"Melissa, I'll write to you again. And..."

Ambassador Pasham reminds his young fiancées, who take time to say goodbye, of their youth, and their breasts cum even though they are raccoons.

"Now, Ambassador Pasham, I'd like you to meet Melissa."

Finally, while riding the Sands, ask yourself to take care of your fiancée, Ambassador Pasham, of course! and slapped Pong and Chest.

Shaw, his chest, but he just looks like a raccoon's belly drum.

Shaw laughs and heads to the Mascarade, which is getting ready to sail at Sands and Lexington Harbor.

"Prince Shaw, you're ready to sail. Let's go home to Reite."

By order of Captain Young, the officers and cadets gave their respective crew a loud order, and the Mascarade gained momentum at once.

"Huh, I'd really like to go home around Chennai Trading Base or Sands Island"

Captain Young had also sailed the East Route on the Mascarade several times, so he was confident that he would safely send Shaw to Reite.

But King Aslan's orders are absolute, so I don't even think for a moment of trying to defy them.

It was the Mascarade, which was well southbound along the coast of the Kingdom of Cazaria, but the clouds have become suspicious since the time it entered the Algiers Sea around the Clayton Peninsula.

"Prince Shaw, this is going to storm. In the ports of the kingdom of Kazalia or the Kingdom of Iran, will you survive the storm?

"The Mascarade will be fine."

Neither Captain Young nor Shaw thought it was a major storm at this point, so they took the path towards Perignon.

If you sail east along the coast of the Kingdom of Iran, you will take the route through the Prius Canal to Leyte. Merchant ships wait in turn to choose their course, but the warship Mascarade chose a course for the Cape of the Prius Peninsula.

The fast-paced Mascarade sails past a merchant fleet of other large and medium-sized merchant ships that have made the same choice.

"It might be a little awkward"

The Ancient Ginseng crew clasps their shoulders and squeezes their amulets when the storm in these hands is of poor quality.

The Mascarade withstood the storm, which grew stronger gradually, and the magic of Shaw's wind, so I can handle it adequately.

"Do you think the merchant fleet that trailed us along the way could survive the storm?

Captain Young makes a difficult face to Shaw's inquiry.

"I think if the captain decides to be prepared to throw away his luggage, he can weather the storm. You may be hesitant to throw them away because they will be loaded with iron products, ceramics, cocoa, coffee, spices and pricey luggage from the Kingdom of Cazaria and from the Golce continent. I think the captain of the frigate is advising you to throw the load away..."

Wheat in the Kingdom of Iran was bulky, but the unit price was lower than for iron products, ceramics, etc.

"Not if you're hesitant to throw away loads of value."

Shaw scolds the fine merchant temperament of his country on gold and saddles Sands out.

"What will you do!

Captain Young also thought it was the Navy's job to protect his country's merchant ships, but considers it a priority to ensure Shaw's safety over that.

"You won't be abandoned! My orders would make me give up overloaded luggage, and use the magic of the wind to get me through the storm."

Captain Young stops Shaw with his wings tied.

"In such a storm, only Prince Shaw will not be flown with dragons. If that's the case, we'll do a rescue on the Mascarade."

I'm surprised Shaw's turning back, even though he's going through a pretty storm.

"The protection of merchant ships in my country is also an important task."

Hih, the crew almost screamed, but Captain Young's orders are the same as God's voice on the Mascarade. He flipped the Mascarade toward the storm as he prayed to Marr, the goddess of the bump sea, and Urs, the god of the wind.

"Excuse me."

Captain Young stops Bashin and his back slapping Shaw for saying an apology.

"Come on, let's find Sassa and the merchant fleet who are struggling with the storm"

But the storm was gaining strength after the Mascarade passed. It is difficult even for warships to move towards the center of the storm, and Captain Young yells at the officers one order after another, and the crew follows the instructions of the officers with a bump prayer.

Shaw leans against Sands on a wave-covered deck and sends the wind into a sail that is only half open.

"Prince Shaw, please go down to the cabin!

Earlier, a large wave washed off the deck, and the crew of the new America was about to be crushed on their feet. The crew of the ancient ginseng caught the gutter, so they never took him away to the sea, but Captain Young shall be a leech.

"Captain Young, I can't go down to the cabin without the crew climbing into this storm. And we have to adjust the wind."

That's how much Captain Young knew, but he wanted to make sure Shaw was safe to be Prince Wang.

"It's flowing quite offshore. As it is, you will no longer be able to evacuate the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Iran."

Captain Young can't observe the sun in a storm, and years of experience working on a warship make me think of the approximate position.

"Even if we find a merchant fleet, do we just escort them to the side until we get through the storm?

"I may have to direct you to the Principality of Malta"

At worst, we can evacuate the crew to the Mascarade with Sands, but Shaw feels compelled to go to the Principality of Malta when the crew will not abandon the ship until the bone marrow.

Even on the warship Mascarade, Shaw is in a hurry remembering when he used to head on the Merchant Fleet on the Euca to Mailing, even though he needed the magic of the wind to move forward, but the luggage-laden merchant ship would be dancing like a leaf in a storm.

"You can see the ship at 10 o'clock!

A crew member of the watch deck finds an invisible ship from the deck and reports it out loud. Shaw tried to shake off Captain Young and jumped on the Sands.

In the storm, the rain hit my face, but I can fly easier than when I'm on deck if Sands is magically protecting me.

Shaw descends on the deck of the ship he finds in the Sands.

"Are you okay, what about the other ships?

The captain of the frigate seems to be doing something about it, but the other merchant ships yell back at the rain and storm as they throw away a little of their luggage but it is difficult.

"We are evacuating to the Principality of Malta. I've lost sight of other merchant ships, so I've been exploring... they've taken one mast, so I can't do any more"

Shaw leaves the captain of the convoy with only half the main mast left to think about saving his own ship and head out to find another merchant ship.

The frigate sailed Yotayota in the storm, telling the Mascarade from behind that it was headed to the Principality of Malta by signal.

"The Principality of Malta! I don't really want to be near you, but I can't help it at a time like this."

Shaw deplores the fact that this is the reason why the South-East Islands cannot cut off national relations with the Principality of Malta. Shaw looks for Sands, escorts and a detached merchant fleet.

"The convoy was being masted, so I was there, but I was wondering if the other merchant ships were flushed more offshore? If you folded the sail, are you on the coast? Che, I should have asked the captain of the convoy more details."

I took the time to make the decision to throw away my luggage and thought it would be a big possibility that they took it offshore, and Shaw decides that there is less need for rescue if we are approaching the coast.

"Sands, let's find a merchant ship"

Sands was fine with the storm himself, but Shaw worried it would be wet and cold with the rain.

"Your body's not cold?

It was a blurb and shivering shaw when asked, but I answer that it's still better because the Sands are keeping the wind and rain out of me. Even though it was daylight, flying in search of a merchant fleet in the dark sky because of the storm, I was still anxious that it might be in the wrong direction, but Sands found it because he had better vision than humans.

"Shaw! Over there!

Shaw saw nothing in the direction of the Sands, but trusts the dragon's abilities more than himself, whose vision is limited by the rain.

A little flying, I discovered a merchant fleet in a storm. Shaw looked around from the top and ordered the undamaged merchant ship to halve its sail.

The merchant ship captains, in the storm, had finally just shrunk their sails, but had heard rumors that Shaw had the magic of the wind, so follow the instructions.

"We're going in the direction of the Principality of Malta, so please hang in there and wait!

Shaw had lost track of the direction in the storm, but asked Sands for a southeast direction to send the wind into several merchant ships.

The merchant ship, which proceeded through the waves in the storm, decided to collect it later, and to repair the merchant ship, which was being sent a mast or had its rudder broken or was circling in circles, and to help navigate, a number of skilled crew members from the Mascarade return.

The merchant ship at the helm was mast safe, so Shaw let him catch up for quite some time aboard in the same direction as the rest of the merchant fleet.

"Please wait a moment. We need to rescue one more ship."

The captain carefully missed the wind's magical show flying away, but we will continue our voyage with the help of the crew of the Mascarade who rushed to aid us in an effort to keep us from leaving the merchant fleet as far as we can ourselves.

In the merchant ship where the main mast was taken from its roots, the crew of the Mascarade had sails on the mast of the subs.

"What about the captain?

Not the captain earlier, but the deck captain was describing the tragedy, but he didn't care if he was throwing away his luggage or looking around at the flooding of the barn, but I find it unusual that the captain is absent even though the sail was thus stretched, albeit sub.

"Captain Grey is now underneath the mast."

Is Shaw alive on deck length? and asks. Deck lengths such as a seared, lifeless sea man turned away, not dead, but answered with tears all the time that it was a bug breath.

Shaw sends the wind into Saab's sail and hurries to the captain's office. The captain had a shallow breath on his bed, but it's clear he won't hold it as far as the Principality of Malta as this is.

"Captain Grey! Are you all right, sir?

For once, ask the crew member who wasn't even a therapist, but was wearing a bandage, where he was injured.

"The mast crushed the captain's chest. I can't breathe."

Shaw had to use the magic of the wind to rescue the merchant fleet, but Captain Gray, lying in the bright blue face in front of him, was also not abandoned.

Remove the dragon-hearted stone from under the clothes, chant 'soul' and activate it, and use 'healing'. Shaw, who had used too much magic, was also frightened that his body was cold, but Captain Grey regained consciousness.

"This... what happened to the ship! My main mast is broken!

Yelling Captain Gray trying to get out of bed, Shaw stops.

"I just reworked the ribs that were compressing my lungs. You're hurt, so stay asleep."

Captain Gray thanked Shaw, perhaps a therapist who had helped himself, but he couldn't tell if he could leave the Harrow without a main mast in the storm.

"Hey there crew! Keep an eye out for this captain out of the captain's office! The crew of the Mascarade have sailed the subs, and I will let you sail to the Principality of Malta with the magic of the wind. I helped you, but don't complain!

The crew of the Mascarade, who turned to the captain's office to ask Shaw for instructions, snapped his neck to say that he looked just like King Aslan when he was angry. After Shaw leaves the captain's office, the crew returns to the common and deck holding area, peeking into his face and advising Captain Gray not to piss that one off.

"That's better, Prince Shaw..."

Captain Grey had heard rumors that Prince Shaw, the magician of the wind, looked so pretty.

"Captain Grey, please stay quiet in bed. Because I was really about to die. I know because I was helping the neighborhood therapist, but my lungs were crushed. Prince Shaw has excellent healing skills!

The deck manager also shows his face and briefly reports that the crew from the Mascarade and Prince Shaw are sailing the Harrow towards the Principality of Malta with great speed. Captain Grey did not actually have the strength to get up, so he fell asleep so that the ship could be left in a rhythm of overcoming the rough waves vigorously.

"Was the captain quiet?

Since the deck manager showed his face, Shaw asks the question whether he went to see how the captain was doing.

"Yes, Prince Shaw, thank you very much. I've been in a combination with Captain Grey for over 10 years. That injury. Then I gave him up."

It's a boneless thing to say, but I see you have trust and affection, and Shaw reminds me of Captain Cains and Captain Ingas Deck on the Dahlia.

"I wonder when I'll be able to sail on the Dahlia..."

With his tired head, he had a relaxing dream of sailing with a nostalgic member on the Dahlia, but his eyes opened with a direct blow to his face by the big wave.

"You can take away the rubber resin, so you can make a rubber rain gappa! When you're definitely back in the country, let them make it!

Squeezing the tide off her hair, Shaw sighs that she has finally caught up with the rest of the merchant fleet.

When you jump on the Sands, you send the wind all at once into the wrapped merchant fleet. Shaw is tired of the boulders, and the heaviest part of the storm has passed, so he returns to the Mascarade once.

"Prince Shaw, leave the rest to us. The merchant ship with a broken rudder will tow on the Mascarade once the storm is a little weaker. Change your horns and wet clothes."

Captain Young, who says so, was also a lot wet, but Shaw did have a feeling of a zooky fever.

When I remove the wet saddle from the Sands, I ask you to let me know if anything happens, and I go back to the cabin and take off my tightly heavy wet clothes to the floor. I changed into dry clothes and dived into bed.

Before sailing, Captain Young had visited Captain Lessa's mansion on the Cadfell to hear precautions about putting Prince Shaw on his own ship, so he wouldn't panic if he was forced to do too much and fever.

Even if I showed it to my therapist, I was told that the overused fever of magic would have to be kept at rest, and I ordered my attentive graduate to cool his forehead.

"Really, I'm being too impotent. I can't help but worry about King Aslan."

Captain Young returned to the deck as he complained to Shaw, who had a young impression when he meditated on his eyes, and had to take a merchant fleet to the Principality of Malta while the storm still affected him.

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