Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

13 Preparation for the mitzvah

Shaw takes a look at the beautifully cleaned up room and gets sentimental.

"I spent five to 10 years. I used to sell out equipment in an attempt to get a ship. Oh, but I was studying at the University of Paloma, surveying the west coast of the Golce continent, and I was away, so the substance is, what year will it be?

"Prince Shaw, did you come here? One invitee after another from all over the country arrives at Leyte..."

I can't afford to miss my childhood, and Prime Minister Flanagan grabs my arm and heads to the royal palace to drag me.

Shaw turns 15 and gives him a bar mitzvah.

You will be in a responsible position as Prince Wang, and you will be allowed to marry as an adult. If you become Prince Wang, you will have more power of decision than Chancellor Flanagan, but Shaw, who is being dragged, is unlikely to get his head up for the rest of his life.

"Where is Father?

To Shaw's question, Chancellor Flanagan smiled.

"You ran away!

"You'll be back for the bar mitzvah."

As Prime Minister Flanagan told himself, he ran out in a kippy and fortified tone.

"Well, you won't be absent from the bar mitzvah, but this is all I'm irresponsible for inviting royalty from foreign countries."

Realizing that Prime Minister Flanagan, with a full smile, was sincerely angry, Shaw stopped saying any more bad things about his father.

"Yes, let the pardons help entertain you, too. Many are accompanied by a queen."

Chancellor Flanagan was pleased with Shaw's proposal because he wanted to concentrate more on diplomatic negotiations than on entertainment.

"If you can do that, it will help. Princess Melissa is close to Lady Rosalimond, and Princess Lara is close to Lady Liliana. Later, Prince Alexei will bring Miss Misha, but Princess Rosina..."

Rosina is close to Ariena, but Chancellor Flanagan talks about what Misha looks like for Shaw.

"Miss Misha and Rosina are a little dangerous, aren't they? And what about Princess Zelia?

Princess Zelia should have Shaw entertaining her, but she's too busy to get around to it. It's hard just to say hello to invitees from all over the country.

"I'll persuade Rosina to entertain Miss Misha. Princess Zelia feels young, so let her play under the supervision of her sister Pamela and Mia. I entrust Mimi and Leticia with the hospitality of the other royal queens."

The three important imperial kingdoms and the Sula kingdom were accompanied by full-time entertainers, while the other countries decided to have Leticia and Mimi, with their heads spinning fast, entertain them on an ad hoc basis.

"I also ask for the hospitality of the royal family to improve my brother. I thought I'd split up my older brother in order of age, but I also have character."

Chancellor Flanagan grins bitterly that Karin and Hassan will not be able to have a receptionist.

"Prince Alexei is going to leave it to Brother Saleem, Prince Philip to Brother Nash, and Prince Stewart to Brother Radic. Brother Saleem will be escorting Prince Alexei to a briefing on the shipyard's investments."

Prime Minister Flanagan nods, saying Saleem will be fine because he has experience with Reite's landfill wharf.

"Brother Karin will have security, and Brother Hassan will be asked to measure the expansion of trade with countries."

Chancellor Flanagan said he wanted to slow down after the mitzvah, and laughed bitterly at Shaw's total mobilization of his brother's improvement.

Chancellor Flanagan finds Shaw's plan to escape with Lara. Chancellor Flanagan smiles, trying to forgive you about your honeymoon. After the mitzvah, I'm going to ask King Aslan to do his best.

For that matter, Prime Minister Flanagan scheduled Bishibashi and Shaw in an effort to get them to do their best before the mitzvah. Shaw is busy welcoming invitees who arrive at Leyte one after the other, or making plans with the dowries for entertainment.

"Lara, I'm sorry I asked you to entertain Lady Liliana even though we were married. Uncle Kazim, please apologize to me. He was looking forward to spending time with his daughters when Mimi returned home."

Lara planned to invite Liliana to the mansion to heal her long journey fatigue.

"I plan on taking my time, so never mind. Lady Liliana and Esther are going to get confused. I'll relax, watch the ocean, and have some tea."

Shaw is also convinced that although it is not a very active plan, the ladylike Liliana would not want a tour of Bazaar.

Melissa had an active plan to take the curious Lady Rosalimond on a tour of Bazaar or swim in the sea. These two have a good understanding of the character of the concubine they entertain, so it's safe to leave it to them.

Shaw leaves Kazim's mansion behind and goes to Rosina in question. Rosina, well researched, had noticed that Misha was concerned about Shaw.

"Master Shaw, this loan is huge. But as Master Shaw's pardon, I will treat Princess Misha of the Kingdom of Laurent properly, so don't worry. You're very inner and dear, so you probably haven't been out much. You'll be tired on a long journey, so I'll spend the basics in the mansion."

Shaw appreciates that a well-seated Rosina would talk to Misha as well.


Rosina pulls Shaw in and kisses her, saying she can't just say words. Since it was during her marriage to Lara, Shaw returned to the new outhouse feeling somewhat cheated on.

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