Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

13 Princess Zelia's troubles

On the deck of the Braves, Shaw leans against the Sands and sleeps. The landscape is Shaw's flagship, so we're all familiar with it... everyone was careful with the footsteps this time, and quiet.

"It's unusual for Master Shaw to be hungover..."

Captain Wonder has known Shaw since he was a child, but I never saw him so grumpy.

"Still, it stinks of booze! Yesterday, I was scheduled to sail, but King Angus entertained me with a banquet at the Royal Palace, and the schedule was extended. Is there such a reason to rush to the Kingdom of Surah?

I wake up drunk at the embassy, drain alcohol in the bath, and then quietly order the officers to adjust their sails, wondering if Captain Wonder has any reason to hurry, even though he should be able to sail.

"Hey! Change the sail angle more!

The officers were concerned about the hangover show, but the cadets forgot about it and shouted out loud.

Shaw wakes up with a loud voice in his head.

"Shaw, are you okay? I drank too much ~ '

To the frowning shaw, the loud cadet jumped up bikun.

"Sands? Did you rehang me?

As his headache softened, Shaw thanked him when he realized that the dragon cavalry had restored the bonded dragon knight's health.

"You're not very strong on alcohol, so I wish I didn't have to drink it"

I had to drink! Shaw sighed when it really sucked.

"Are you weird? If you're hungover again, you should take a bath."

Does Shaw smell that alcoholic? And, get up and smell your clothes.

Then, looking around, Shaw laughed bitterly and stopped the version from paying attention to its cadet.

"Version, you don't have to be so concerned. 'Cause I deserve a hangover, and I already did."

The cadet looked familiar, Shaw thought a little and remembered that he was Dawson, Secretary of State for Military Affairs' grandson, Benson. The cadets, who were chicks, also smile reliably that they can now give instructions to the crew.

'Hey, let's take a sea bath! Shaw smells like alcohol, too. "

In the Kingdom of Savannah, Mahogany accompanied the hunt, but Sands went to visit Sedona. Others left many messages at the embassy. Besides, even the Kingdom of Sura can take eagles to the royal palace, but the dragon nods that it won't be possible.

"Hey, Sands and I are going to go take a shower."

Captain Wonder yelled at the sky asking me to take the escort, but it was ignored. Captain Wonder was rarely poisoned when he saw the white properly arrive from behind the Sands.

"Shit! I should have brought Pipps."

But Pips sighs, remembering that Shirin doesn't want to leave the side of the dragon, so he stays in the laite.

"It's hard to protect a king prince flying around in a dragon! Well, only a large carnivore would be in danger in a meadow like this, and with a dragon you wouldn't get close..."

Leaving the capital, Lian, the rain had also stopped, so Shaw relaxed and enjoyed the sands and the seawater bath. Sleep on the sandy beach, saying it's been a long time since you've seen Princess Zelia, paying attention in the Kingdom of Surah to the white you caught and ate fat rabbits in the meadows.

"You're almost fourteen? I haven't seen him in a while, but he's gonna be beautiful."

So far so good, but I imagined that in the last two years Princess Zelia's beloved snake Ross would have grown up, too, and it was a zooky show.

Around that time, in Salizan, the capital of the Kingdom of Surah, Zelia had revealed her troubles to Ross.

'Hey, your mother sometimes has a deep sigh these days... hasn't Ross heard anything from Death?

Ross, who was also small, grew up in the last two years and stopped getting inside Princess Zelia's sleeve. It was loosely longer on the table before Zelia sat, but brought her head closer to her face.

"I'm sure you're worried about Jenas"

Raise your tail up on the nerves and shake it in a vile and small slice.

"Brother Jenas, what are you doing, bothering your mother?

Zelia, who has a reputation for being quieter than her years, must carry the Kingdom of Surah as the next queen.

"Serpent God is also uncomfortable with Jenas. I know Algiers should pick the bad buds as soon as possible, but they're worried because they're children of their own '

Zelia has no experience playing with Jenas away from her age, and I don't remember her being adored.

'If your mother can't do it, I really might have to... Brother Jenas, the priests around you are rotten! I can't get my hands on my brother, but if it's about the clergy around me...'

Ross stopped Zelia, who has no power whatsoever, from facing a corrupt cleric.

"You can leave them to the serpent gods. It's rotten, so I don't know what I'm gonna do!

Tell the worldless Zelia that Ross is dangerous if he makes a bad move.

'But I want to help your mother with something too... no, I have to! Master Shaw used to be diplomats in my year. "

Ross thought it was different in Shaw and Zelia, but even when he says it, he changes the story to just make it worse that he's in a hurry.

Speaking of which, Shaw should be here soon.

Zelia with a puffy face, but a softly dark face.

"I hear there are many princesses of King Angus in the Kingdom of Savannah. By now, Master Shaw may be playing with the female leopard... '

Ross hears of the leopard of the Kingdom of Savannah and threatens him with a red tongue.

"It was the leopard of the Kingdom of Savannah who killed my sister! Because the ambassador will bring the beast to the Crown Prince's wedding in the Kingdom of Laurent!

Zelia panics that the leopard thing was forbidden in front of the snake.

'It's okay! Master Shaw won't be your daughter-in-law the princess of the Kingdom of Savannah...'

That being said, Zelia was also distressed even though she was in a position where she could not dowry Shaw.

'Zelia, you don't have to worry about that much further. When Shaw and I have a strong child, we won't have to marry another man.'

Unlike Queen Algiers of Carnivore, Zelia, who is lying around, didn't even like to think of marrying a man other than Shaw.

"Snake, I'm going to see God! There are corrupt clerics, but I'd like to ask you not to marry anyone other than Master Shaw. '

Ross loved Snake God and agreed that it would stop Zelia from reckless thinking.

'I like that! I'm sure the Snake God will tell you what Zelia needs to do. "

I couldn't get in my sleeve like I did when I was little, but wrapped around Zelia's arm, Ross headed to the temple.

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