Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

5 Prince Shaw and Bacchus Minister for Foreign Affairs

Returning to the Granada, Shaw takes Melt to the captain's office to offer him a branch of his daytime face.

"Prince Shaw, you found the island!

It's a faceless melt everyday, but it represents excitement.

"Yeah, well, it's an island. This is a deserted island. I found it."

Captain Melt is annoyed to talk about something stuck in his back teeth.

"I mean an island, a continent, I found a big island that I had to explore to determine. Oh, I've picked this lunch face on the island in front of it. There are grass and trees growing here, so maybe some water..."

Melt is surprised by Shaw's strong luck, but realizes that he didn't even investigate the island in front of him because he hated snakes, and discourages him from wanting to yell.

Aslan didn't like snakes either, but he was trying not to make them look bare either. You ride a giant dragon fine, and you curse inside that you won't be scared of snakes or anything.

Shaw tells Captain Melt to investigate ahead of time with other captains and dragon knights.

"Of course, we have to investigate"

When Shaw hears the position of the island in front of him, he sends out a flag signal to Captain Killer to bring the captains of each ship to the Granada with dragons.

"It'll take more than half a day to get to this island."

Write on the nautical chart the position of the island Shaw has been measuring and all take a serious look. Captain Lessa of the Cadfell wants to make a reconnaissance flight, but worries that his deputies will be able to contain the excitement and noise of the crew, who gradually realize it's a continent.

"From which part of the world did I realize it was a continent?"

Karin also looked worried that the crew would make a far-fetched mistake, obsessed with the calculation of the raccoon that would not be captured.

"Oh, my God, it's over the continent. You haven't even explored it yet, big island! Don't get me wrong."

The words are feminine, but Shaw is impressed that Foreign Minister Bacchus restrained the three former empire kingdoms, the Hedge kingdom and the Salam kingdom from being silent once information had been shed on the discovery of the new continent.

"Captain Melt, Captain Lessa, Captain Karin, it's a big island. Make sure you're not mistaken."

In Shaw's words, everyone noticed the intent of Foreign Minister Bacchus' statement and nodded that he would make his men thorough as well.

"Is there a resident on that big island?

Answer Karin's words, you just went down to the island in front of you. Foreign Secretary Bacchus noticed Shaw had sympathy for the position of the indigenous people of Lutos Island, so he put the issue ahead of him.

Bacchus, I think, is better than being boarded alone. Prince Wang is in trouble when he has a lot of blood. Cautious behavior makes me smile to appreciate it.

If it were a continent, there might be a different indigenous people than the one who fled to Lutos Island. Bacchus is interested in what decision Prince Shaw makes.

Foreign Secretary Bacchus considers King Aslan's intention to let Shaw make a serious decision by letting him shrink or rub his voyage during the captain's absence.

The lion says he will drop my son into the valley of Thousand Seekers, but truly King Aslan deserves the king of the Hundred Beasts, his breasts roar.

It's a tough attitude to Shaw, but King Aslan inflates his fantasy about putting himself on the sub.

Seeing the troubled show, I still cum on my chest that I'm a cute lion that rings Mi-Mu. Bacchus stares at the troubled Shaw, wanting to hug him all the time.

Unlike the captains, who are discussing it with excitement, Shaw contemplates the extent to which there are indigenous people and whether the state is in place, looking at nautical charts. I feel chills when I blink, and when I raise my gaze that I was looking at the nautical chart, I have eyes with Foreign Minister Bacchus staring at me.

"Time is running out, let's make a reconnaissance flight! We have to pick up the crew on Fine Island, so let's get rid of the sail shrinkage. Tell each deputy we've discovered a large island and we're leaving!

Once on the island, the Granada must pick up the crew to Fine Island. Whether to go to Sands Island to replenish depends on whether Aboriginal people are there or friendly, so I decide to make a decision later, and go for a small island first with a dragon.

"You flew out of nowhere..."

I don't feel anxious because Bacchus is now chasing after the Sands, but I admire Shaw for flying alone through the unknown sky.

"Shaw is a dragon knight in the Sands bond, so I guess he doesn't feel lonely"

My partner Marion sarcastically tells me that Bacchus has a root for not bonding. As a dragon knight, there is no shortage to bond, but Bacchus was not interested in making a child.

The dragon seeks the knight of a bonded dragon because he spends the same amount of time, but it's just as important to get a child dragon. When the knight of a bonded dragon matures sexually, the dragon rider also takes a mating flight to get a child dragon. Marion finds it hard to forgive Bacchus for refusing to bond that she is not interested in women after more than a decade.

"Look, I can see you over there."

In Shaw's words, humans who are not as far-sighted as dragons confirm with telescopes. It's a big island, for sure! and all roaring at the island shadow that appeared on the horizon.

"Shaw is very lucky."

As a man of the sea, Karin sends an enviable glance to her powerful brother. Both Melt and Lessa marvel that this is a large island, feel the strength of Shaw's luck and value it highly as the man of the sea.

"Even if I don't find it, I'll be there in a few days."

It is true that such a large island might have reached it if it had continued its voyage east, but it could have changed course.

Before they all got off to the big island, I understood Shaw's feelings about getting off to the island in front. Everyone feels they want to investigate before stepping into an unknown island that is too big.

"While the ship is sailing, let's do a survey of this island. At least it looked like a deserted island from above, so if we can secure real water and food, we can use it as a base for exploring the big islands."

Everyone nods at Shaw's seemingly head of the expedition. The three dragons came with each captain and officer, but not enough men to investigate.

Shaw and Bacchus are small islands, but we decided to use dragons to carefully survey the coastline, and Pips will piston transport personnel nominated by the captains.

"We found a creek on the east side. Let's move over there."

The officers were trampling the grass and picking fruits such as summer micahs and lemons from the groves.

"Small fruit, but fruit would be appreciated"

On a long voyage, fruits and vegetables are really scarce, so even one bite at a time can prevent disease.

When you reposition to the east, you see a large island in front of you. The crews Pipps has put on board are also excited about the discovery of a large island, but officers order them to work busily retracing the creek and looking for food.

Bacchus also cooperates with the transport of personnel, saying that Pips alone is not possible. Captain Melt and Captain Karin and Captain Lessa are busy giving various instructions to their respective officers and crew, but Shaw is staring at a large island.

'If you care so much, you'll be clear if you fly...'

Sands suggests we take Shaw for a ride because it tells him that Shaw has always been worried about people living on a big island.

'Right! Either way, you have to make it clear.'

Just when Pips and Bacchus are back loaded with the crew.

"For once, I'm going to fly to a big island. Until we find out if it's manned, we'll have to base it here, but we'll have to investigate the West Coast alone."

Shaw tells Pips and Bacchus his thoughts on finding the river first, because civilization is prone to occurrence in river basins.

Captain Melt and Captain Lessa decided to give instructions to the officers to build a base, but advised them to take Karin and an armed officer in case.

"Even if we find signs of people living there, we don't go down to the ground in a detour. We'll just explore once."

There are no sick people on the expedition, but they may be infected with an unknown disease or an unfriendly people.

"I won't let you be impotent because I'm on it."

In the words of Foreign Minister Bacchus, Captain Melt and Captain Lessa looked suspicious, but the officer's companion gave up saying that it was also important to build a base for an expedition on a long voyage.

"Shaw, I'm gonna follow you!

Being Prince Wang doesn't give Karin a head up, so Shaw couldn't refuse to get behind the Sands. The three-headed dragon strives for a large island.

"If I sail, it'll take two hours."

It flies alone in the dragon, but Karin ponders the distance from the island in front of her.

"You can see the estuary over there!

I headed in the direction of Pipps' finger pointing, but I don't see anything settlement like it.

"It's such a big river..."

Around the river there were no traces of human hands, rather than settlements. Exploring and flying the coastline does not reveal any signs of residents.

"It will be good in this position today. It's time for the ship to arrive, so we'll do a full investigation tomorrow."

Bacchus looks at the lush nature beneath his eyes when he can't judge only a fraction of the big island, but doesn't think the nation is formed.

"Ah! Buffalo herd!

Looking at the landscape of buffaloes relaxing in their flocks feeding on meadows further away than the river, is Shaw a deserted island? I start to think. But a bunch of buffaloes who notice dragons flying over them panic and storm out.

"Do you know dragons?

Shaw questioned the buffalo who panicked, but is it instinct to fear dragons? and shake his head.

"Sands, I'll feed you buffalo tomorrow."

"Wild buffaloes are tense. I want the cattle of the Kingdom of Iran."

Pips and Bacchus laughed at Shaw and Sands' swallowing conversation, but Shirin and Marion told them the same request and clapped their necks.

That night he comforted himself with the fatigue of a long exploratory voyage with fruit picked on the island at the base and seafood caught on the coast and in the river. The crew will also be served a glass of liquor and will land in order to enjoy a barbecue on the beach.

Shaw leaves the bustling beach and looks out at the dark waters.

"I wonder if the people heading east from Lutos Island could not get there..."

There are no problems with uninhabited islands, but today's exploration turns out to be quite large, so I can't even say that there are no indigenous people.

"Did you eat properly, Prince Shaw?

Bacchus speaks out worried about Shaw, who is alone and sinking into the dark to see a large island he can't see.

"Oh, thanks, I ate first. Foreign Secretary Bacchus, do you think people live on that island?

Bacchus had guessed that the island was quite large due to the size of the big river, so I don't think he can say much about today's exploratory flight alone.

"It's unclear if people live there, but I think it's a testament to the absence of the state that so much land is left behind. But I'm sure I'll have to investigate it. More than that, Prince Shaw! How long won't you name the island in front of you or the big one?

Karin, who noticed that Bacchus had left the barbecue venue to go to Shaw, came after him worried, but not at all! Endorse.

"It's troublesome when you give orders to your men. Hurry up and name it."

Shaw declined even though he had no sense of naming, but Brother Karin stared at him and thought.

"You were sprinkling symbols sequentially on the island you found, weren't you? F is Fine Island, G is an island close to the reef, so it will be H and I as good as this..."

Both Bacchus and Karin thought it was a very nasty way to name it, but I don't pinch my mouth because I'm a discoverer.

"Is it awkward for H to be Hope and I to be Izmal? It's like Lutos Island."

With a better name for the outgoing, Bacchus safely pushes back.

"Unlike King Lutos, the current king, King Izmal, the original ancestor of the Southeast Islands, would have no problem. It is a great island, worthy of the name of a great king in history."

Karin laughs off at Shaw, who hesitates if the indigenous people were calling him by any other name.

"I'll just have to change my name then! Come on, it's a celebration of the discovery of Hope Island and Izmal Island, let's drink!

Blurring to see when Karin became a banquet lover, Shaw is taken to a barbecue venue.

Bacchus felt Shaw's anxiety of excellence in magic and wondered if there might be indigenous people on Izmal Island, but he went after the two of them saying they might have a chance to nurse a drunken cute little lion.

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