At the end of the luncheon, I decided to go home to the embassy and get some rest until the engagement ball. Lara had decided to change to an imperial-style dress for the ball, so she would go upstairs.

Since the Crown Prince's wedding is a national celebration, Ludenheim was also suspended from school, and Erica and Mimi were also touring the parade. Erica was concerned about the warrant that William was escorting, but was a little horrified when Shaw told her that she had been so cynical.

"Is William only interested in dragons? I'm Vesta's partner too, so maybe he's just concerned..."

Shaw stuck in words to Erica's question, but deludes me that it would be nice if the two of us could discuss it and deepen our relationship from now on.

"Brother Shaw, Master William is no dragon fool. No, I feel like a dragon horse deer, but that's not all."

Shaw flatters Erica, who begins to defend William to you by saying it himself, that she is sorry to associate herself with her love problems.

Mimi was frustrated because Erica had a monopoly on Shaw and couldn't take advantage of the good opportunity Lara in the corner was changing. If you're at the salon and you can't even talk, Mimi heads to the dragon house.

The dragon house was generous with Ralph, Sands and Vesta.

"Ralph, Sands, you guys are close..."

Ralph was talking to Sands about his determination to bond with Mimi, so he can't leave her looking sad. Oro a huge body, confused by Mimi's stupidity.

'You can call Shaw, but now I'm crazy about Lara...'

To Sands' words, Mimi was beaten down. I'm going to marry my sister Lara soon, so I can't help but love her, but when she's declared a dragon rider, she's going to be a jerk.

"Because Mimi is still young. By the time Shaw gets married, he'll have time with Mimi. Such a pretty girl is nowhere to be found. '

Mimi rejoices in Ralph's comfort.

'Ralph! Thank you' I clung to my neck and slipped my cheeks on Zarazara's stiff skin.

'Mimi, what is it at a time like this... I want you to bond with me. I want to spend time with Mimi. "

Mimi initially aspired to be a dragon knight to distract Shaw, but as she studied at Leudenheim, she learned the seriousness of bonding.

"Ralph, are you sure it's okay with me? I still came to the Dragon House to distract Master Shaw.

Ralph can't help but love the little girl staring straight into her own eyes.

'Mimi is always straight to her heart. You like Shaw, so it's only natural that you want to see him. I want you to bond with me.'

Mimi nods at Ralph's words and is filled with happiness. The dissatisfaction and loneliness of his sister, who is always favoured by Shaw, was pushed with Ralph's affection.

Sands says Ralph the Ancient Ginseng blesses with a tied dragon knight. Vesta also wants to bond with Erica, thinking with blessing.

Shaw rushed to the dragon house in a hurry as Sands reported Mimi and Ralph bonded. Hearing Shaw's blessing, Mimi didn't feel like leaving Ralph's side.

Erica thinks of what it means to bond with Shaw if she's the usual Mimi.

", I was going to bond with Vesta to get the feeling of Master William... you're not..."

Looking at Mimi, who seemed happy, she went to Vesta's side, staring back at the golden eyes of a fake dragon without staring at herself, and Erica thought lovingly from the bottom of her heart.

"Mimi will not leave Ralph for the time being. I wonder what to do. Sands was still a dragon, and I broke out of the palace and came in. You can't let Mimi sleep in a dragon house."

Ambassador Nuton also rushes to see and think about the perfect Mimi for Ralph.

"Can't you just leave like this?

Shaw praises his shoulder and replies that he was with him for nearly two weeks when he was.

"If you break the door of separation, Ralph will put it in the hall. Let me carry the bed there."

Shaw has to go to the ball, so I'll leave him to Ambassador Nuton to escort Lara dressed in a light pink dress to the royal palace.

Prince Philip's wedding banquet was sumptuous with foreign dignitaries also invited.

The bride Liliana is new, and Shaw and the others just feel happy watching. When the two wedding dances are over, Shaw invites Lara to start the dance.

Stewart is also dancing with Rosalimond, so Alexei originally invites her sister Misha to dance to get used to the social world.

"No, I'm good enough to watch"

I grin bitterly at Misha's understated character and sigh that it is also going to be hard to get the nobles in the country to marry her.

"Misha, can you hang out for a little bit of a dance? I don't have Ariena, so I'm out of hand."

That much said, Misha finally accepted the dance. It was also a hesitant dance to give her a face because she is Misha, who is a brother but does not break her position as a subordinate, even though she is close to Lady Ariena in Cairon and has more opportunities to meet Alexei and Narcisse.

Alexei wants to make you dance with King Shaw, but confuses me that this may not be possible.

You can't go wrong with the steps, but it's hard to say it's a good dance.

I find it quite difficult to dance with Misha, who is physically stiff or nervous, even as Alexei, who is used to the social world. Fortunately, Alexei managed to finish the dance because she was skillful at leading the dance.

Alexei will escort Misha to her chair and give her some lemonade from the samurai. Seeing Misha follow Shaw naturally as she mouths the lemonade still haunts her head trying to make her dance for once.

But in Misha as it is, I think Shaw would be annoying too. Maybe you should let him dance with some people and let him get used to the place.

Alexei was worthy of the nobles dancing on the dance floor, but this kind of thing is troubling because a married lady is supposed to deserve it. Just as Rosalimond, who danced two songs in a row, was escorted by Stewart and came to rest in a foreign dignitary's seat, he wished for Misha's temporary guardian.

"Well, I didn't realize. There's no Ariena, so I'm happy to take care of her."

Rosalimond is familiar with the young nobility of Jungfrau, so he chose his brother William and his Leudenheim alumni to dance against one another. Stewart is puzzled that Alexei's intentions cannot be read.

King Edoardo was also thinking of marrying the common son to Shaw, so I wonder if Alexei is also trying to get Misha along. King Eduardo is about to give up, as Shaw has many powerful pardons.

Stewart drinks champagne when a bastard he has never met tries to daughter-in-law to the Southeast Islands.

Of course, the Kingdom of Iran had also noticed that Misha was getting accustomed to the field one by one while she was dancing one after the other.

"Rosalie's taking on Princess Misha's guardian."

King Gregorius speaks to Foreign Minister Mauritz, who is relieved that the wedding is over safely.

"Since Lady Ariena is absent, Prince Alexei must have been asked by his sister-in-law, Lady Rosalimond. But Prince Stewart doesn't like bastards, okay?

Foreign Minister Mauritz worries that Lady Rosalimond will burn too much to take care of Miss Misha, as Prince Stewart was the resident ambassador of the Kingdom of Cazaria at a time when he suffered from his parents' misconduct.

"If it's only for tonight, there won't be a fight between the two of us. Besides, Princess Shelley would be the one who doesn't like Prince Stewart. There must be no grudge against Princess Misha."

As Foreign Secretary, I was worried that the princess, who married her to an allied country, would be unfamiliar, but I do think that if those two were so hot, they would be as fine as they were tonight.

"Oh, I see! You wanted Prince Shaw and Miss Misha to dance, and you were letting them practice."

Shaw is tired of dancing with Lara and Alexei catches him where he's resting and wishes for a dance with Misha.

"Lara, can I dance a song?

Lara remembers rumors that Misha and Shaw have an affair, but that it's a social preference, she makes a smile and sends it out.

Rosalimond noticed that Lara was grieving inside and called her brother, William, to let her dance opponent.

I thought it would be more distracting to be dancing with someone who would eventually be my brother-in-law than to sit in a chair and watch my beloved dance of forgiveness.

Misha never even thought about being able to dance with Shaw. I'm thrilled just to feel the temperature close to me like this, but this could be my last chance, so I say thank you for the help.

"Prince Shaw, you helped me, but you didn't even thank me. Thank you."

Staring into Misha's dark gray eyes, Shaw laughs that she just did the natural thing.

"Besides, I was surprised to be with Prince Alexei."

Misha explained that Ariena had asked her to stay close.

"That's good to hear. Lady Ariena is a gentleman of heart, so she must be willing to serve."

Misha nods and tells Ariena gladly that she is being kind to her a lot.

Shaw and Misha's dance were all on the lookout for, and I had noticed that they were shining their eyes and talking aggressively, even though they had been so dear until now that they were about to hammer their dancers.

"Was Princess Misha with Crown Prince Alexei that beautiful?

"Does the Kingdom of Laurent intend to bring Princess Misha to the brink of Prince Shaw"

As the invitees pulled their sleeves to discuss it, Philip pulled the bride Liliana's hand and fled the ballroom properly.

At the end of the song, Shaw escorted Misha to Alexei's place, and the prom invitees made a fuss and laughed even though the two main actors were gone.

"Lara, if we dance another song, shall we go home too"

William hands Lara over and Shaw heads to the dance floor. Misha dropped them off on their backs, feeling their dreamy time had passed.

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