Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

1 A grain of pearl

From the inspection of Sands Island and Chennai, the visit to the Kingdom of Surah, the visit to the Kingdom of Laurent and the crew of the Cadofel, almost all around the world with Prince Shaw on board, sail with the wolves towards Leyte. After confiscating the illegitimate accumulation of the manager during the Chennai casino crusade, he was hocking after receiving restitution money from the Iranian kingdom in the crusade for the Pachens.

In exchange Shaw was tired of diplomacy in the Kingdom of Laurent, and Rosina was disappointed that she could not monopolize it because Lara would be there if she returned to Leyte. But Rosina pulls next to Shaw leaning against the Sands in an effort to thoroughly enjoy a situation where there are few remaining rivals.

"Master Shaw, if you let go of the magic of the wind, you'll be tired, won't you?

Shaw laughs bitterly that Rosina wants to prolong the time she spends together.

"Rosina, when we get back this far, we can fly home in the Sands to Leyte. But you don't have to leave the Cadofel behind for hanging out with me on my errands and hurry back to Reite, do you? Hey, I thought of something good. There's a little island nearby in my mother's hometown, but let's stop by and play. You can hang out on the Cadfell for half a day, but the Sands will chase you. Rosina would be tired of diplomacy, too, so let's take a sea bath and go. I'll buy you another veil on Mario Island, so you can get dressed and take a sea bath."

When Captain Lessa heard, he whispered to Rosina's ear something easygoing that seemed angry, and the two tried to fly off the deck as they rode the Sands.

"Prince Shaw! Where are you going?

To Captain Lessa's scream, he turns the Kuru Sands over the Cadfell and says back out loud that he's going to stop by for a moment.

"I'm stopping by Mario Island, where my grandfather lives. The Cadofel will sail the normal route to Leyte, and we'll catch up in the evening!

Captain Lessa hastily tries to get Pipps to chase him with cylinder, but is nailed not to let Shaw, who has been swirling with Gurli, get in the way of his date.

What shall we do with Pips? and looked up at Captain Lessa's face, but he does shake his neck sideways that Shaw would also need a distraction.

Moving away from the Cadfell for Sands and Mario Island, Shaw found Tash, who had been chasing after him.

"Tash, you're following me."

Is Mario like Sands Island?

"There are more people living there than on Sands Island, except there's no hot springs. Are you with me? There was a beautiful fountain."

Tired of the cold Kingdom of Laurent, Tarsch headed to Shaw and Mario Island to stretch his feathers in the Southeast Islands.

"Look, that island is Mario. It's a small island, but it'll be beautiful."

Surrounded by coral reefs, Mario Island is a heavenly island with white sandy beaches, green coconut trees and colorful flowers in the emerald green sea.

"Nice island. I want to live here with Master Shaw."

Mario Island just looks nice because she's used to living in luxury, and I couldn't imagine Rosina becoming the fisherman's wife here, but Shaw kisses you as cute.

As soon as he got down to the white beach on Mario Island, Sands jumped into the sea. He remained generous on the deck, so he didn't wear a saddle, but Shaw sat Rosina in front of him and held her.

"You two would be fine without a saddle. Oh, but I don't like riding with a guy..."

Imagine Shaw hugging Captain Lessa from behind and riding, the two laugh off.

"I said I'd buy you some more sauce or something, but shit! You don't have a store, do you? I think there's something at my grandfather's house. It's a small house, but the wind's coming through and it feels good."

Shaw's grandfather Kerin delights in his grandson's sudden visit with seared wrinkles like fishermen cushioning his deep face.

"Such a beautiful daughter, will you be Shaw's wife? After all, he's a prince."

Rosina dyes her cheeks with heartfelt praise that is not Kellin's compliment.

"My name is Rosina, thank you"

Shaw apologizes from the warship on his way back to Leyte for not being able to take his time just dropping by.

"Grandfather, is there any old clothes or furthersails that Rosina might be able to wear in a sea bath? Hopefully, if I had some old pants, it would help if I didn't go home with my wet pants on..."

Kellin flipped through the costume box in the little house and now came out with pants that her independent uncles had when she was a boy and a further veil that her mother Ruby had left behind.

"Well, that's a very cute pattern furthering. I'm not in a seawater bath."

Rosina liked the old fashioned gauze, which is now less, so she hesitated to put it on the sea water, but Shaw made fun of me if I wanted to swim naked, already! and pretend to be angry and get dressed in the back.

Shaw also puts his everyday pants on his old pants and sits in the chair he keeps in the garden and talks to his grandfather and waits.

"Thank you for waiting"

Rosina came out wrapped like a summer dress from her neck, wondering how to get a fur veil printed with colorful flowers and birds on the red ground.

"Shaw, you, you mustn't be bad until the wedding!

My grandfather worried that Shaw, who was dyeing her cheeks on a very attractive Rosina, would be okay, but the young couple ran to the beach laughing.

Rosina is also viewed by Shaw as just wearing her old-school trousers, and spends more time hanging and kissing each other on water than on a sea bath for two.

Rosina wrapped the gauze around her and when she entered the sea, she sucked it on her body perfectly, and Shaw crackled.

"Rosina, wait in the shade! I have to play with Sands."

I was a little sorry that Shaw ran off swimming to the puffy floating Sands offshore when he didn't seem to feel the desire for himself to keep his grandfather's sayings, but Rosina regains her temper that she still has time until the evening.

"I would also like to have a wedding with Lara for Master Shaw's bar mitzvah. It's boring that you're behind because you're not old enough to be 15 for just a few months. Master Shaw is mine..."

Rosina thinks innocently of Shaw diving into the sea with Sands, looking like a cute angel, trying to somehow get ahead of Lara.

I put the white flowers of Hibiscus, which were blooming a little further than the beach, over my ears, and picked up the coconut leaves and laid them down so that Shaw could sit with me when I came out of the sea bath with Sands.

"Spread the gauze over this and you'll have a new floor full of fun."

It was Rosina, who dyed her cheeks pop on her own words, but she forgot her grandfather Kellin.

"Ooh! You'd be hungry! Come on up!

Shaw thanked his grandfather for treating the goats to Sands as well, and Rosina did miss fresh fruits and vegetables on her sailing trip. Freshly removed fish and shrimp were delicious too, but the two felt a little resentful.

Rosina had a chance! And regret it. But make Shaw's upper body nude a good one because he could be alone. Shaw had skinny but beautiful muscles because he was in martial arts training.

Shaw felt Rosina's gaze and mistakenly thought she was looking at the dragon-hearted stone that was lowering to her chest.

"Grandfather, will you boil me some hot water to wash Rosina's hair? If the girl stays seawater on, her hair gets hurt. Rosina, wash your hair and get dressed."

Saying so, Shaw has popped out of the house, so Rosina waits as she washes her hair in hot water and dresses in awe.

"Rosina! Look, this! I picked it up at sea."

A stunning pearl with an earlier thumb shined on the flat of his hand, which was offered wet.

"What? Didn't you like it? Oh, Rosina has a lot of pearls..."

Hugged by Gabba, Shaw, who was about to drop his flat pearl, hurriedly grips, hugs Rosina.

Kellin, surprised by her grandson's love scene, softly sat outside the house, distracted, waiting for a storm of love to pass, crying and thanking and kissing.

"Ruby, the prince you gave birth to looks happy."

Kerin, who had never left relaxed Mario Island, could not imagine the back of Shaw's living politics and all he could see was a beautiful pardon and the happy appearance of a young man who had dived into the sea and taken pearls for that pardon.

Let Shaw and Rosina have a pile of dried seafood and live happily ever after - Kellin dropped him off.

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