. I didn't know dragons liked to swim so much."

Not only Sands, but Shirin also makes a noise about wanting to take a sea bath as a woot in the sea that should be seen for the first time.

'We can't do it in the harbor, so let's go a little north. Find an unpopular coast

I chose the north because I perceived the feelings of the two martial officers waiting unconsciously for the Cadfell. The triangle state of Salizan was vast and flew quite north to finally descend on an unpopular coast.

Sands and Shirin make a scene asking me to take the saddle off quickly, watching as the two dragons laughed as they dived lavishly into the sea, but Shaw, who was unzapped by the heat and humidity, took off his jacket and ran into the sea.

"It feels good ~! Everybody, come on ~"

Wonder suggested taking turns trying to keep an eye on him and let Version and Pips go first. I thought I couldn't let Shaw swim without watching.

The version belongs to the Navy, and I was born and raised in the Southeast Islands, so I was good at swimming, but the swimming method is that Pips is barely drowning. The two coached Pips on how to swim in the same year, but Pips will experience the saltiness of the water in the ocean more than once.

When Wonder and his version took turns watching him on the tight beach of lighting back, he was used to junior instruction, so he carefully instructed Pips on the wrong way to swim, so that he could be exceptionally seen swimming that he didn't know if he was drowning or swimming.

"Later, we only have practice!

Wonder also tries vegan diving when he sees Shaw diving vegan during Pips' swimming instruction and taking shrimp and shellfish. Version and Pips prepare a flame for baking shrimp or shellfish or a branch to sting shrimp.

"It's quite delicious"

Wonder cheeks and rejoices as he hassles to peel off the shrimp he took himself. Pips seems busy eating freshly removed sea delights without even telling them, Shaw, is it delicious? Ask.

"Embassy food is delicious too, but this feels particularly delicious!

We all laugh that the dishes that just baked fresh shrimp and shellfish are certainly better.

The dragons, who enjoyed a seawater bath and took a nap on the hot sandy beach, also woke up, and Shaw and the others returned to the embassy, but when they looked at the city of Salizan from the harbor, the giant golden serpent entered their eyes and Shaw's tension dropped a little.

Shaw had a meeting in the morning, in the afternoon and with some lazy bureaucrats like Ambassador Raben, and from around three o'clock he sent a day to check whether the Cadfell had arrived with a seawater bath.

Until about the 14th, 15th and 16th, however, both Wonder and Version said that the delay in sailing was tedious, unfortunately only looking at the harbor, but gradually began to represent haste and anxiety.

Shaw also turned to the ships of the southeastern islands that were berthed in the harbour, asking if he had seen the Cadofer, but all the merchant ships that sailed through the Hate Algiers Sea and brought the wheat and wine of the Kingdom of Iran, and no news was known.

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