Since the beginning of the year, Shaw had lived a calm life: a martial arts guide and an archery of swords, as Under-Secretary Besmel slapped him into his internal affairs. Pearl farming was enthusiastically pursued by Leticia, and rain gappa, underwater glasses, were left to the merchants of Leyte, who were meticulous in making money to develop.

Besides, among the samurai recommended by Mia, he promotes Razley, Tomash and Kerrigan to the sidelines to report on the progress of the development or to see the status of the construction of Reite's landfill wharf. Shaw's burden was considerably reduced, as he had also been allowed to attend negotiations with fishermen collecting Leticia's mother shellfish of pearls.

It was Shaw who had such peaceful days, but the change was also coming. Pipps, who successfully passed the Navy Cadet exam, came to say hello to his departure.

"Pips, are you sure you don't want to study at the University of Paloma? When you say Dragon Knight, it's not considered special in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands. It's easier to train dragon knights in Westin while attending Paloma University in the Kingdom of Cazaria."

Pips was also growing taller, but he worried that his life in the tough navy would be hard because his unfamiliar generation of cadet uniforms had not yet escaped the feeling of being young.

"Thank you for your concern. But it's about too late for me. The other cadets have been on the warship since they were about 13 years old. And I'm very happy to be allowed aboard the Cadfell."

It was Captain Lessa of the Cadfell who accepted Pips from other countries as a cadet. Unlike crew and cadets, it consists in the favor of junior instruction as a captain to accept the uselessness of cadets and train them into cadets.

Well, Pips comes with the idea that Cyrin is still his partner, but he can't leave. Captain Lessa was used to Sands and Shirin, and he knew the character of Pips, so he accepted me as a cadet with a dragon.

"I'm a little relieved that the Cadfell has wonders and versions... but tell me when it gets hard. I wonder why I have to train in a tough navy when I'm a dragon knight."

As Shaw worries about Pips, in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, the Dragon Knight was not a Navy, but officially belonged to the Army. But King Aslan, who wanted to improve the status of the Dragon Knight, was sending him to the Royal Palace and Embassy as a Dragon Knight after becoming an officer in the Navy rather than training him in the Underground Army.

The truth is that dragon-loving Aslan wanted to create a nurturing system just for dragon knights but gave up because it was too small a number and gave it the added value of a respected naval officer.

Pipps had studied hard and passed the cadet's exam, and Shaw had mocked him so he wouldn't have trouble measuring or calculating his position.

"Become a fine officer and you will be Prince Shaw's escort"

When Pipps traveled to Shaw's place, the Tarsh chicks also started to get out of the nest. Shaw, who received a report from the eagle master, had to let the chicks meet Ambassador Shepherd, who was sending a bunch of reminder letters saying no, and Razzly, a sidekick, come visit the convenience.

"Ambassador Shepherd said he wanted to see the chicks immediately."

Shaw had been muzzled by Under-Secretary Besmel in his office about his internal affairs, so he ran over and wrote to Razley to give it to him from noon today.

Under-Secretary Besmel knew that his personality, which he wanted to kitten to his finesse, was a burden on Shaw, but cautions that he should know as Prince Wang how to run and write to ambassadors in other countries.

Chancellor Flanagan grinned bitterly as he and Undersecretary Besmel of Water and Oil were passing through the office tightening Prince Shaw up.

Under-Secretary Besmel is good at home affairs, but Chancellor Flanagan thought that diplomacy might as well appoint a foreign minister separately for the first time in a long time.

As a matter of courtesy, Under-Secretary Besmel was right, but Shaw acted on Ambassador Shepherd's intention to see and report the chicks as soon as possible.

"That's not a mistake in Prince Shaw's way..."

He was Chancellor Flanagan, who had partitioned all of his internal affairs and diplomacy with full confidence from King Aslan, who tends to be away from the Royal Palace, but it is time to retire.

Chancellor Flanagan, who values the overall picture, had entrusted the internal affairs aspect in particular with Besmel as his undersecretary, who noticed the details. Undersecretary Besmel's name was up as his own cauldron. Everyone thinks it's natural to be prime minister because it hits Shaw's allowed grandfather.

But Old Fox Prime Minister Flanagan was worried about leaving diplomacy to Under-Secretary Besmel. Prime Minister Flanagan is a loyal minister and strategist of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands. My own son's fax is Petite Besmel, similar to where he is held in fine places, but sighs when he is not as muscular as Under-Secretary Besmel.

"Merchants say it's dangerous to put eggs in one cage, but it could be the same in politics. Under-Secretary Besmel cannot have both internal affairs and diplomacy. Being confined to so much detail, I can't react to the foreign political situation that changes from time to time. As yet, the young Prince Shaw has more diplomatic taste. The other day's promises would be made antiquarian if things changed, but Under-Secretary Besmell would be pressing for the previous promises to be fulfilled."

Chancellor Flanagan had given up letting his own son Fax be chancellor, but he had acknowledged his grandson Seagal's qualities as a civilian. That's why I was concerned about Under-Secretary Besmel's son Ashand's abilities.

"Ashand seems to have a softer waist and diplomatic sense than his father Besmel. Besides, being older than Seagal is also advantageous. It's awkward to prime minister Under-Secretary Besmel. If Ashand becomes the son of the Chancellor, there is no way to beat Seagal. But if you're the son of the Secretary of State and the grandson of the former Chancellor, you might still have a few wins. Who should the Foreign Secretary recommend?

Prime Minister Flanagan contemplates trying to combine the national interest with the prosperity of the family. King Aslan walks by the Chancellor's office, shows his face, and even though he does not realize he has entered the room, he advises him in disdain.

Flanagan, don't even think about it.

Suddenly he was called out and Chancellor Flanagan smiled a little because he felt like he had been seen through his heart.

"This is King Aslan, I didn't realize you wanted it"

Aslan suggests a chair to Chancellor Flanagan, you old fox! and poisons inside.

"It's about you, I guess I'll tell Under-Secretary Besmel that diplomacy is impossible or something. I don't mind if that's true, but I'll leave Ashand and Seagal to Shaw. His prime minister and minister will be his decision. First, by then, you will be back at sea..."

Indeed, by the time Shaw succeeds to the throne and renews his HR, he laughs bitterly that he is returning to his mother goddess.

"Tell an old minister something terrible."

Retreating from speaking grudges, Aslan laughs that killing for the time being is not going to kill him.

"Bethmel can't have diplomacy. Someone with diplomatic taste who can assist."

"Undersecretary of the auxiliary? So Under-Secretary Besmel is the next Chancellor?

King Aslan supported his carefree self to Chancellor Flanagan, you fool! And he yelled.

"You've been busy too! You're the prime minister now, though. If Besmel is the Under-Secretary of Home Affairs, balance him with the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. If you work so hard and run out of blood vessels in your pettine and head, you're in trouble. You're getting old, so if you don't cut your workload a little, I'll lose my prime minister. If you don't leave a message, you won't be able to jump and walk."

Even though I asked you not to jump, I almost burst into tears when King Aslan came up with the best plan for the national good.

Chancellor Flanagan is thrilled that King Aslan has scolded Seagal for wanting him to be Chancellor, and he thinks he's going to put it on the same starting line as Ashand.

But rethink it a little. I realize that Prince Shaw is thinking about choosing the best talent, not for himself or Besmel, but for the national good.

"Yes, not if you're doing this. I have to go see the white snow chick! Ambassadors Shepherd will piss you off."

Chancellor Flanagan, who had supported him long after he took the throne, was terrified by his emotions that he would be honored, but shouted on his back that he could not rub it about the Kingdom of Cazaria and the eagle.

When Shaw had led Ambassador Shepherd to Eagle House, King Aslan had stopped white snow on his arm, which had left the nest for a long time, to feed him.

"Father, I have brought Ambassador Shepherd."

While greeting him as a diplomat, Ambassador Shepherd heartily poisons King Aslan's beloved eagle, the beauty of white snow, that it is a complete defeat.

"You're a beautiful eagle. I can't help but think of Tarsch. It's a snowless southeastern archipelago, but it's also a beauty with no dirt like the snow scenery in the early morning."

Restore your mind, and Ambassador Shepherd asks the eagleman to show you the chicks.

"I'll tell you what, don't make a scene in the eagle house."

Not to mention being a child, Ambassador Shepherd came with a cock, but from his homeland he nodded and entered the eagle house because he had received a reminder letter about King Eduardo's Tash and the chicks.

White snow is outside, so inside the eagle house, Tash stopped on a high shelf to watch the chicks yotching in and out of the nest.

"Cute ~"

Shaw can't take his eyes off a pimpy ringing chick.

"White is male, tea wings are."

Tash looked proud, introducing the chicks. Is the white male still sleepy or uttering in the nest?

"You're fluffy as a white cloud."

Two of the tea wings were pimpy outside the nest, saying they were hungry. I thought Shaw and Ambassador Shepherd would never get tired of watching how adorable they looked.

"It's time for you to leave."

Shaw taught the chicks their gender to Ambassador Shepherd, who was quickly kicked out of the eagle house and complaining outside the eagle house.

"Yes? Is the white male and the two tea wings?"

Ask Ambassador Shepherd if he had said anything else because Shaw is the only one who can talk to Tarsch.

"Something just told me the chicks' gender."

Aslan laughed that what Ambassador Shepherd wanted to know was when Tash would be returning to the Kingdom of Cazaria and when he would bring the chicks home.

White snow flew to the eagle house when he swallowed the bait, instead Tash came out and stopped at a tree branch.

"Tash, what time are you leaving? Miss Eduardo."

I didn't hear Ambassador Shepherd on Tarsch, but I guessed what he was saying.

"Shaw, tell him I'm not leaving for the time being."

Saying so, Tash flew off as he fetched food to the white snow.

"Wait a minute, Snow White was eating bait earlier."

Ignoring Shaw's stop, Tash flew away and was explained by the eagleman that it was to give to the chicks.

"Prince Shaw, what did Tash say?

Shaw told Ambassador Shepherd that it was difficult to say.

"For the time being? What time is it?"

If I make such vague reports, I cry that King Edoardo will remove me.

"Come on? But that's what Tash said, so you can't help it. I told you not to leave the white snow side while I was raising the chicks."

The eagler says no to Ambassador Shepherd's request to see the chicks again.

"If the white snow gets on my nerves, I could kill the chicks. Mother eagles have delicate nerves, so they don't want humans wandering around while they're raising chicks."

Ambassadors Shepherd was angry at King Aslan's hawksman's disrespect, but he couldn't argue with it because he couldn't have had a chick for nearly 20 years.

"How about some tea at the royal palace?

Shaw urges me to retreat from the front of the eagle house, and reluctantly Ambassador Shepherd walks out.

"Ah! I didn't hear the key thing. Can the chicks talk?

Shaw only sounded pimpy, so come on, clap your shoulders.


He was King Aslan, who swallowed henna chocolate and poison because he was before the ambassador of the kingdom of Kazaria.

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