King Lutos is horrified when he receives reports that three new ships have been launched on an exploratory voyage and have returned to port. For more than three months there was no tone out, and I was worried that it had become an algae chip in the ocean.

"We spent a lot of money and bought three new ships in Leyte. If you are destroyed on your first voyage, you will not be able to take the original."

Having heard the words, my subordinate knew that King Lutos' proximity was a ketch, but he suffered judgment as to whether this was a joke to return home safely and to think seriously that the investment was good without wasting it.

For the queasy King Lutos, he hurries to the harbor ignoring the horse's hooves tickling.

"Why are you flying the flag of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands?

It is not a goat flag on the greens of its own country, but a hateful glimpse of the flag of a white ship flying in the blue of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

Not only that, but the three ships are operated by the officers and crews of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, and the crews of the Hedge Kingdom appear to be following instructions.

"Did the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands capture you for piracy? No, they won't be operating the nabbed ship into the country."

King Lutos is an amateur on the ship, but he frowned when he realized that the brand new shipbuilding was worn out, and regrets that he should have hired a captain from the Southeast Islands without a kerchief.

A boat is lowered and an expedition from my own country lands in the harbor. It was King Lutos' eclampsia that was accompanied by officers from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

It is also frustrating to notice that a puffer ambassador from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands came to the port by carriage.

King Lutos tongues that Ambassador Pufume must be grasping information he doesn't know. I am angry with myself for neglecting to check trends away from the royal palace in order to keep the expedition dispatch a secret.

"King Lutos, do you bother to welcome you to the port?

I am much more patient with the desire to ask Ambassador Fumiko why three of the Hedge Kingdom's expeditions are being operated by officers from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

The head of the landed expedition sees King Lutos, blues his face and kneels.

"Your Majesty King Lutos, I apologize for the unfortunate result. The expedition was stormed in the Great East and flowed to a small island, where a vicious sorcerer lived."

King Lutos was pleased to hear that he had found a small island, but frowned upon the presence of a magician.

"The hostile First Nations attacked the ship, making it unnavigable and difficult to return home. Just now, Prince Shaw of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands sailed to the island and sold three ships. Officers from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands have navigably repaired it and sent us to the Hedge Kingdom."

After a pitiful report, King Lutos wanted to beat him up, but with the weight of the leather bag he was offered, keep him connected to the barn! And I changed my mind.

Lutos suppresses his anger that beating such an idiot just hurts his hand. Besides, you can execute them at any time, but keep your feelings calm trying to pull out the money from these guys and the plea to return the territory.

Ambassador Puffer is briefly briefed by the officers and laughs that Shaw wanted to take up the new shipbuilding from Leite from the Hedge Kingdom and bought it.

"Wombin Island has joined the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands"

The officer whispers and communicates the latest information to Ambassador Puffer.

In a letter of instruction from Leyte, he also wrote plans to bring Lutos Island (Wombin Island) under the umbrella of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, but Ambassador Pufume nodded with satisfaction that Shaw had done well.

I thought it would be all right because Foreign Minister Bacchus is accompanying me, but now my discussions with King Lutos are vigorously attacked.

"Um, Ambassador Pufume, Prince Shaw tells me to load three goats and return to Reite..."

I would have landed the crew and taken a break, but I think both Ambassador Puffer and the officers would like to delay the discovery of Ishmal Island at all.

Ambassador Puffer blunts his daily bargaining technique, letting him have a little flower in the price negotiations between King Lutos and the goats in his anger-headed mind, and sending the three new shipbuilders out to Reite.

"Ambassador Yamamoto Puffer, you're breaking..."

King Lutos finds it suspicious that the good enemy ambassador Puffer has concluded the negotiations at a price ranging from a slightly plugged price to a somewhat fair price.

I remember when I was planning an expedition myself, I didn't want to keep Ambassador Pufume close to the royal palace and I sold the goats I send to Chennai at a more subtle and cheap price than usual.

"Fly the Dragon Knight to Reite! Something's wrong with you!

There are also a few dragon knights in the Hedge Kingdom. They feed dragons like a big meal, so I fly them to Reite to say that I can do that.

I heard from the head of the expedition connected to the hut, about the size of Wombin Island or something, that it was too far from the hedge kingdom, and that even if he dominated an island inhabited by such barbaric hostile natives, he thought he would get little, but King Lutos feels something wrong.

"Why did Prince Shaw buy up three ships? Raythe will have enough new shipbuilding to sell..."

With the gold that sold the three new shipbuilders and the goats, the original was almost taken, but King Lutos suspects something is wrong.

Leite was preceded by the Dragon Knight of the Hedge Kingdom over the three ships Shaw had bought. A watch arranged by Foreign Minister Bacchus checks the arrival of the Dragon Knight at the embassy in the Kingdom of Hedge.

"Oh, have you noticed yet? No, I'm just still suspicious, huh? I don't like negotiating with that asshole King Lutos. Finally, I'm done discussing the matter with Gachikoti's Minister for Military Affairs Dawson and the Besmel Minister of the Interior with the corner of the Chimatima Heavy Box... I was going to tail discuss the matter with my lovely King Shaw Prince and Ismal Island, suck ~"

Foreign Secretary Bacchus, who doesn't wake up for free after a fall, well heads off to the princes' outhouse because he always knows where he is in an effort to tail discuss his response to King Lutos.

"Lulub, you've improved your sword."

Lulub, with good motor nerves, had a good flight training with Leda, who had chosen him as his sword and partner. The Cadfell also triumphed over Leyte, so Pips also participates in the training of Lulub. Both of these two have ancestors who rebelled against the old empire and fled, and are aiming to be dragon knights.

The nostalgic Lulub has also been able to break down with the out-of-house squire and speak quite a bit of the official language, but the problem is reading and writing the official language. I had to study from scratch because I used broken letters in Wombin Island.

Pamela's tutor in the rear palace has also tried to study Lulub, but she seems to be struggling quite a bit. Shaw grinned bitterly that Lulub was unsuitable for a civilian, sweating his swordsmanship and inviting him to go to the sea bath.

"Reda, it's a sea bath!

Lulub, who swims every day on Wombin Island, often swims with Leda on the shore behind the Royal Palace, but Shaw and Pips are more fun together than one. Of course, Sands and Shirin are delighted.

Foreign Minister Bacchus assumed that the princes had gone to a sea bath because there was no shadow in the outhouse where they lived.

Marion, I'm going to the water bath.

Sometimes you have to ride dragon filial piety! and called Marion to join Shaw and the others in the seawater bath.

Bacchus, Yi! He had a chest cum that he preferred fine macho, but Shaw sees what the Foreign Secretary came to call him here for.

"Before King Lutos finds out the size of the island of Izmal, I would like to strike him in the hand... but please summon Prime Minister Flanagan and Interior Minister Besmel as soon as possible. I've been thinking a little bit, so I'd like to discuss it."

Shaw decided to cut up his seawater bath early to discuss his response to King Lutos.

"Sands and Marion enjoy a slow sea bath! I have to have a meeting. '

Foreign Minister Bacchus, during his exploratory voyage, had asked King Lutos from Shaw about his plan to become the issuer of the convertible treasury bonds for Dakat gold coins, so he would give up his appreciation of upper body nudity and convene a meeting.

"No more! That's not a good time! I hate King Lutos!

Blurring, Foreign Minister Bacchus quickly thought with his head of how to sell his grace to the Kingdom of Laurent and how to propose a story graciously that the Kingdom of Hedge would also benefit.

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