Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

12 If you eat poison, even dishes......

The reply from the Royal Palace came, so Shaw and the others go to see King Rudolph and Crown Prince Alexei in an effort to talk about the big frame before King Lutos of the Hedge Kingdom gets to Cairon.

"Speaking of which, Princess Ariena is pregnant."

The carriage to the royal palace reminds me of Misha, who serves as Ariena's side. On Ariena's side of beauty, I worry that the modest Misha is doing well, but I think it's going to be okay because Alexei is about to accompany Leite at the bar mitzvah.

I'm relieved that things like being sold to pirates will never happen again, but I feel uncomfortable remembering my relationship with Prince Jenas. Shaw sighs whether that unpleasant feeling stems from his discomfort with Prince Jenas or from his apprehension that Misha is going to be unhappy.

Foreign Secretary Bacchus chuckled, guessing why Shaw sighed.

At the Royal Palace, King Rudolph and Crown Prince Alexei are discussed the issue of Dakat gold coin converted government bonds, but cared for the king, who shows tiredness in about an hour, became a cheer with tea on the way.

For the Kingdom of Laurent, the Dakat Gold Currency Cast Treasury Bond, which had been a long-standing proposal, was gratifying, but I was surprised because the issuer called King Lutos. Alexei wanted King Aslan or Prince Shaw to be the issuer if possible, and he was going to negotiate over a break.

But King Rudolph still has the effect of a recent seizure and he has no superior complexion.

"Your Majesty King Rudolph, I heard you were harmed in your health. Raythe's therapeutic director has obtained a gem of good potency, so I will dedicate this. Don't let go of your skin, use it."

King Rudolph received and opened a beautifully sculpted box of sandalwood that looked like the Southeast Islands and contained a brilliant Amber pendant. Amber is not a rare gem in the Kingdom of Laurent, but I hardly see a stone this brilliant.

On the recommendation of "Please, accompany me," King Rudolph takes the pendant out of the box and lowers it from his neck.

"Ahhh... my body gets lighter. Thanks to this pendant? Prince Shaw, thank you for your valuable gift."

I thank my father, Alexei, and Prince Shaw, for his improved complexion.

"I can't thank Prince Shaw enough for his favor."

Shaw smiles wondering if he has somehow misled himself into using his real name. Rudolph and Alexei suspected that Amber had some sort of cure magic hanging on him, but questioned whether the treatment chief of the Southeast Islands had.

"It is time for His Majesty King Lutos to arrive in Cairon. We were ahead of the dragon, but His Majesty said he could come with the dragon knights."

Alexei, who was about to ask Shaw about his treatment moves hung on Amber's pendant, heartily tongues that the new Foreign Minister Bacchus, who changed his story in good time, is quite a crook.

Alexei reassesses that although there are many originally good diplomats in the South-East Islands, this Bacchus Foreign Secretary is not at all the same attitude as he appeared.

In doing so, King Lutos of the Kingdom of Hedge arrived and Alexei negotiated interest and fees, sincerely hoping to make the issuer of the Dakat gold converted government bonds the Southeast Islands.

"Later, please discuss it in both countries"

Alexei invites an inner dinner party to stop Shaw, who was watching the tough negotiations, trying to quit Shirasa and the Royal Palace.

As for Shaw, I feel like going home to Leyte early, so I'd like to say no to dinner parties or whatever, but Ambassador Lillick and Foreign Minister Bacchus scolded me with their eyes and reluctantly decided to attend.

"Will Princess Misha also attend the dinner party?

It seems natural that King Rudolph, Crown Prince Alexei, Prince Narcisse and Princess Misha will be at the dinner party because they invite King Lutos and his wife in the Hedge Kingdom, Prince Shaw and Foreign Minister Bacchus and his wife in the Southeast Islands.

"Prince Shaw, if you eat poison, your name is even a plate. It's polygamous anyway, so it won't change with one more Princess Misha."

At the embassy, Foreign Secretary Bacchus can forgive but not convince Shaw that he is going to apply for the fringe.

"It's horrible how poisonous it is. And I don't want to eat a plate if I eat poison."

Ambassador Lillick joins in forgiving Shaw, bitterly laughing that it's a terrible metaphor too.

"Well, I haven't been officially signed up yet, and you don't have to be so stupid..."

"Officially? Is there something you want to talk about back there?

Ambassador Lillick smiles and deludes Shaw that he's sharpened too.

"Oh, you have one ~. I'm going home to Pipps and Layte now. I'll leave the rest to Foreign Secretary Bacchus."

There's no way you can dota-can King Rudolph's dinner party from the two of us! And he scolded me, and Shaw sighed, even though his father would ignore him and leave.

At the embassy in the Southeast Islands, when Shaw was fooling around, King Rudolph was talking to Misha.

"I feel very comfortable with the colour of your face"

Hearing that the first meeting attended after the seizure was over, Misha visited the Father King's room and was horrified at how well she seemed.

King Rudolph was convinced that he did not want Prince Jenas of the Kingdom of Surah and others to daughter-in-law Misha, who had put him in the shade, to reunite with Shaw.

"Prince Shaw gave me this pendant that was good for my health, and then I got better."

Misha, who serves Ariena, who is pregnant, also heard about the dinner party and knew Shaw was coming to Cairon.

"Well, Prince Shaw..."

Misha blushes her cheeks when she says she is still kind, although I know she has given her precious items as a favor to the king of the other country.

King Rudolph thought he had to make sure Misha was still in love with Shaw and talk Alexei into moving forward with the conversation.

The dinner party welcomed King Lutos of the Kingdom of Hedge and Prince Shaw of the Southeast Islands, so nothing went wrong because it took place in the inner circle alone.

Be generous in the salon after a meal and have coffee or dessert. Solis is lying asleep in front of a fireplace where his pussy and firewood burn. The pregnant Ariena, sitting in Sowa and stroking the giant white wolf at her feet, looks happy, and Shaw remembers Letitia of Leite.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy"

"Thank you, Prince Shaw. Misha does her best, so she's comfortable."

Misha sat modestly on Ariena's side receiving words of celebration from Shaw.

"Thank you, Princess Misha, for coming to Leyte, a long way from the bar mitzvah. Did you enjoy Reite's stay?

Ariena shakes the subject of Misha, so I thank her for attending the bar mitzvah.

"You've been very kind to Princess Rosina."

Misha feels a little awkward when she remembers Shaw's beautiful bridesmaids. Narcisse covers the irresistible conversation.

"I've never been to Reite. Can I visit you once?

"Yeah, of course, you're welcome."

Alexei wants to somehow let Shaw and Misha discuss it alone, sending an eye sign to his brother.

"Oh, if I don't get Solis to exercise...... Misha, I seem to have had a little too much alcohol, can you please? Oh, is it dangerous just for a girl?

It's a visible operation to the point of sighing, but Shaw will also go out with it, as Misha would be awkward to let Solis walk the royal palace at night by herself.

King Lutos perceived that he was apparently willing to push King Rudolph's bastard son against King Shaw's prince, but since his country does not have a single male royalty, he gives up his bribe and just drinks.

Despite the royal palace at night, it is obvious that no one, such as a fool, has such a huge wolf attacking Misha with him, but there is no choice because in the three old empire kingdoms the courtier is supposedly to be escorted.

In an attempt to get around to the salon with Sassa, Shaw gives up and escorts Misha.

I thought Solis had returned to the kingdom of Iran.

Remnants of roses bloom in the royal palace garden, but Shaw talks to Solis in silence with Misha.

"Ariena has a baby, but I can't leave her. If you are born safely, you will return to the forest of von Forrest '

Shaw bitterly laughs that King Edoardo is going to be angry if Tash isn't about to return to the Kingdom of Cazaria either.

Misha knows Narcisse pretended to be drunk for herself and gave her a chance to be two. Plus, I squeeze my courage that Shaw and I may never get to see each other again.

"Prince Shaw, Solis always hunts in the garden of the royal palace. In the meantime, let's wait in that East Room over there."

Exercise and Narcisse said, but Shaw heads to the East Room with Misha wondering if the hunt is also exercise for Solis.

"I'm going hunting"

Solis knew Misha liked Shaw for a long time, so he followed his conjecture in the atmosphere and disappeared into the garden at night.

"Isn't it cold?

Shaw cared about Misha, but he grew up in the Kingdom of Laurent, so he's fine about the fall cold.

"I'm fine, but is Prince Shaw not good at being cold?

If a girl cares, Shaw can't even say it's cold, so she decides to talk in the East Room under the moonlight.

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