Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

7 The village of Messina

Sands and Shirin headed towards the mountain about after Lucas and the others. Shaw finds it difficult to find it from the coast in the forest in front of him, seeing a small settlement from above and from something, seems to be hiding.

It's a small settlement, but there are stone walls all around it.

"Is there a hostile tribe or something?

"Come on, let's see how it goes"

Shaw whispers to Bacchus about the rigorous construction of the old stone wall.

On the south side of the stone wall, there is also an old but seemingly sturdy gate, surrounded by excavations that draw water from the river. The bounce bridge is down now, but I also feel Melt and Karin will raise and defend it if there is an enemy attack.

The inhabitants, who noticed Luca and the others had returned, came out across the straw bouncing bridge.

Shaw realizes that there are no children among the gathered residents.

Shaw finds it a little unnatural that when he landed in front of Pipps' village, a hidden child appeared behind an adult, shining his intriguing eyes.

As the gray-haired old man in it slowly walked out with his cane and across the bouncing bridge, a dragon, almost white discolored from the sky, fell rather than descending beside the old man.

Esmeralda ran over to that dragon, okay? He asks.

"Welcome to the village of Messina. I am McGary, the village chief. This is my land of dragon riders. '

Of course, we didn't hear McGary's words, it was a conversation through Rand.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Bacchus briefly conveys his name, as he does not go through with the officers accompanying Karin and Melt. In the meantime, Shaw explained that he was the King Prince of the Southeast Islands Union over Sands and that he had reached the island on an exploratory voyage.

The village of Messina also has many people who do not understand the language of dragons, so young Esmeralda interprets and tells them. Introduce each other to the names of the two Dragon Knights and the Dragon Riders, as well as the names of their companions on this side.

'It's been a long time since guests from afar. No, it's been a long time. Please, relax.'

Guided by McGally, as he crept through the gates and into the stone walls, there were dozens of stone houses and several large buildings. Walking down the road that stretched through the gate, he reached a circular square and was led inside a large building facing him.

In an effort to entertain guests from afar, the women gather with food from their homes, and what kind of country are the men from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands? He wants to know how the Empire perished or something, he goes to the table provided.

Since we can only talk over the dragon, it will be a meeting by opening the window of a large room facing the square.

'You must be tired of coming from further afield. Whispering, but please enjoy'

Since there were fields and pastures around the village of Messina, it was not surprising that bread, roasted chicken, etc. were arranged one after the other on the table, but Shaw and the others were surprised that the woman carrying it was full of seniors.

Shaw wonders if the young woman is hiding it. They are wary of barbaric acts.

Normally, we can have a secret conversation over the dragon, but not this time.

"Men are just seniors, too, but can't they attend a meeting or something without being of some age?

Karin controlled Shaw from trying to reach for the bread, carrying herself first to her mouth and talking to the wind she was welcoming. Foreign Secretary Bacchus and Captain Melt and the officers each nod that they taste different foods and drinks and have a simple flavor but no problem.

The mayor of the village of McGary in the village of Messina realizes that other companions protect the young Shaw naturally and feels that the reign of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands is stable.

The villagers on the table are explained to the Dragon Knight that they have their part to play.

"Apart from the village chief and the witch princess, the village of Messina chooses the one responsible among themselves."

Shaw perceives that it is apparently the village chief who has fled the empire that will be chosen from the Dragon Knight.

Who's the witch princess? The naturally worshipping religion of the Empire is passed down to the three kingdoms as well, but I never heard of a witch princess.

I look at nature and Esmeralda and smile with seemingly gentle brown eyes. Two McGary village chiefs and dragon knights notice Esmeralda dyeing her pop cheeks.

Foreign Minister Bacchus, with a meal to welcome, was able to speak simple words.

"Master Esmeralda is beautiful"

Esmeralda was illuminated by the direct compliments of Foreign Minister Bacchus, who allowed us to speak our own language.

"No, that's not true."

At the end of the meal, it became a full-fledged discussion. We knew each other's roles and positions during the meal, so Shaw and Bacchus Foreign Secretary, Village Chief McGary and the Dragon Knight join the discussion primarily.

"Why did you come sailing to this land?

Answer the question of the mayor of McGary, who entertained me first. Shaw gets a nautical chart from the accompanying officer and spreads it on the table.

"Ho ho! This is amazing!

Everyone in the village of Messina becomes obsessed with precise nautical charts.

'This is the imperial continent. We are now parted into the Kingdom of Laurent, the Kingdom of Kazaria and the Kingdom of Iran. It was an empire that extended its territory throughout the continent and to the northern part of the Golce continent, but it was rubbed by the corruption and tracing problems of the emperors of the past, and the war ensued, and the princes split into three kingdoms.'

It is a very pompous explanation, but the inhabitants of the village of Messina are astonished to see if they have ruled the whole continent.

"And this is the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands."

I have told Sands, but everyone nods because it is an explanation pointing to the chart.

"Where is our island located?

Did these people's ancestors escape without a nautical chart! Shaw, impressed that it was something that was well reached safely, shows the point where Batten was written.

I was stunned at how far they were all from the Imperial Continent.

'Maybe because stone walls and digs were alerted to chasers from the empire?

The mayor of McGary replies with dismay that neither his ancestors nor we knew he had been so far apart. Hellins, an elderly dragon knight, asks questions in place of the guttering village chief.

"What kind of country are you in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands?

Shaw finds this reply very serious.

'My country, as the name suggests, is a kingdom where many island nations have come together. It's a maritime nation, and a business-friendly people are dealing with countries around the world.'

Even over Sands, I feel young Shaw's love for his country.

"What was the purpose of coming to this island?"

Woo Shaw was cut into the core and stuck in words for a moment, but he talks honestly because it's a conversation through a dragon.

'Actually, this hedge kingdom noticed an unknown island and chased it knowing it was going on an exploratory voyage. And Lutos Island has been discovered earlier by the Hedge Kingdom. But the elders there told me that they had ancestors heading east, and they continued their exploratory voyage.'

The nautical chart pointed to the Kingdom of Hedge and the island of Lutos and indicated it from its location to the island of Izmal in Batten.

Listen to the interpreters of Zawazawa and Esmeralda, the people of the village of Messina speak orally. McGary, the village chief, recalls his old saying and speaks out with excitement.

'The people who live on that island of Lutos are one of us. How many of those people make settlements?

The desire to meet people with the same ancestors has been conveyed, and Shaw regrets that he has now been overtaken by the Hedge Kingdom.

"It's not that big of a crowd, it would be hundreds or so"

I got a little dismayed, but Gaya and the villagers are discussing it.

"If you join those people, won't there be more new blood?

"If it's less than two hundred, aren't there a few young people of marriageable age?

"But even if we say we're gonna be together, the other side might hate us."

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bacchus looked like a diplomat, though I think it would be difficult to grasp the contents easily. Shaw asks about what bothers him most.

"Is there no other inhabitant on this island than the village of Messina?

The villagers who had bothered were translations of Esmeralda, and they quieted down.

Take a deep deep breath and the mayor of McGary speaks out in a depressing manner.

"Indigenous people lived there when their ancestors reached this island. The same ancestors and the indigenous people tried to forge a friendly relationship… and we sinned terribly against the indigenous people. '

Terrible sin? Shaw listens nervously to the dragon continuously wondering what he did.

"Some of our ancestors had many children, and they kept germs such as scythes and blisters sterile. Our ancestors had excellent magic treatments, but they were using up their magic on their voyages to this point, and they could only help the indigenous people who fell ill a little. With its surviving indigenous people and ancestors, it created the village of Messina. '

When the village chief finishes his long story, he sinks into the chair in a gutter. Shaw thought it might look a little different than the race on the Imperial Continent because the mix had progressed.

Lutos Island had lived in a warm region for many years, changing to a laid-back, tanned look, but the basics were bright hair and eye color. The inhabitants of the village of Messina have more brown and dark hair and look closer to the humans of the Southeast Islands than the imperial continent, which has more blonde blue eyes.

Looks like the mayor of McGary and the Dragon Knight want to meet and talk to the residents of that Lutos Island. Shaw guessed, but didn't speak out because it seemed difficult because it was under the control of the Hedge Kingdom.

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