Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

18 Ambassador Bacchus

Shaw, supported by Captain Young, arrives at the embassy and is held up by a martial officer with an embassy who runs over to take him to his bed.

"Your clothes are soaking wet. We need to get you dressed fast."

Captain Young grips and controls Ambassador Bacchus' hand as he tries to take Shaw's clothes off with pleasure.

"To Prince Shaw, don't even touch a finger!

"Oh? Scary face. But you also know that wet clothes can be physically impaired, Captain Young."

When I say that, I pay Captain Young's hand with one hand, even though he is a civilian Ambassador Bacchus. Shaw was in the mood to sleep in bed, and I don't want Ambassador Bacchus, who somehow feels impure about motive, to help me get dressed.

"You can get dressed yourself"

Coldly refused, and in front of the unfortunate Bacchus ambassador, he takes off his clothes spazzily.

"Yiyan! Prince Shaw wouldn't dare. Kiya, beautiful body. Wow."

Captain Young, you pervert! and shielded his body from showing Ambassador Bacchus Shaw's change of clothes, but at the same time, the prince is always looked after by his squire, so he is ashamed.

Shaw doesn't care about Ambassador Bacchus, who utters a few weird words, but he takes off his sassa and wet clothes because his body flutters and lays in bed dressed in bedtime clothes with laces on the cuffs that were prepared. The silk duvet is also set with sheets with lace edges, and the bed is draped down with extremely thin curtains from the ceiling.

"Sleeping Prince......"

Captain Young wanted to punch Ambassador Bacchus in the head dyeing his cheeks, but the therapist checked him out, so he quieted down.

The therapist with the embassy examines the pulse and fever of the guttering shaw and inquires about the time when he is feeling sick.

"You're overusing magic and overworking. And I guess it wasn't a good idea to be hit by cold rain. We just need to rest and regain our strength."

The therapist used the moves to lower the fever a little, but not everything.

"Why don't you treat him properly?"

Captain Young, worried and concerned, bumps into dissatisfaction even though the therapist does not lower his fever.

"It's the body that's sending the red flag that's causing the fever. Prince Shaw can't do too much. So we need to get some rest until the fever goes down."

He was Captain Young, who put his face on the word 'slow', but I tolerate that Shaw needs rest for his health.

"Captain Young doesn't get a lot wet either, why don't you take a bath? I'll lend you my clothes."

"Fine! We will wear military uniforms for the duration of our military service."

Captain Young, who never wants to wear pink clothes or anything, but who is also worried about leaving Shaw's side, lets a graduate bring a change of clothes from the Mascarade. While I was using the bath, I had my graduate watch Shaw's room, but I quickly went up from the water to the room.

"I can't believe we have to worry about Prince Shaw's safety in our embassy!

With the bumps complaining, Captain Young is rubbing his squire in front of Shaw's room, running to Ambassador Bacchus.

"Oh, Captain Young. This innocent ex-command refuses to let me in to see Prince Shaw. This is the embassy of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, and I am a resident ambassador. This is an act of transcendence."

Ambassador Bacchus, who waves a finger and is angry, is also dressed from wet pink clothes into thin feminine watery long clothes that men from the Southeast Islands will never wear again. Indeed, in the Principality of Malta, Ambassador Bacchus, the resident ambassador, is at the top of the list.

"I'm sorry about that. But even if Ambassador Bacchus doesn't nurse us, his staff will take care of Prince Shaw."

I'm out of words, Captain Young, but bad minutes are visible. But Ambassador Bacchus gave up lightly, well, it would be good.

"Captain Young, would you like to come to the salon for a moment?

Captain Young follows him to the salon, suspicious that he is quick to give up.

"Ugh, this is..."

Since it is an embassy in the Southeast Islands, the building itself was like a mansion in Leyte, but there is an equally large nude statue of a marble beautiful young man on the walls of the salon.

"Ambassador Bacchus! You're guilty of disrespect!

Whatever the face of that naked statue looked like King Aslan.

"Why is it a crime of disrespect? Thus we worship King Aslan."

Captain Young yells at Ambassador Bacchus for being angry and naked.

"Oh? You're keeping your moderation right, and you're hiding the area with a cloth, right?

Sure, there was a white cloth wrapped around the waist of the marble statue, but Captain Young turns bright red and angry that building such a statue is a problem in itself.

"Oh, I don't like being a martial artist! King Aslan laughed. He was so laughed at, he slapped me on the shoulder of a banged nude statue that I fell and broke it. This is why it's the second generation. Captain Young won't break the statue of King Aslan."

I'm surprised King Aslan didn't show this and get his neck chopped off. Captain Young reviews Ambassador Bacchus as likely to be capable.

"Rather than that, the resident ambassador of the Kingdom of Iran is more of a problem with the request. I was supposed to report it to Prince Shaw, but you're physically impaired."

Captain Young was also worried that the matter of the sons of the Marigold was likely to motivate the Kingdom of Iran to start a naval battle with the Principality of Malta, so he rode himself out and lived? I hear.

"Well, I think I kept the pirates alive that it's going to be gold. Those who did not resist not only their sons aboard the Marigold, but also the crew aboard the other ships, are kept alive and held hostage. Well, most of them seem to have been killed."

Captain Young has a crisp tooth and spits his grudge against the pirates.

"Just a few embassy personnel were worried about the difficulty of setting up an operation. Captain Young, could you give us a little help?

Captain Young doesn't hate to risk his life if he rescues his own people, but he looks reluctant for the sons of other countries.

"Ambassador Nuton has told us that King Gregorius has asked us to confirm the survival of his sons..."

Start preaching to reluctant Captain Young that Ambassador Bacchus is no fool.

"Now Byzan doesn't even have an ambassador from the Kingdom of Iran. I cut off the national traffic and shut down the embassy. Sir Andrew, the gorgeous First Secretary, also misses his return to Jungfrau. Besides, it's awkward for the Kingdom of Iran to boost its navy."

In Oneye terms, Captain Young sighs when it is only up to Ambassador Bacchus, Ambassador Plenipotentiary in the Principality of Malta, to decide how quickly he examined the news of his sons aboard the Marigold.

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