Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

16 Mimi and Leticia

Mimi regrets that Leticia is the perfect proposition from any angle.

Mimi observes Leticia how she can always keep an elegant waist. Melissa is also an excellent proponent, but Leticia stands out for her graceful standing behavior in addition to it. Mimi came up with the idea that maybe it was because she was extremely dancing.

I was glad to feel that Shaw had asked me to entertain the concubine accompanied by the royal family who visited Leythe to attend the mitzvah, but following Leticia's instructions was complicated.

"Leticia, sloppy! I can't believe you're smart, even though you have the beauty and colour to captivate a man! And who is Master Shaw..."

Mimi doesn't care if Leticia takes the show. But Mimi had to admit that Leticia's instructions were accurate, so she had to follow them.

The royal princesses of the Golce continent are often polygamous, so some of them stayed with a few, but Leticia spotted whether it was a good relationship to guide them together at a glance or something else.

Today's Lady of the Kingdom of Savannah was years apart, and Leticia, feeling a small rivalry in her gaze, drove off and invited the older lady to her mansion, where Mimi was led to a shop selling fine ornaments with a young lady.

The young lady was happy to wear several Southern pearl necklaces and seriously indulged, shopping and enjoying. The older lady also liked fine jewellery, but the pearls were mountainous in the jewellery box, so she enjoyed a lunch in Leticia's mansion with a slow, attentive topic and stunning views.

Delivering the two to the embassy, Mimi was annoyed that Leticia maintained a very graceful flair, even though she was tired of entertaining at a luxury kiosk from a jewelry store.

"I don't know, I seem to have the tougher eyes..."

Is Leticia right? and smile.

"It's hard to hear that lady's stupidity. You're rude to King Angus for putting on the hammer, and you're not in a position to flatter him. Sounds like you've relieved the stress by being stupid..."

Mimi has a beautiful face, but I didn't want to hear about the stupidity of an insured and compelling wife, so I think it would have been better to shop with the young lady.

Leticia knew Mimi, who loved Shaw, was aware of her relationship with Shaw and would tune in.

I smile because I don't want to follow my instructions, but I'm still inexperienced, so I guess it touches the eclampsia. I still don't skip entertainment because Shaw asked me to. Leticia enjoys being seen as a rival by such a pretty girl.

Leticia smiles watching Mimi melamera burn her rival heart to herself in a straight line too, without even trying to hide her fondness for Shaw. At the same time, the older self can afford to enjoy Mimi's rival mind, but I worry about what about the other young dowries.

Shaw realizes he needs the First Lady. Leticia gives up that she can't because she fell in love with her wish she could have been the First Lady.

The First Lady of Prince Wang raises the next king, so she must be a solid and wise woman.

On top of that, Leticia thinks of the difficulty of the First Lady's position when she has to be someone who pays attention so that Mimi, who is so cute, is jealous and doesn't develop a blacker feeling.

There is no other way for the Lady of the Back House to have rivalry or jealousy, but with a wise First Lady, it will be considerably lessened, or at least peace will be preserved.

Leticia, as Reite's best geisha, knew by staining herself with the horrors of jealousy from the other geishas, so she didn't want to see Mimi dye her heart blacker because of her love for Master Shaw innocently.

"Little one, if you want to get Master Shaw's heart, you take care of that straight feeling. It's no use worrying about the others. You just have to live with your feelings honestly."

"I'm not your little one! I'm almost 13, and I'm getting married in two years and three months... maybe I can get married, but since Master Erica can't get married until she's 16, do we have to stay in Leudenheim with her?

To Mimi's troubles, Leticia answers with a laugh.

"If you become an apprentice dragon knight, I think you can marry me. Master Melissa is getting married with an apprentice dragon knight, too. What was King Aslan promised?

Mimi was surprised that Leticia was an informant.

"Uncle Aslan told me that when I became an apprentice dragon knight, I would marry Master Shaw. But Erica is not compatible with Terez, and leaving those two in Leudenheim..."

Leticia asks a few questions.

"By the way, when is Erica going to be an apprentice dragon knight?

"Erica wants to be an apprentice dragon knight soon, but she's 14 years old as soon as possible. I don't have a problem with my studies, but martial arts..."

Mimi didn't like martial arts either, so she clapped her shoulders.

"Then after Mimi becomes an apprentice dragon knight, Erica must stay in Leudenheim's dorm for at least a year."

"Catherine and I are getting married, so the only girls are me and Erica and Therese. It's unfortunate that you and Terez are not close to each other in the dorm because the samurai's escort is unacceptable. If Lady Therese also became an apprentice dragon knight, she would make her social debut, but until then, she would be tuned in by Erica, who is close to her twin Alphonse. Of course, Erica is Prince William and Alphonse is just a good friend..."

"Then why don't you go out with Erica for a year?

"I don't want to! I'll be an apprentice dragon knight by the age of 15, and I'm getting married!

Mimi wonders if she intends not to marry herself to Master Shaw, and angers the kitten to reverse her hair with hoohoohoo.

"Well, don't get so excited. You just have to get married at 15 and escort Erica at Leudenheim for a year. Unlike the previous Kings and Crown Princes, Master Shaw also makes his own diplomacy. We need to socialize in the Imperial Three Kingdoms, and Mimi can have a monopoly. Apprentice Dragon Knight is free to stay out."

Mimi dyed her cheeks just thinking about staying out with Master Shaw.

"But I'll only see you when Master Shaw comes to Jungfrau!

"That's right. But selling Erica a favor might help later. Master Shaw will continue to visit the Kingdom of Iran many times, but he will also meet Erica, who was married to Prince William. Which lady would you be accompanying? I am now accompanied by Lady Liliana and Lady Lara, but I know a lot of people in Leudenheim who are more likely to choose you."

Mimi thought it was worth thinking about. I spent time with Princess Erica in Leudenheim, so I was worried about what happened after I left.

"Well... if Erica becomes an apprentice dragon knight, she can live in an embassy. You'll be able to attend a social occasion with Prince William, so it's okay if I go home to Leyte. But spending your newlywed year away from Master Shaw..."

Leticia laughs bitterly that Mimi is really still young. When I was younger, I felt a long year. Leticia feels the moon fly away year after year, but smiles.

"Well, if you don't like spending your newlywed year away, you can't help it. Erica will probably be fine with Therese for a year or so. Don't worry so much, you just have to let it flow with ease. If Shaw asks you, it would be best."

As a geisha, Mimi hacks into Leticia's words, which are also top notch manipulative manipulation.

"Dear Leticia! Please be my master! I am being treated like a child by Master Shaw. My sister Lara was kissing Master Shaw in my year. I'll always treat you like a sister."

Leticia was flabbergasted when she asked me to be her master, but she bursts out laughing like the former Leite's best geisha.

"Awful! I'm seriously talking to you... maybe it's because I don't have the color, I'm studying how to make up, and I'm doing gymnastics to raise my chest..."

Leticia gave Mimi some advice in thanking her for making me laugh so much.

"Dear Mimi, your forbidden relationship with your sister is a burning one. If you fight with color, you lose to Master Melissa. Etsy with your brother! This is all I have. Your weapon feels straight, don't forget."

Mimi turned bright red on Leticia's words, but convinced that if she did compete with color, instead of Melissa, it wouldn't even reach the foot of the opponent in front of her.

Leticia, in discussion with Mimi, decided on one thing. Shaw's forgiveness daughters are royal women, with many carnivores. As it is, Shaw is in a fight with Mrs., and she gets tired. I thought Shaw would forgive me if I could advise the other pardons not to argue with jealousy, as I convinced Mimi.

Leticia was determined to keep the rear palace at peace until Shaw welcomed the First Lady.

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