Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

1 Busy Back Palace

"Aisha, look, I'm gonna roll."

Leticia held Aisha running around the backyard, scolding Meh. Aisha, bracketing her loose curved hair in two, points her lips dissatisfied as she plays with Verne.

"Master Shaw will spoil it, so Aisha won't listen. Hurry up and ask Master Lily to come and marry me..."

Leticia pulled her dear Ayesha's hand and headed to the room to let her play with Lara's laying second princess, Leila.

Two year old Ayesha and a year and a half old Leila are good players.

"Well, you were texting this one too"

Leila, who had finally stretched her hair to her shoulders, was leaning against the email and trying hard to make a crown out of the flowers she had picked.

"I can't do it well!

Show Aisha the messed up floral crown, and she'll cry.

"Layla, I'll help you"

Sister, let the lady take care of Ayesha making a flower crown with Layla, and Leticia and Lara make tea with a smile.

Lara is close to Leticia, and she can talk leniently. Melissa is at the University of Paloma, and it was Rosina who was in this rear palace.

Leticia sighs and kills Lara and Rosina if she can't help it.

Rosina resented Shaw for not choosing herself when she realized that Lara was pregnant on the Sands mating flight.

Leticia went in between and excused herself because Lara had married first, but Rosina's rival heart flashed.

"Originally, the First Lady's target Leticia and Melissa are out of the question! Lara's still a rival!

She was also stuck during her pregnancy, but from the time she looked blatantly horny because she was a girl, the two friends were screwed to the point of irreparability. Leticia was concerned to alternate visits to Lara and Rosina because of the poor number of people named the three.

Today, however, the expansion has changed slightly.

"Oh, you wanted Lady Leticia too."

In a good mood, Rosina, like an angel, treats Aisha and Leila gently as well as the two of them.

Lara was flattered, but Leticia pinned.

It's been a year since Pips near Shaw's side bonded with Shirin. I made a mating flight with Sands.

Leticia guided her as she drank tea with a strange face that Lara would be depressed if she found out about Rosina's pregnancy.

"Ayesha, Leila! Let's play together."

Sloane and Pamela come to visit and make a scene to decorate the heads of the dragons with their nieces and their floral crowns.

Leticia decides to enjoy this pleasant afternoon that Cyrin will lay her eggs and find out in two weeks anyway.

The other dragons come down and make everyone laugh in a way they seem to be good at wearing the crown.

"Well, Rudy! Do you want your necklace too?

Pamela laughed down and went to pick flowers to make a necklace for her nieces and the dragons.

The girls' lively laughter filled the rear palace, which had a temporary soothing time.

Shaw was in the office, turning away from each other and sighing somewhat awkward with Pipps.

Pips, who became an officer, bonded with Shirin and returned to his hometown of Gorza village. Pipps, who fell in love with his childhood friend Yuan at that time, got married and took the bride home to Leyte.

Shirin wanted a child dragon early, but after bonding and waiting for her body to mature, she made a mating flight with Sands yesterday.

"Prince Shaw, it's time for a meeting"

Nearby Valdesh came to call, and Shaw headed to a meeting with Pips. Pipps, who became an officer, served as both a thank-you for saving his life, as well as Shaw's escort and two nearby roles.

Valdesh was excellent as a civilian, but he was not maneuverable, so he specializes in working at the Royal Palace. Pipps served as an escort and sidekick when Shaw was going abroad, replacing an inspection when he couldn't leave Leyte.

Pips, near Prince Wang's side, also had an affair from the famous family, but Shaw laughed and forgave him for marrying his hometown childhood friend Yuan.

In the last two years, things have changed in the Royal Palace as well. The biggest change is Flanagan's resignation from the Chancellor.

I fell ill and regained my prime minister's position, but Shaw was given a long string of Amber beads to recover from. Aslan ordered the Chancellor to continue if he became healthy, but he didn't bend that it was time to give up his seat.

If you're really retired as it is, you look great...

Prince Shaw, it's too late.

Consultant Flanagan, who was waiting in the conference room, is scolded for just starting a meeting. I returned my prime minister's position, but I was still worried that King Aslan was away when I got better, and he came out to the royal palace.

On the long clothes of the United Kingdom of the White Southeast Islands, he sits in the lower seat, glowing over the long amber necklace that Shaw gave him, for once because he is retired.

Secretary of State for Military Affairs Dawson, Secretary of the Interior Besmel and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Bacchus turned their irritable gaze to Shaw, who gave away his brilliant Amber necklace.

I'll give you a healing magic necklace from everyone, so why don't Flanagan retire! Shaw ignores the piercing gaze.

Shaw thinks he needs to leave a message because his father has already gone to Izmal Island half the time, and he has diplomacy with other countries as well.

Each of them is a highly competent minister, but Shaw's problem is that they are very unfriendly. Shaw listens to reports from each minister with suspicion that he is deliberately unfriendly so that Flanagan advisers do not admire him.

"Tomorrow, it's the completion ceremony for the landfill wharf. I also ask Prince Shaw to say his words."

I resign to the words of Interior Minister Besmel because he left them to Saleem and Nash, but at a time like this, I reject them unanimously. After a long ceremonial explanation by Interior Minister Besmel, Shaw got tired.

"Let's go see my daughters!

Shaw wants a cute assortment of Ayesha and Raina so cute that it doesn't hurt to put them in her eyes.

There were ladies and dragons in the backyard, and Pamela was playing with her nieces in the backyard of the outhouse because there were only daddy's ladies in the backyard.

Shaw taught Pamela how to ride Sloan and a little martial arts, but was a little anxious not to be a dragon knight.

With the construction of the landfill wharf completed, Shaw thought Saleem needed the Dragon Knight Training School as well, although he wanted to entrust Saleem with the founding of Leyte University.

"Father! Can I ride Verne?

Even though she is a beautiful princess, Aisha is active. But no matter how sweet Shaw is to his daughter, he won't let a two-year-old ride a dragon. Hold up Aisha clinging to her legs and tell her no.

"Father! Hug!" Raina held him at her feet and headed toward the Ladies.

"Brother! I'll see you again, Master Seagal."

The ladies laughed at Pamela's shaw. Leticia says this peace is only a few moments away, and decides to enjoy the cup of eyes.

"Ayesha, show your father."

When the child dragons with flower crowns and necklaces lined up, they began dancing simulations to match Aisha's song. Sands and Marion, the parent dragons, also came and narrowed their eyes to the dance simulation of the child dragons.

Shaw sighed, realizing Aisha had the qualities of a dragon knight, hoping she would not be pawned in a political marriage.

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