Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

23 New challenges

Shaw didn't know which warship would be chosen for the expedition, but he glances at the nautical chart to prepare himself for what he could do.

"If King Lutos of the Hedge Kingdom doesn't have any physical evidence to realize the existence of a new island or continent, there's no way to buy a new shipbuilding or anything. I wonder if that means it's close to the Hedge Kingdom"

Nevertheless, if he was around to get there in two or three days, Shaw eliminates it by drawing circles from the hedge kingdom with a compass, saying that there would have been some kind of commute before.

"Even in the Kingdom of Salaam, it would be the same..."

I also write circles in compasses from the Kingdom of Salam, and still circle the nautical chart when the blank parts of the northern hemisphere between Penang and Sands are likely to be suspicious. Shaw makes a nautical chart once he tries to talk to Minister of Military Affairs Dawson and Father about the expedition plan.

"Later it's a rain feather test. If you're sailing to the cold northern hemisphere, you'll definitely need it."

I used to travel back and forth with vendors to serve the sides to make rubber-pulled rain feathers. The first prototype was heavy and uncomfortable, and the next one was thin and light but it went through the water.

Shaw wears black rain feathers and tries to stand in the fountain.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The gallery looks suspiciously at Shaw standing among the fountains in the courtyard of the Royal Palace.

"Oh, Father, I'm testing the rain feathers."

Aslan sighs at Shaw, who still doesn't know what to do.

"You just have to let the others do that. Horns in the raven, out of the fountain."

Shaw leaves the fountain and lowers the trousers and long clothes that were winding up.

"You won't get wet in a storm if this happens"

Aslan looks frightened as Shaw confirms that he's not wet under the rain feathers.

"When did you make something like that?"

Aslan also takes a rain feather and is impressed with whether he pulled rubber over the cotton fabric.

"I thought about it when I had a storm before and I was sick. The Southeast Islands produces rubber sap. It might be good for the northern winter as well as sailing"

Aslan was impressed with the rain feathers, but told Shaw he wasn't dressed to experiment in the courtyard of the Royal Palace.

"It was also publicity. We need to call Minister Dawson and see if he can buy it in the Navy. I told the vendor I couldn't develop it, so I had to sell it in and send it to him."

Aslan has a good idea, but he has a headache for some dumb shaw.

"You don't have to do that. Leave that rain feather at Dawson's desk, and he'll let you test it and buy it."

Prince Wang himself was scolded by his father for not having to advertise or sell rain feathers, and Shaw drops his shoulders to the point of becoming one.

"You're thinking of something else, aren't you?

Shaw mouths thinking he might be scolded, wondering if he could take the true water out of the sea with dragon-hearted stones.

"I've been advised by my father that it's not a good idea to use too much magic, but revitalizing Dragon Heart Stone by its true name can do a lot of things."

What's Aslan's real name? and inquire about Shaw.

"Yeah? Didn't your father know? At the University of Paloma, I learned it in Professor Alex's class. The true name used in Sin, the magical kingdom that flourished before the Empire, is full of magic."

Aslan doesn't feel like telling a subtle story in the courtyard of the Royal Palace, and brings Shaw into his own office.

"I got a report from Pasham that you had a fever at the University of Paloma, taking Professor Alex's class..."

Shaw explains that he was given the true name of Dragon Heart Stone, misleading that his true name could be read.

"Professor Alex said Queen Yuri of the Kingdom of Iran told me the true name of Dragon Heart Stone. Queen Yuri said she was descended from the magic kingdom of Singh."

Aslan laughs bitterly remembering Yuri on a young day.

"Yuri is like a toy box."

Shaw wonders if it was in his father's tone when he was young.

"So what's the real name of Dragon Heart Stone?"

Encouraged by Aslan, Shaw writes' Soul 'on paper.

"This letter reads' Occasionally '. It means the heart of a dragon."

When Shaw removes the Dragon Heart Stone necklace, he activates it by holding it in his hand and chanting 'Soul'. Aslan was surprised that the dragon-hearted stone increased its brilliance.

"It's like Yuri's Dragon Heart Stone! That dragon-hearted stone was also blue and shining."

"When activated, the magic also increases. I thought I could take the water out of the sea because I could take the water out of the soil."

Aslan feels Shaw is hiding something else he can do.

"Isn't there something else you can do?

Shaw is questioned and whispers that he can activate his therapeutic moves and jewels. Why didn't Aslan tell you sooner? And I almost yelled.

"With that said, when you crusaded Barbarossa, Karin would have been seriously injured, but you were kerosene. There were no casualties among those who participated in the fight. I was wondering if the therapist had a good arm..."

Ask Shaw that each of the gems has power lurking in them, even if they are not dragon-hearted stones, and Aslan tells him to find out if there are any gems to help him with his treatment.

"The number of Dragon Heart Stones is small, so it cannot be practiced, but if you can make use of the gems, your therapist can use them effectively"

"That's true..."

Aslan urges Shaw to go ahead and see if he has any other ideas.

"Professor Baggins, whose math I studied, is Professor Alex's wife, said that although magic is convenient, most people should focus more on medical and scientific research because they can't use it, so the sleigh therapist's moves drain magic. Other paths should not be studied…"

Aslan finds Shaw worthy of studying at Paloma University.

"You said you wanted to build a college. You can also build a research facility there. Sure, there must have been a dragon knight studying medicine that turned into the University of Jungfrau... but he was spooked for collecting blood..."

Aslan feels strange that this was also about Yuri tangling.

"The founding of a university or the study of medicine cannot be done immediately. First, look for gems that can be used for medical purposes. There must be every jewel in the treasure trove."

Shaw thought that this would liberate him, but he would actually be instructed to revitalize his father's dragon-hearted stone, or let water gush out of the soil in the back yard of the royal palace.

"Is the true name of the water 'pale' and the true name by which 'spring' comes out of the earth? So what's your real name for removing true water from seawater?

Shaw swoops when Father asks me what I'm going to look into.

"In the village of Pips, I received a few books from the Kingdom of Singh. I thought I'd read it and find out..."

Aslan's brow rises as he sees it, Shaw realizes his father is angry and clouds his words.

"It's been over a year since Pips arrived and you..."

Aslan, who tried to bump his anger, remembers that he has been really busy the past year, taking a deep breath and enduring.

"The proposal journey was superfluous. Sassa, you could have read the book in the meantime."

It wasn't even one of my dislikes, and it finally freed Shaw. Aslan threw a novel on Shaw's back as he headed to Yareyare and the outhouse.

"I can't help it, but show Leticia and Rosina your face. It's only a matter of loving Lara."

Shaw had not visited Leticia or Rosina's mansion because he felt like betraying Lara. Aslan laughed when he saw Shaw's troubled face as he looked back and said this guy was still henna chocolate.

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