Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

5 Tarsch and the Biographical Dove

Shaw thought about his homework from Ambassador Lillick, but he seemed to understand, and his head was about to flake without knowing, and he goes to the Dragon House to tell Sands he's off.

The dragon house is cold at night, so some Tash moved from the garden tree to the beam, so Shaw asks if he ate properly.

"He ate the pigeon he was flying, but he was a biographical pigeon. When I was at the Royal Palace in Eduardo, they told me not to assault the scripture dove, but I forgot '.

Shaw frowned that it was going to be a problem in the district where the embassy was gathered and that the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands was letting him attack the biographical dove with an eagle, and asked him not to do it anymore.

'Okay, no more, no more letterhead pigeons to attack. But I'm tired of chickens. I want other rabbits and foxes. Can we go hunting in the suburbs?

Shaw answers Tash tomorrow when he asks Crown Prince Alexei if he can hunt in the royal hunting grounds.

I didn't like the fact that Tash could hunt and rub in other noble lands, and I thought it would be troublesome if even arrows were fired at to capture him. Tash replies that he finds out Hung, puts a small metal cylinder in his mouth and spits it on Shaw's head.

'It hurts, already. Ah! Isn't this a letter from a message dove...'

I felt a little pathetic about the eaten biographical dove, but I couldn't help but eat it, and with the cylinder I picked up in my pocket, Shaw had a rest conversation with Sands.

"Sands, isn't it cold?

The walls of the dragon house were thick and kept out of the wind, and the straw lay multieyed.

'Shaw, dragons are fine with the heat and cold. Plus, I got punk to be nice to me, and I got sheep. They say there's a lot of energy when it's cold. Shirin ate sheep, too. "

Punk, a partner of Captain Berige, a dragon knight with an embassy, opened one eye in the words of Sands and closed it again. Shaw tells Sands he's off to go home to the embassy, saying he shouldn't wake up sleeping punks or cylinders.

Shaw, who tried to change into bedtime clothes in his room, recalls that he left a cylinder with a letter from a message dove in his pocket.

"I wonder what's going on? If it's important, you'll have trouble reaching them. But I have to read the contents of it... and if it's a letter from an embassy, I haven't received this letter because Tash attacked a message dove, and if I go and say anything, it'll be an international problem."

I sat in a chair, picked a cartridge of letters at my fingertips and looked at it, but it opened like I pushed a patch and a protuberance somewhere to open a hinge.

"Whew! I opened it ~. What should I do... don't read other people's letters..."

With that said, stretch the paper wrapped in a circle with your fingertips.

"What? This..."

Shaw, who had left the letter on the table just to see it chill, changes his complexion and holds it in both hands to read it out seriously.

"I can't believe I'm flying such a noisy letter with a biographical dove..."

It said there that it would be better to abolish Crown Prince Alexei and marry Princess Misha, the commoner, and the dragon knight to inherit the throne, recruiting comrades, with the signature 'The Old Imperial Knights'.

"Very funny naming, but the content isn't funny."

Shaw sighs, wondering if the inconsiderate young nobles rebelled against the foreign-grown Prince Alexei to set up a stupid organization. I don't know who sent such a noisy letter to a stupid friend back in the territory with a message dove, and I couldn't tell Shaw how serious I was.

If we imitate such a foolish act in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, we will all be appalled that it is suicidal, but the University of Paloma will be finished in style.

In the Kingdom of Cazaria there is Prince Stewart, Princess Henrietta and the common son Sherry, but I am not even thinking about making Prince Stewart obsolete as one, so I am fooled by jokes. Prince Stewart is natural, but he grew up playing and learning with the sons of the heavy ministers in his own country, so he was all concerned and loving that they would be worthy of being the next king.

However, Prince Alexei grew up in seclusion with the mother of the former Crown Princess, who had been divorced at an early age by his grandfather King Georg, and he finally lived in exile in the Kingdom of Cazaria until he was 25. On top of that, the former King Georg, who had puppeted King Rudolph, wanted the hostages of King Rudolph, who would defy him one by one, and kept demanding the return of Princes Alexei and Narcisse from the Kingdom of Cazaria, so it was also a situation not to come to the Embassy.

And even though his body was weakening, the former King Georg, who had lived sucking his life up from the dragons with magic, finally returned home to help his father King Rudolph when his heart stopped at the limit.

"It was not until now, three years ago, that Prince Alexei was returned from the Kingdom of Cazaria. Were you happy when he grew up in the Kingdom of Cazaria for nearly 20 years from the time he was six years old? Or..."

To Shaw, while Prince Alexei was in the Kingdom of Cazaria, he wondered if the hostility he had had with his own ambassador was connected to his distrust of the minister. I frown that the former King Georg would not be satisfied only with his elegantly elegant letter to King Eduardo demanding the return of the two princes, and that he must have let the ambassadors present devise coercive means.

"I feel so bad for Prince Alexei, who grew up wary of being abducted and kidnapped by people in his own country since he was a child"

Growing up under the protection of his father and Mia in the outhouse, although there was factional strife between his brothers, Shaw sighs that Prince Alexei's hardships, even though they could be understood by his head, could not be understood from his heart, as he studied together, trained in martial arts and enjoyed a relaxing sea bath.

"Ah! Isn't Princess Ariena, who grew up in the Kingdom of Iran with love for the friendly king and his wife, just like me? You grew up spoiled more freely than I did. Because the king of any country is sweet to the princess... is this it? What's the answer to Ambassador Lillick's homework? Close but I feel a little different... I wonder what's wrong with being too good."

Tomorrow at noon, Crown Prince Alexei and I will begin discussing Dakat gold coins, so Shaw goes into bed after thinking about his homework.

"In the morning, I have to show Ambassador Lillick the letter of the message dove... no way Ambassador Lillick's plotting to create a" Old Empire Knights "or a fictional organization, right? Yeah, that said, the embassy is consolidating around here. No way, the Kingdom of Iran will not want the abolition of its son-in-law, Prince Alexei, and the Kingdom of Cazaria..."

The Kingdom of Cazaria has been working with the Kingdom of Laurent and the mines on the border for many years, and a dark idea came to mind, but I thought there was no point in abolishing Crown Prince Alexei, who grew up in his own country.

As soon as I put my head on the pillow trying to get to bed early, I couldn't get rid of it with such a stupid letter, but the thought came to me that if Crown Prince Alexei knew, it might inspire me to be suspicious and united with the disgruntled nobles in the country as well, a thought-provoking ploy that showed up as a poor operation, and Shaw didn't quite sleep.

The next morning, sleeping Shaw wakes up with Pips pulling a curtain.

"Prince Shaw, it's time to wake up"

Even though it's late in the morning in the north, Pipps makes me rush to Shaw thinking with a bongy head that the morning sun is already plugged into bed, please finish washing and changing clothes quickly.

Pipps added firewood to the bedroom fireplace and turned the fire on, but I feel like I don't want to get out of the futon. To a rare, sleepless show, Pipps went on the absurd move of pulling off the futon, so reluctantly, washing his face and changing his clothes.

Ambassador Lillick, Rosina and Captain Lessa finish breakfast in the dining room and have tea after dinner. Rosina bakes Shaw worthy of care, and Ambassador Lillick and Captain Lessa chill out and watch it hot in the morning.

"While we're discussing this with Prince Alexei, Rosina is a tour of the Royal Palace with Crown Princess Ariena, isn't she? We can have lunch together. Come on, take good care of me. Get dressed."

When Rosina leaves for the room, Shaw shows Ambassador Lillick the message dove letter.

Look, Ambassador Lillick thinks, uh-huh.

"I can't say enough about this. But it's horrible that you don't even think this letter was flown just one. Signatures are ridiculous, too, but is it a miso of this issue that stupid young nobles are likely to think of names? The only reason Crown Prince Alexei wants to be on his side from now on is because he's a younger nobleman than a hard-headed old man. I don't think you're seriously willing to make" The Old Empire Knights, "but I know Prince Alexei will be a suspect."

Shaw is horrified that Ambassador Lillick didn't seem to have set up such a ridiculous ploy.

"You shouldn't put so much thought into your face about this. Now, while Princess Rosina is dressed, let's have a discussion meeting with Prince Alexei."

It was a show that was pulled by the study and treated neatly in the morning.

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