Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

14 What can I do...

The voyage continued smoothly and Wombin Island was visible.

"On such a small island, do you live?

The mayor of McGary needs to save his poor compatriots! What weird sympathy you have. Shaw was a little concerned.

My grandfather Mario Island and others are also financially poor, but by paying taxes as part of the Southeast Islands, I live swallowed up without being frightened by pirate raids or looting from other islands.

"Wombin Island is a warm island, and if you take fish in the ocean, you won't be inconvenient to eat"

The village chief pinned what Shaw wanted to say.

"Well, it's been a long time since we broke up. But if you are craving the hedge kingdom and the care of them, you don't have to know, if you are forced to rule..."

Huh. Shaw wanted to sigh, but I caught my attention remembering the directive from Leyte.

As we approached the island, we saw three large vessels from Leyte with a bean grain size. I reported to the Hedge Kingdom and thought the reinforcements were arriving, but I lean my neck to see if they were still repairing the damage caused by the storm.

Captain Melt and his crew in the thick hedge kingdom were frustrated by each other's work, but it is convenient that there is no reinforcement.

"Keh, are you still fixing the damage to the shine, Chintara?

The crew of the Granada also skip the field saying that they are not familiar with such a long voyage at the hands of the goat owners. But as they approached, Shaw and the others realized something was wrong.

"Captain Melt, was it that damaged?

It still looks small in the telescope, but the damage seems to be increasing.

"During the Ikari stay, did a big storm hit you directly?

In lieu of Captain Silent Melt, Lieutenant Killer answers.

"No, it's not"

Few words, Captain Melt denies. Captain Killer also looks back at it with a telescope and speculates that it is not the damage caused by the storm, but an artificial object.

"No way, the inhabitants of Wombin Island? Or pirates to such a distant ocean..."

With that much mouth, Shaw suspected that the elders of Wombin Island attacked him using his real name.

The mayor of McGary laughs that his compatriots on Wombin Island, who are said to be swallowing, also had the temper to rebel against imperial domination and sail out in search of a new life in the unknown sea.

"Was there no harm done to the residents of Wombin Island? What happened to the people of the Hedge Kingdom?

Shaw was not worried about the people of the Hedge Kingdom, but about that asshole King Lutos getting obsessed with human harm.

"There must be a therapist."

The mayor of McGary said that if the battle was over, the therapist would help even the enemy, but Shaw can't be so optimistic because the crew of the Hedge Kingdom is larger than the residents of Wombin Island.

I worry that it has become a fierce battle with each other. An amateur sailor in the Hedge Kingdom would be a good lookout anyway, so damage to the ship would be done using its true name. But the Hedge Kingdom also landed about a hundred people on the ground, so I wonder what happened to the battle with you.

Captain Karin's Padma had also sensed what had happened on Wombin Island, but the flagship Granada had told him by flag signal that the captain, Bacchus and Patrick would come.

Bacchus does Wombin Island residents too! and laughed in the heart, but the hedge kingdom would not give up easily, straining its mind.

In the captain's office on the Granada, we had a short discussion. The wicked mayor of McGary said he wanted to fly to Dragon Ride Land and the island now.

"I know how that feels, but the contingents from the Hedge Kingdom were larger than all the inhabitants of Wombin Island. The ship is damaged, but we can't tell which is the dominant ground battle."

Then my son, Patrick, suppresses the mayor of McGary, who is anxious to provide extra Wombin Island cover.

"It's better to see how things are going a little later. Of course, my compatriots help, but don't bother with weird gestures."

My son convinced me to give up flying to Wombin Island, but I'm frustrated to find out what happened quickly.

The opinion was unanimous that we had to investigate on Wombin Island first. I'm going to convince Patrick to go investigate with Shaw, Bacchus and Patrick, who would like to accompany the investigation team.

Captain Melt and Captain Karin would also like to accompany him, but refuse because it is only a reconnaissance from above, and in the meantime instruct him to stop at Wombin Island in case he takes up a combat regime.

"Why don't you take my land?

To the mayor of McGary complaining about the bumps, the Hedge Kingdom makes a painful excuse to convince him that three dragons are in an expedition in the Southeast Islands, but because if he sees a land of different colors, he finds out it's a different dragon.

"My father is stubborn, and I apologize for the inconvenience"

In the air to Wombin Island, Patrick apologizes to the Shaws with a bitter smile.

"No, I'm sure you're looking at the predicament of your former compatriots."

While Shaw is responding, we get over Wombin Island. I swirled around over a cabin in the Hedge Kingdom built on the beach, but it doesn't seem popular.

"On a Hedge Kingdom ship, you'd better ask what's going on. Mr. Patrick can't speak the official language yet, so don't open your mouth."

I can't think much of it, but I'm not popular near the Hedge Kingdom cabin, so I'm wondering if maybe they wiped it out. Before landing on Wombin Island, which may have acted hostile, I decide to listen to the circumstances from the Hedge Kingdom.

Ships in the Hedge Kingdom are so miserable that they don't think they were new shipbuilding, Shaw and Bacchus flaunt their faces.

"That would be the flagship...... terrible"

The sails are burning down, and the ships have burning everywhere. The crew of the Hedge Kingdom look at the dragon and wave.

"That's pretty damaging."

The ship looks terrible in the eyes of amateur Patrick.

"Let's get off with caution"

I can't swirl till hours, so I unload the Sands on the deck of the flagship. Bacchus and Patrick also followed Shaw, but frowned even though the deck was not polished.

"Prince Shaw, you've come to a good place. The inhabitants of Lutos Island used suspicious sorcery to drive us off the island. Please help us."

Recently, an official of the Hedge Kingdom, who held a paid welcome party, comes down from the dragon and says no or nothing of his own accord. Shaw flaunts his shoulders and shudders.

"It's horrible to have indigenous people who use such suspicious sorcery."

Hedge Kingdom officials are frustrated by the soggy show, but the ship is also damaged, and they can't help but return home and call for reinforcements.

"It's after we unload the goats onto Lutos Island, so it's the end of what we lack in food. And the sails and masts won't even go home. What should I do?"

Bad for needy officials, but there's nothing I can do about this one. Even if Bacchus was expelled from the island, he thought he would crush an official who would hardly give up Lutos Island, but he is also in the condition of a ship that he cannot even return to.

"I didn't see the terrible inhabitants like that, but what happened?

I tried to ask you what was going on, but like water on a platform, officials state their selfish remarks.

"I did it by distributing goats to the inhabitants of Lutos Island, so I asked them to pay the price, but they are a total stranger. Besides, ordering His Majesty King Lutos to pay taxes doesn't even seem to understand what it means, you undeveloped man! If you don't have any money, I tried to confiscate the household tools that are in the house, but with all the crap... So, well, if you're a young man or woman, as a workforce..."

Shaw wants to sigh that the boulder-swallowed Wombin Island residents were also angry when they were about to be taken to a tax cat who didn't feel the need to pay their sons and daughters.

To the officials in front of you, there's nothing you can do, fool! and Shaw curses inside. Or are you too keen and enthusiastic about collecting the slightest taxes at hand to turn your head?

I also ask the village of Messina to pay taxes fairly, but we need to be cautious when we begin to govern, so we intend to have a tax exemption period, and for the time being we should adopt a policy in which the village benefits more.

Even if Wombin Island falls under the umbrella of the Southeast Islands, it also exits the need to drive away the hedge kingdom, which leaves untrained on this island, or dried fish, or about potatoes, it will be in complete deficit. But suppressing the island will open the route from Mailing to Ismal to skilled sailors in the Southeast Islands, and we can hope to develop it as a supply base.

Shaw and Foreign Secretary Bacchus have been discussing the issue of Ismal Island, which is now top secret to the Hedge Kingdom, but we need to get greedy officials off this island somehow.

"We'd like to supplement our food and water, but will the residents forgive us?"

Officials in the kerchief hedgehog kingdom said they could sell the water and food they put on this ship to them if they wanted to put a high price on it, but the captain rushes to stop.

"If you sell water or food, you will die of hunger and thirst!

Shaw worries that the crew around him are sick or something. Foreign Secretary Bacchus shields Shaw from the back, wondering if he might have contracted an unknown disease on Wombin Island.

"Is it an infectious disease?

Strictly questioned, the official and the captain shake their necks sideways that there was no extermination.

"The crew wants to escape this cursed island. But like sailing back home in the Great East, the sails, the masts, the water and the food..."

To the captain's words, officials cry when King Lutos kills them that they bought three expensive new shipbuilders but could only discover a small undeveloped island and even that was driven away.

Shaw and Bacchus, you know! And I wanted to kick it, but I can't even get in the way because I'm also getting directives from Leyte asking me to umbrella Wombin Island.

"Originally, we had indigenous people, so we couldn't make it our own territory. King Lutos will have no choice but to report to His Majesty. We'll have to discuss food and water with the islanders until we get home."

Officials in the Hedge Kingdom make noise that the goats of food are originally their own.

"We'll buy the goats too, how many do you want?

"How many? It's... it's..."

Officials in the hedge kingdom flatter their mouths when they want to sell the goats that the islanders keep on their own high prices to the southeastern islands, but they have to buy them themselves at that price.

In the end, we agreed to sell the goats to the Southeast Islands for the price we sold to Chennai in the winter, but we wouldn't deduct them if we didn't want to pay for them as our own food.

Shaw and the others will return to the ship once.

"I don't feel like working for the Hedge Kingdom, do I? I mean, just thinking about what's going on… I just wanted to make you feel like a goat."

Let's leave it and wait until we ate up the water and food on board, or they were officials of an unpleasant hedge kingdom to the point where they thought so.

"I want the Hedge Kingdom to disperse with Tot, so I have to get a dozen goats and water to do it. Jeez, at that rate, I'm gonna have to fix my mast and sails."

It bothers me how the two of us are going to solve this.

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