Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

2 King Angus Leopard of the Kingdom of Savannah

"Shaw! Are we almost there?

A white stopped on the sail girder of the Braves rang high with Pi.

Shaw was leaning against the Sands and sending the wind to the sails, but watched the Golce continent spread forward when he stood up with a white voice.

"I'm going down south of the Kingdom of Surah, so I guess not yet?

On Shaw's shoulder, standing up, the white jumped off well.

"I'm tired of chickens, so I'm gonna hunt a little on land"

Shaw asked Captain Wonder if it was time to leave the Kingdom of Surah.

"Yeah, the jungle is out, so it's the territory of the Kingdom of Savannah. To the capital, Lian, you will arrive tomorrow."

If you caution me to be careful because there are also large carnivores in white, hun! and replied and flew away.

"White has grown into a brilliant eagle."

Captain Wonder also gives an exclamation for the blankness that forces both wings to flap.

"Tarsch's baby eagle."

Hum! says similarly, Shaw laughs bitterly.

"Hey, has Captain Wonder been to Lian?

Regarding Lian, who was to visit for the first time, Shaw had received a lot of attention from Foreign Minister Bacchus, but he also wanted to hear the impression from Wonder.

"Lian is a city on the Golce continent that competes with Salizan for one or two. But unlike Salizan, who's full of green and water in the Delta, it feels like it's spreading to the side. I do think there was a dry and rainy season. It's easier for us to spend the dry season, but without the rainy season, the depths must dry up."

I hear it's the end of the rainy season now, and Shaw thinks it would be nice if it was easy to spend.

Through the jungle region, the town of the Kingdom of Savannah dots everywhere when meadows and fields are visible.

"It's time for Lian."

Behind the coastline curved slightly west, I could see Lian's harbor.

"Rian's really spreading to the side, isn't he?"

Foreign Minister Bacchus told me that he would only build an easy house because he was originally a hunting people, but Shaw seemed to have no cohesion in the capital.

Captain Wonder tells me the biggest building of them all is the Royal Palace, and Shaw nods.

"The embassy of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands is that building on a slightly taller hill"

The Southeast Island-style buildings stood out even in the distance. It is constructed by transporting white marble from somewhere. The rest was a large building with the Royal Palace with an embassy that appeared to be the former Empire Three Kingdoms and an embassy that looked like the Kingdom of Surah next door.

"Is it because the rainy season is damp? Buildings near the harbor are high-floor..."

Captain Wonder frowned that at the beginning of the rainy season, near the harbor, streams could be found everywhere.

"You didn't do the water cure or anything?

"Come on, the river dries up in the dry season, and it's only at the beginning of the rainy season. It will also require water treatment to open the fields, but the Kingdom of Savannah is full of livestock."

Shaw nodded that there were more meadows than fields, even on the way south to this point. While we were talking like that, a dragon knight with an embassy picked up Ambassador Melville on board the Braves.

"Welcome to Lian, Prince Shaw. I'm Melville, the ambassador."

The tall Melville, burnt by day as an ambassador to the Southeast Islands, greeted Shaw with a smile.

"Thank you for welcoming me, Ambassador Melville"

Shaw responds as Prince Wang because he is not an ambassador he has known since childhood.

"I'm tired of the long journey, but King Angus is waiting for you, so I have to go say hello to the royal palace from now on."

Shaw was confused that he was in a hurry, but he had to get dressed and head to the royal palace.

White was following Sands, but cautioned not to quarrel with King Angus's leopard. When King Angus visited Raythe at Shaw's state-of-the-art ceremony, the leopard he cared about was not accompanied because he was raising a child.

"At the wedding of Prince Alexei and Lady Ariena, the leopard of the resident ambassador killed the snake of the ambassador of the Kingdom of Surah and turned into a magical war."

He's a leopard kept in the royal palace, so he won't attack people, but he'll be in trouble if he does harm to the white.

"White, you're stopping on my shoulder."

Shaw, coming down from Sands in front of the royal palace, spoke to the white dancing in the sky.

The leopard replied with a white reply saying that he wouldn't catch anything, but scolding me to wait on the Graves if I can't hear you, hun! I stopped on my shoulder while I said that.

"Sands, wait! If I say hello to King Angus on his arrival, I'll let him eat. '

"You don't have to panic because you're not that hungry."

Sands saw him indulgent in the garden and headed to the entrance to the royal palace under the guidance of Ambassador Melville.

A tall escort was crossing spears in black and intimidating, but a civilian picked him up from the inside, so I'll give him up softly.

"Welcome, Prince Shaw, Ambassador Melville"

When I was guided into the royal palace by a civilian, it was decorated with a delicate mosaic pattern, unimaginable from the boneless reddish stone construction outside.

The wind blows through the arched large windows, so it feels limp, unlike the heat outside. The courtyard of the royal palace is planted with trees, and Shaw is a little hoarse.

When we reached the main hall through the corridor, King Angus on the throne lay the leopard at his feet and waited. The same black outfit as the escort, but not the same material, and from the neck he lowers the gold chain with several jewels attached to a plate of metal.

"King Angus, I am here upon invitation"

King Angus had received several invitations to encourage him to visit, but Shaw has really been busy these past few years.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Savannah, Prince Shaw. Come on, sit over here."

There was a low seat next to King Angus, and Shaw and Ambassador Melville sat down. Black outfits are the authentic Kingdom of Savannah, and the white Southeast Islands outfits of King Shaw Prince and Ambassador Melville stand out.

A leopard at King Angus's feet moved his black glossy body in a supple manner, pointing his golden eyes at the Shaws.

"This, Rude, the eagle stopping on King Shaw's shoulder is not your snack."

All right, all right. I'm relieved that King Angus, who caresses the black leopard like he loves him, seems to be well caressed.

"Is that eagle the son of King Edoardo's beloved eagle Tash?

Look brilliantly at the black eyes and look at the white.

"Yeah, it's called white."

"Good eagle, but you're not going to leave King Shaw's Prince. It would be the same way Rude wouldn't leave me."

Rude walked snugly toward Shaw when he didn't like the interest shown by King Angus.

"Shaw! That leopard is in a bad mood"

Pi! and the white with the warning voice, but Shaw forgives me for being okay.

"Hey, Rude, nice to meet you. I am Shaw, and this eagle is white '

When Pathan and his tail slammed on the floor and only responded, 'It's Rude,' he laid to sleep at the feet of King Angus.

"Oh, it's unusual for Rude to talk. He rarely talks to me either. Could you possibly talk about its whiteness, too?

Shaw realized that King Angus could hear the leopard, but not the white one.

"Yeah, just a little bit."

'Not just a little!' The white on my shoulder, Pi! and raise a protest.

King Angus laughed that it would be better not to hurt the Eagle's pride because he loves prized leopards.

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