Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

14 Proposal to Melissa?

Shaw was aboard the Mascarade, passing through the Prius Canal.

"Prince Philip gave you a priority pass. Some captains say you should go around Cape Perignon these days if you want to wait for the order of the Prius Canal."

Sure, from the waiting merchant ship, Shaw shrugged his shoulders as he felt a resentful gaze.

"I don't want Princess Melissa resenting me for stopping the proposal."

Unfortunately for Philip about how serious he is, Shaw, who got a priority pass, looks at the hard-to-go secondary work on the Prius Canal.

"It's unlikely that a big ship will make it through."

Captain Young makes a pessimistic observation that when large ships are able to pass, they will only wait longer in order.

"Sure enough - the matter of waiting in order is always under negotiation. I wonder if the merchant ships of the Kingdom of Iran are favoured."

Shaw was discussing it with Ambassador Nuton and the Kingdom of Iran, but sighs when the other side is not likely to give in either.

"Yes, have you ever exchanged hostages in the Principality of Malta?

Captain Young replies that there is a face that chewed up the bitter bug.

"Not really, it doesn't seem like a pleasant memory, but I want you to talk to me. In fact, King Gregorius asked me to investigate whether my sons, who were to study at the University of Paloma aboard the Marigold, would be exchanged hostages in the Principality of Malta. If I'm asked for ransom, I think the letter has arrived to my family..."

Captain Young. Uh-huh. Arm up and think.

"If you're a young warrant lady, your life would be saved, but hey. Sons, huh? But it could be. The pirates are greedy, so they may be locking up their well-dressed sons in an attempt to demand ransom by the time most of the Marigold camouflage. Because it is enough to feed the food, even porridge, and you should put the food bill among the captives on the family and charge them."

"It's a rower."

To Shaw's word, it's natural! and Captain Young speaks ill of the pirates.

"When I swapped hostages before, I didn't know my son was the father when he came to pick up a skinny old merchant. Only to the extent that I didn't die, I guess I didn't feed you. It smelled terrible, and instead of an inspiring reunion..."

Well, Shaw flatters his shoulder that he wouldn't have felt like hugging his stinking father.

"Oh, yeah! If my sons were really held hostage, it would be awkward to have a war with the Duchy of Malta. I was wondering if Ambassador Bacchus could find out?

Shaw tilts his neck because he had no knowledge of the Ambassador of Bacchus in the Principality of Malta.

"Ambassador Bacchus will be in front of the pirates, so you'll be fine!

Shaw frowned that it was a problem, as he appreciated his country's ambassador.

"I'm an ambassador who doesn't want to get too involved."

Shaw felt his spine was kind of freaking out, so he wished he'd just gotten to Lexington Harbor. The voyage continued smoothly, as pirates were trekking in the Algiers Sea, but there was no way they were going to set up warships in the Southeast Islands.

Shaw leans against Sands on deck and thinks about what he proposes to Melissa as he sends the wind into the sail.

"Melissa, who is aiming for the First Lady, will eventually leave me. I was raised so dearly by Mia that I have no complaints... Watching Erica or Pamela, the girl is pathetic, isn't she? Like Lara and Mimi's mother Labita, I'd like you to grow up somewhat before you become First Lady."

This isn't the language of the proposal, Shaw sighs.

"Melissa...... do you love me? It's a little different... No, I'm sure I love you..."

Shaw thinks about what he likes about Melissa.

I like the color of Melissa, and I like her loose curly hair. I'm smart, I like places that sound like if I hit them, and I love places that are a little bit awkward. I can respect your enthusiasm for studying, and Shaw wants you to get in on the consultation.

"Oh, I'm not proposing at all."

Sands sighs heavily when it doesn't help Shaw's troubles.

I couldn't think of any words for the proposal, but the Mascarade safely made it to Lexington Harbor. While aiming for the embassy in New Paloma at Sands, Shaw still worried about the language of the proposal, so he can't keep up with Ambassador Pasham's enthusiastic welcome.

"Prince Shaw, it's been a while. Looks like you've grown up something! Oh, of course, we can celebrate the mitzvah, so it's natural!

Like Ambassador Pasham's shagging, which only looks like a Pompous Raccoon, Shaw sighs until he calms down, not where he proposes to Melissa.

"Hey, I came to New Paloma with something I wanted to order. Don't you know any stores that handle excellent cutting blades?

Shaw had been led by Stewart while studying at the University of Paloma to go to a knife store and buy a universal knife for his brother Marche, but he didn't know if he could order a female like this one.

Ambassador Pasham is told to run errands, and if he has a tail, he just seems to shake it off, and he asks the staff to guide him.

At the store that Ambassador Pasham guided me to, Shaw shows me sketched open females to implant nuclei in pearl shells and orders.

"I'd like to try some different. I think I will order a large number of them later because they are user-friendly."

Pincett bought a medical one, but the scalpel was pretty big and seemed impossible for detailed work.

"Right! Surgery is mostly just an injury or something. What? What do you do when you have an appendix or something?

You still have an appendix, and Shaw, who pressed his stomach and got anxious, but speaking of which, I don't ask if he died of an appendix or anything, so I wonder if the therapist is scattering it.

In the carriage, Ambassador Pasham says it's a banquet tonight, so Shaw is confused.

I'm here to propose to Melissa, not if she's making more noise at the banquet. Tonight I postpone trying to give up the proposal.

Because Shaw hadn't thought of a word yet, or even met Melissa.

When Shaw arrived at the embassy, Melissa was going to the University of Paloma, so Ambassador Pasham said I should call him back, but stopped because he was coming back in the evening.

But when I wait at the embassy like this, Shaw has time to hope to see Melissa soon.

"Master Shaw, did you want it? Tell me, you're back."

Melissa, who I haven't seen in a long time, was lively and it was clear to Shaw that she was enjoying her life at Paloma University.

"No, I didn't think it was a good idea to interrupt my studies."

Melissa smiles and glances gently at her cheeks according to Shaw's side, insisting that you didn't want to see her as soon as possible.

"No way, I regretted dressing up as Ambassador Pasham. Melissa, you're enjoying the University of Paloma."

Melissa was still stunned by Shaw, who wasn't going to have a romantic conversation, but there were a lot of things she wanted to report.

"Master Shaw was taking Professor Ann Granger's Female Studies, wasn't he?

Shaw nodded when he heard his nostalgic name, but wished he would stop making it short haired okapa.

"Oh, that group of imitators. Making your hair the same as Professor Granger makes no sense if you have to be financially independent. Besides, Master Shaw won't stop hearing that I'm taking women's studies."

Shaw flaunts his shoulder when he was taking the course himself, but there is no stopping him.

"Right... I'm funny about women's studies, but I'm not going to get along with the girls I'm taking. Because I don't feel the will to stand on my own."

Shaw defends Melissa's harsh criticism because in the Kingdom of Cazaria, women only work in women or sellers.

"Well, yes..."

"No way, Melissa, did they say something to you?

Shaw was worried that the marriage system in the Southeast Islands would be easily misunderstood in the three former empires and would be difficult to accept, especially by bee women human rights activists.

"Well, they said that, but I'm not dealing with them. And Professor Granger's lectures are interesting, so I want to keep taking them, okay?

"You don't have to ask me for permission. You just have to be free to choose the lecture Melissa wants to take. Oh, yeah! I plan to get married in a year, but I don't care what you postpone..."

Melissa rejected me for a kiss, and Shaw forgot to even propose.

Ambassador Pasham was ready for the banquet, but Prince Shaw and Princess Melissa are in a good mood at the salon, so he waited outside the door to come and go, but knocks that it would be time.

"Oh, I'll be in trouble for banquet lover Ambassador Pasham."

Regretting that Shaw should have proposed before he left, he eats at Ambassador Pasham's banquet.

Apart from Captain Young and the officers on the Mascarade, not only embassy staff, but also strange young civilians from Shaw were at the banquet.

"Are these the civilians that Ambassador Pasham called in as Melissa's alumni and escort? Is that it? He..."

Finding an unexpected figure, Shaw approaches him as he stands off his seat and drinks.

I can't believe Shaw recommended booze to the people who attended the banquet. Ambassador Pasham was glaring at me when I was grown up, but I just wanted to realize Grave was near the end of the seat and talk to him.

Shaw did not know that Grave, who was Erica's permission to marry, was studying at the University of Paloma.

"Hey, guys, what are you studying at the University of Paloma?

Each of the ten or so civilians will answer the question of the economy and the law.

"Prince Shaw, I'm studying law"

Grave is only to be chosen for Erica's marriage, and he looks like a smart young man to see.

"Right! I want to develop laws in the Southeast Islands. Because it's too jurisprudential, and that jurisprudence is too often decided by the king. I want you to learn and go home."

Inspired by Shaw, Grave was thrilled, but surely Erica could have had a heavy load. As a legal scholar, I'll pass by my sister's former permission to talk to the next clerk.

William is a dragon fool, but instead of being swayed by Erica, Shaw decides he's a good couple when he's starting to hang out at his own pace. If Grave married Erica, he would have been frightened by Princess Dragon to live.

Meet Grave, who looks like an excellent civilian, but weak pusher, and Shaw says he's glad he's no longer engaged to Erica, ho.

Civilians who were allowed to study at the University of Paloma were selected not only as alumni and escorts for Melissa, but each carrying a next generation. Shaw admits reluctantly that the banquet does have a good side.

"It's good to be close to people who usually only talk about their work at banquets."

Ambassador Pasham sees through the bottom of his belly, and Shaw is disappointed, but he just sighs that apart from being a banquet lover. Being unable to propose to Melissa as she was, she endured a long banquet, determined to do so in the morning.

"Shit! I overslept!"

Recommended Good Ambassador Pasham drinks up and Shaw gets angry with the futon when Melissa was about to propose in the east room of the garden before she went to college.

The embassy servants saw Shaw awake, so they waited in the room to prepare the wash, but were distracted to see him fighting the futon.

"Prince Shaw, oh, haven't you changed yet? You guys, get ready for a bath. When you came to the royal palace, King Eduardo wrote to you. Come on, get out of bed."

Shaw crawls out of bed, and Melissa? I asked, but Ambassador Pasham rushed me to the university.

"What more can King Edoardo do for you than that?

Shaw twists his neck, saying that the Kingdom of Kazaria also had as many problems as a mountain, but there was nothing urgent.

"Come on, did you come up with something knowing Prince Shaw came to New Paloma? Oh, you want me to hear about your plans to build a shipyard in the Kingdom of Laurent and attract you to the northwest of your country? Then the warships of the Southeast Islands will be guarded, and even merchant ships will be fine warships in the Kingdom of Cazaria."

For Christ's sake, Shaw immersed in the bath thinks that without the Kingdom of Salam, the Kingdom of Cazaria might be better off than the Kingdom of Laurent.

But King Edoardo summoned him on business with Ambassador Shaw and Ambassador Pasham.

"Prince Shaw, welcome to New Paloma. By the way, where's Tash?

This! It was controlled by the Magellan Foreign Secretary, but Shaw and Ambassador Pasham are taken aback.

"Um, Tash has just returned from the midwinter kingdom of Laurent to Reite, and the cold skies of New Paloma have not followed him."

King Edoardo looks sorry.

"When I was wondering if Tarsch was coming home, I heard Prince Shaw was coming... Do you feel like coming home?

Shaw was a little hard to say, but he braces his belly that he will soon receive a report from Ambassador Shepherd.

"Either way, Tash will return to King Edoardo. That's what Tarsch said..."

Not only King Eduardo, but even the Magellan Foreign Secretary and Ambassador Pasham are irritated by the way things are said to have caught in the back teeth of Shaw, who tries to convey them distantly to the difficulty of speaking.

"No way, is Tash ill? Wasn't the kingdom of Laurent in the middle of winter tight for Tash, who is getting older?

The Magellan Foreign Secretary and Ambassador Pasham will separate King Edoardo, who will be stuffed in Shaw.

"Prince Shaw? You should tell him clearly. How did Tash not come with New Paloma?

Ambassador Pasham panics, too, wondering if it was also a glitch for Tash, who King Edoardo cherishes after the bonded dragon Mars.

"Eh, from the extremely cold Kingdom of Laurent, back at the Midsummer Reite... Tash has had an affair with a beautiful eagle named White Snow kept in the Royal Palace, and now he's taking turns warming his eggs. Oh, when the chick hatched? I think I'll go home when I'm done raising my kids."

King Edoardo also prepared several excellent female eagles for the royal palace each spring.

"Why! How much I wanted to see Tarsch chick..."

Maybe Shaw was because of the fierce difference between the cold in the Kingdom of Laurent and the warmth of Reite? and clasp his shoulders.

"Well, well, isn't it the story that Tarsh left me with offspring that I want to see out? Prince Shaw, I guess you can give me the Tarsch chicks."

In lieu of depressed King Eduardo, Magellan Foreign Secretary claims ownership of the chicks. Shaw wonders how to tie up a flying eagle? I think.

"Um, I'm sure she's a Tarsch chick, but King Aslan's white snow laid her eggs, didn't it? Prince Shaw? How many eggs did you have?"

I'm surprised Ambassador Pasham is willing to take control of the chick ownership dispute.

"I don't know how many eggs there were. Besides, when Tash returns to New Paloma, if you want to take the chicks home, I think that's fine. However, if the chicks want to become adult eagles and live in warm laites, let them be free."

Both Ambassador Pasham and Foreign Minister Magellan review Shaw as an adult response.

But no, Shaw spent a few days without being able to propose to Melissa.

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