Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

3 Shaw's Merchant Fleet

By the time the pack hatched, the landfill wharf at the port of Leyte had completed the completion ceremony. Shaw is watching the Dahlia unloading at the wharf from above with Sands.

From the Dahlia, which straddles the wharf, I see my luggage smoothly unloaded in a wooden crane and transported by carriage to the warehouse, delayed by the sentiment that the major project, which took years, was finally completed.

"Captain Cains and I haven't been able to talk slowly in a while."

In the past few years, Shaw had purchased many merchant ships to form a large merchant fleet. I bought a few more ships this time, so I thought it was time to split them in two. Of course, the first is going to leave it to Captain Cains as always, but I was worried about who to leave the second merchant fleet to.

"Are you having a drink tonight? Don't get too drunk. '

I don't have to be noticed by Sands, I have to talk serious, but Captain Cains still drank me.

"I'm wondering who to make the captain of the flagship leading the merchant fleet..."

Shaw, slightly blushed, consults Captain Cains.

"After all, are we going to split into two teams?

Captain Cains also feels a little sorry for Shaw next time he pairs up with his newly purchased ship, although I think he will be considerably too numerous.

"Many requests have been made to Captain Cains' merchant fleet to join us."

Not only Shaw's ship, but also the merchant fleet with frigates participate in the ships of other merchants.

"Well, that's right..."

Cains is having a hard time saying no, too.

"If we get any more, we'll be less mobile."

Che! I tongued, but I knew Cains too.

"Which ship are you going to put in two?"

Shaw gave his name with a slightly drunk head, and he held his shoulder to Captain Cains, no! And I felt bad because I was even rocked.

"Well, which boat would be good"

When he waves away and asks, Cains roars.

"If the Helicite, the Joanna... no, I raised the captain of that ship..."

I don't think I want to let go of any ship, but it was time to split it into two parts.

"The flagship is the Galileo, which I bought next time, but who's the captain better? If you recommend me, I'll make a decision for that captain."

The Cains have a few guesses, so I offered Shaw to let me think about it, so it became a full-fledged drink from there. I stayed at Captain Cains' mansion that night when Sands refused to let me ride because I was drunk.

"Good morning, Brother Shaw!

Shaw, who stayed in the room, was woken up by his brother Marche and confused for a moment about where he was.

"Marche, why are you here?

While washing his face with the washer he was offered, Shaw didn't think it was Marche that Captain Cains would recommend? and twist his neck.

"Brother Salish, I'm here about you."

Shaw didn't really know Rashid's second son, Salish. Cains thinks as he dresses up wondering if he and his cousin are also interacting because he has his daughter-in-law Dahlia, Racindo's niece.

"Marche woke me up because I couldn't get up."

When I saw Sarish's face sitting next to Captain Cains, there was a shadow of him at an early age and I remembered. Shaw goes to Lassind's mansion to see his mother Ruby, so he doesn't have much chance to meet the grown Salish, but he had seen it in the First Lady's Euan room or anything.

"Good morning, Prince Shaw"

Shaw laughs when he doesn't have to wear Prince Wang.

"Captain Cains, could..."

"It is! Salish increased the ship to three independently, but it was damaged considerably on the previous voyage. I was about to be attacked by pirates in the Algiers Sea, and I had to throw away a lot of baggage to escape."

Salish bit her lips with regret.

"Remember when you said you lost money because of that and you had to let go of two ships"

Shaw was surprised that Racind would not reach out to independent Salish for assistance.

"If my father helps me, he'll laugh that it's half the time in Leyte. The merchant fleet will also be accompanied by escorts, please let us participate."

Shaw realized that Captain Cains didn't tell him about the flagship, he called Salish. I recommend it, but I'm careful that I can see it with my own eyes and judge it later.

"Has Captain Salish ever sailed to Ishmal Island?

Shaw checks Salish's experience as a captain and his talent as a merchant. Only Rashid's son was blessed with business talent, but he also wanted to ask questions about how he was about to be attacked by pirates in the Arzier Sea.

Because Shaw thought that his merchant fleet could not be left to the captain who imitated recklessly, as he had invested not only his own funds, but also Lara and Rosina and Melissa's bribes.

"When I said the Algiers Sea, I never thought it would be raided by pirates because it was a voyage along the coast of the Kingdom of Iran. When you join the merchant fleet, you lose a lot of time, and you're in a hurry to make your own mistakes."

Captain Cains also frowns when he hears that a pirate has emerged near the coast.

"Master Shaw, this is a little weird."

Neither had Shaw heard of pirates attacking the shores of the Kingdom of Iran.

"I'll let Minister of Military Affairs Dawson investigate this matter. Captain Salish, I'm sorry, but could you please submit a detailed report on the location where the pirates attacked us? If, in the unlikely event that we take the shores of the Kingdom of Iran..."

I know pirates target green barn areas, but until now there have been no pirates running into such outrages. Because the Kingdom of Iran has the strongest Dragon Knights.

"But... it was more than twenty years ago that the Kingdom of Iran fought the Kingdom of Laurent. More and more people are not experiencing war..."

Shaw finds it in jeopardy that more and more generations are not aware of the war, recalling some of the arguments of the Kingdom of Iran, which flourished to have a seemingly winless naval battle with the Principality of Malta in the previous raid on the Marigold.

The Algiers Sea is an area that should be patrolled by the Kingdom of Iran. Shaw frowns that the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands had taken on a pirate crusade with one hand, but that it might have been thinner because Ismal, Wombin and the waters on its route had also stepped up patrols.

"Captain Salish, I am going to add a new merchant fleet next time. Could you be the captain of that flagship?

Surprised, Sarish gazed at Captain Cains' face, but he is making a nasty face.

"If you don't like it, there are other captains who want to grow up."

Sarish said, "Make sure you let me do it!," he undertook.

Later tours of the Galileo and discussions with merchant ships that could be divided into a second merchant fleet, as well as escort ships, were left to Captain Cains.

I finished an important story, so I talk to the public soothingly over breakfast.

"Brother Shaw, can you have college at Leyte next time?

The thirteen-year-old Marche was still unable to be independent, so he was sometimes put on Lassindo's boat, but Shaw had advised the University of Paloma to study abroad.

"I'm hoping to get Reite to set up college, too, but it's going to take a few years. Does Marche want to go on a voyage rather than learn in college?

A few years ago, I wanted to go out on a voyage. Shaw asked, remembering that he advised you to grow up slowly.

"When my brother told me before, I didn't know what it meant. But he took me on a few voyages, and I somehow understood. I'm starting to want to learn about foreign countries... and I like to sail, but I don't feel like I'm fit for business."

Words that don't sound like the sons of the big merchant Racind, but Shaw could understand them too. Just because you are a person in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, doesn't mean that everyone is fit for business.

"What does Marche want to do? We have to find it."

Marche didn't know what to do, but only one had a goal.

"Brother Shaw, I want to help you with your work. I'd like to work like Master Pipps, but I'm not a dragon knight... but I'm also studying to become a civilian and martial arts to protect my brother."

Shaw laughs bitterly when his young brother tells him he wants to protect him.

"Don't I rely so much?

Captain Cains had been in danger more than once, so Shaw was discerning that the sword's skill was quite usable.

"I have sword skills, but Master Shaw is a king prince, so I need an escort. Marche, do your best to pass the civilian exam and help Master Shaw."

Shaw is terrible and foolish, and Rashind worries if that's good.

"Father encouraged me to work hard. Just because you're a merchant, you don't have to be a merchant... because you didn't know you were interested in it."

Salish was surprised when his brother said he was not interested in business.

"Marche is unusual! I can't believe I'm not interested in anything as fun as doing business on a boat!

I confess that Shaw is not interested in business either, although he was stunned by the rooted merchant temperament Salish and Cains.

"This is the right material. If you were selling me things, the money would be small."

Marche twists her neck a little.

"Brother Shaw, you are praised for being a good businessman in Leyte. Because we collected funds for landfill wharves and also for shipyards in the Kingdom of Laurent successfully from the private sector. Plus rubber kappa, pearl farming, Sands Island, Chennai development... I have to study a lot too"

I can't be interested in the rush of commerce selling things high, Marche, but Shaw felt he seemed to be good at negotiating with people and stuff. Barbish is highly capable as a civilian, and Pips has excellent mobility and martial arts as a dragon knight. Shaw hopes that if Marche studies and becomes a civilian, he might be suitable for diplomacy or something, as he is well populated and interested in foreign countries.

"Good luck, Marche, you're going to pass the civilian exam. You don't want them to think you're being held hostage because you're inside."

It's nothing good because it's a personal matter to make Salish the flagship captain, but Shaw nailed Lassindo's daughter Lily when she welcomed her to the First Lady and turned Marche aside, saying she was going to be told that it was a

Marche decides to study more seriously than ever if she has to pass with outstanding grades that she can't complain about around.

Sands laughs and confirms to Shaw that you're not drunk after breakfast.

"Sands, let's go home to the royal palace"

On my way home from Captain Cains' mansion, I remembered Lily from the Marche affair. Shaw sighed that it was time for the First Lady to really need it.

Aisha and Raina are friendly sisters because their mothers Leticia and Lara are also close, but Shaw worries if Rosina's children can get along well.

On top of that, I will marry Esmeralda in the spring and Mimi in the summer, and Melissa will graduate and return home next year.

"Lily's children were nine and seven years old, Brother Karin, and her older children were on a warship."

Without the First Lady, Shaw takes a deep sigh of sigh when peace in the rear palace cannot be maintained.

I am also concerned about the movement of the stinking Arzier Sea, and behind it I feel not only the Principality of Malta, but also the shadow of the Kingdom of Salam defending pirates. For a moment, imagine Prince Snake, who leaps into connecting those two, Shaw becomes a freak.

"For once, we have to visit the Kingdom of Surah and the Kingdom of Savannah..."

Princess Zelia, who was a young girl, is also fourteen years old and is due to be married next year, but this one is a son-in-law and she's not what she's ever been.

The Kingdom of Sura and the Kingdom of Savannah have been bordered by territories in the past few years by the annexation of small tribal states. There were no more small countries that were cushioned, and tensions existed between the two countries that bordered the border.

In the case of disputes in the rear palace or something, it's gone.

"Once, Brother Karin, we have to have a serious discussion with Lily."

I tend to be away from the rear palace this year because I'm going to be busy visiting a lot of foreign countries. Leticia's representing the First Lady now, but in case Rosina's baby is a boy, she'll have to be educated a few years from now in the outhouse.

I laugh bitterly even though I feel more comfortable with girls. But from around us, we are under implicit pressure to wish for the birth of a prince, and the application to the rear palace for a daughter or granddaughter with is like a mountain.

Shaw thought it might be time for Lily's kid to get older too.

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