Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

24 Dragon Blood

Shaw headed to Sands and the Royal Palace dragon house.

"For the Sands, is it like a pageant? More importantly, is it time to look at the pictures from before the pageant? With that said, it would be useful to have pictures. Can you make a camera? I wouldn't use it for that much war, so maybe it's good."

Shaw had placed regulations on himself to introduce knowledge from his previous life into a world free of gunpowder and oil. I didn't want to bring inventions into this world that were likely to cause mass slaughter in the war.

"Prince Shaw, this way ~"

William waves heavily in front of the dragon house in the royal palace. Even though it's a spare amount of beauty to keep him a man, he has a mushy face at times, but today he is tenacious that he can explain his favorite dragon.

"Good morning, Prince William. Didn't I keep you waiting?

William speaks to the prince casually, not suited to his face.

"Now, Master William, please call me Shaw too"

Laugh at each other through Erica and be brothers.

"Sands is, like, fourteen, right? You're very young, but you're growing in balance. Meryl and Ruth's child dragon, you're excellent. Again, I think it would be better for the dragon to mix with the new pedigree. What does Master Shaw think?

Sands was praised and seemed a little illuminating, but he liked William.

"Sands, the Kingdom of Iran is full of dragons. I'm glad you were praised by William of that country. The Southeast Islands have few dragons, so we want to actively interact and increase them '

William found Comrade Dragon Horse Deer! and rejoiced.

At the corner, even if you find a tied dragon knight and become a dragon rider, most dragons only have one child dragon. The dragon knights of bond also lust during mating flights, because they can only mate flights for periods of dislike or sexual maturity.

"Sands can mate with any dragon except Ruth's bloodline, right? My Ellis is from Paris, Captain Cassidy Dragon Knight. Not yet, it's not mature, but I hope you'll give me the Son of Sands dragon one day '

Sands also looks satisfied that Ellis is not ready for a mating flight yet, but is an excellent dragon rider. In the dragon house of the Royal Palace in the Kingdom of Iran was a dragon rider with a selection.

"Dear William, is there any lineage in this that you should avoid?

Before Sands falls in love, I want to tell you no dragon.

"There's no useless pedigree here in Dragon Riding. Oh, but the dragon knight's dragon cavalry of a woman's bond is basically like letting her mate fly with her wedding partner. Look, man to man, it's just a little awkward... well, that's awkward"

Sooner or later, if Erica bonds with Vesta, Shaw smiles at Prince Dragon Horse Deer, who dyes his cheeks with a wolf, wondering if he'll let her mate fly with his married William Ellis.

Shaw was a little embarrassed to think that Mimi's dragon rider Ralph was Sands, and dyed his cheeks.

While the two dragon knights were mumbling with paranoia with their own opponents, Sands had received a fervent appeal from the dragon riders who rode their faces out of the dragon house.

I want to have a dragon.

In Sands' words, the dragon riders who want to have a dragon themselves were a little sorry, but they are definitely fascinating nonetheless.

'Oh! Oh, my God!

While I was a little alarmed, the dragon riders were surrounding the Sands. William snorts to the dragon rider that he can see that the Sands are excellent.

"This child is Sir Andrew's Arena"

It's a beautiful arena, worthy of a gorgeous Andrew's dragon rider who is in love capital Jungfrau and keeps his playboy name to himself.

"Sands is young, so you can have as many dragons as you want. I'm not young anymore... '

But the arena has been the reverse temptation for the younger Sands to want to have it before they have a child dragon.

"Arena, now Sands wants a dragon."

I don't feel bad about Sands either, but if it's not tempting, it distracts me from the arena.

"A dragon basically has a child dragon from an older age. But there aren't many dragon riders in the Southeast Islands, so I can't say that. At what age did King Aslan make you give birth to Sloan? When the Dragon Knight is no longer active, the Dragon Cavalry will no longer be able to mate, so I've given birth to as many as possible."

Shaw decided to ignore his father's story and concentrate solely on Sands.

There should be more children of Dragon Knight qualities on Ismal Island and Wombin Island. As it is now, there will be a dragon shortage. I want Sands to have two heads.

With Shirin and Ralph and Luca, the Sands have promised to mate fly, and William's Ellis has named him.

"How long should I open the interval between giving birth to a child dragon? Even if there is a child dragon, can you mate fly?

The arena was repelled once, but I'm thinking on the side that Sands is discussing with the other dragon riders. In the meantime, Shaw discusses the dragon's breeding plan with William.

"If I give birth to a dragon, I'll want to raise him for six months. But mating flights may not have to last a year... Your father, Aramis, after giving birth to a dragon, mated flights with his mother, Iris"

William, too, dyed his cheeks for his parents' stories and did so awkwardly. Shaw suspected that the princes and princesses of the Kingdom of Iran, born two years apart, were the fruit of a cabbage field curse made with the green magic of Queen Yuri.

Is it possible that Ariena is the only older son because Iris and Aramis mated flight? Speaking of which, I think Alexei's Dragon Rider Bell gave birth to a child dragon when Ariena was pregnant.

Ambassador Pasham warned me that dragon knights and magicians are hard to have children, but I forgot because Leticia was so pregnant.

Speaking of which, Lara and I haven't had a child yet after more than six months.

On an exploratory voyage, on a visit to the Kingdom of Laurent, on a honeymoon with Rosina, because she tends to be away, Shaw shook her head sideways to shake off her anxiety.

The dragon cavalry, wanting to have a child dragon, returned to sleep on the root straw when he gave up knowing that Sands' will was stiff. But the arena and a few others remain, and if we cooperate this time, we are negotiating whether they will give us a child dragon next time.

'What's left of the dragon riding... eh? My brother, Leona, why are you here? Sometimes I'm in the Crown Prince's outhouse...'

Shaw tried to stop Philip because he and Leona were going to get awkward.

"Leona is the dragon of Ramos, the son of Maxius' great-grandfather. It's an excellent dragon rider... and I want you to choose it for Lady Liliana."

Speaking of which, Philip and his wife haven't had any children. Shaw finds it unfortunate that Liliana is under pressure.

"But if you could make a cabbage field for Queen Yuri..."

William, laying his eyes down slightly, shook his neck to the side.

I suspect that the curse of child making will also be affected so that if the knightly dragon knights of bond are no longer active, they will lose their breeding power.

"Leona! You were here?

Looking for Leona, who is not in the dragon house in the outhouse, Philip came.

"Philip, Sands wants to mate flight. Liliana wants a child. If I mate fly with Sands, Liliana might get a baby too '

Philip had felt like he was losing the pressure since Liliana didn't even get the kid a cabbage field curse. She's still young, and she smiles and nods when she convinces her that she hasn't been married for a year, but she looks spicy watching her married friends get pregnant one after the other at the same time in the marriage rush.

Philip wants to get rid of the nobles and the ladies' gaze that spreads to Liliana's luxurious West, even though he has no business at the Royal Palace.

Shaw also noticed Lara wanted a baby early.

"Yikes! I don't care about the embarrassment between men!

Sands also seems to like Leona, intertwining the neck of the dragon's courtship behavior and staring with a hot gaze.

Philip and I promise that the next day after Catherine's wedding is over.

William laughed that if Liliana got pregnant with this, she could apply it to herself.

Arena looks at Sands and Leona a little unfortunately but damn laughs that she seems to have a chance because she's still young.

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