Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

17 Prince Jenas and Shaw

In a garden of colorful orchids, Jenas looks with satisfaction at the work of a newly hired and beautiful servant.

"But even though the servants, they don't deserve anything that isn't beautiful around me..."

I have dismissed my servants from the time I received them from my mother and replaced them with servants that suit my taste. Some of them have some favorites, and boring nights and the like can make you deal with them.

"Helios... Also, are you stuck in the temple... you Zelia! Say something extra to the snake god."

For Jenas, her sister Zelia is nothing but an obstacle to taking the throne besides herself. As I bitterly recall the failure of my plan to drown him in the sea, I received a letter from that hateful Shaw applying for an interview.

"Hmm! But it's busy that every pirate in the island country wants to meet the prince of this sacred kingdom of Surah!

To the servant, I tried to be great, but I am satisfied that Shaw, who has a reputation for being beautiful on the inside, has finally remembered the courtesy.

"If it's noon the day after tomorrow, tell him you're free"

Today, tomorrow, I don't have a lot of errands, but I don't like it when I see her right away.

"Oh! Helios must also be present to tell us clearly which is more beautiful..."

As for Jenas, he spends a busy time writing to the temple and letting the servants brush their whole bodies.

"Prince Shaw, Prince Jenas replied. The day after tomorrow, you can give it time."

Ambassadors Reben, bitterly, informed him of the reply from Jenas.

"Yeah, I don't really want to see him, but I can't say that... and more importantly, do you have any information on Sir Zaycroft coming to Sullivan or something?

Before I met him, Jenas had a show he wasn't interested in, but he had arranged a meeting, so I had no choice but to sigh.

In the meantime, Shaw will try not to think about Jenas, either by advancing discussions about trade with bureaucrats who will dazzle the laziness and answers of the Kingdom of Surah, or by dating Zelia.

But even as I enjoyed Zelia and Sands and the white and seawater baths, there was always a shadow of Sir Zaycroft sitting in the corner of Shaw's heart.

"Shaw? Maybe you're afraid of L.A.?

White worries about Shaw and asks down into the sand.

'No way! Ross is worried about not suddenly getting close and surprised, too. White, you can't attack me.'

White looks at Ross, who has grown up, leaning slightly down his neck.

"L.A. won't attack."

Zelia watched Ross swim, but this one left Jenas with a dark shadow in the back of his mind.

Around the corner, Zelia was trying to change her mind that she was coming to the seabath with Shaw but didn't want to waste precious time on such a brother thing.

Zelia was lowering several trusted women to her parents' homes because the harassment of corrupt clerics would worsen. The group that tops the helios around Jenas also includes a considerable number of clerics, who repeatedly harass women when Zelia sends them to deliver their offerings to the Serpent God.

Since it is near the Snake God, harassment is not possible, but repeatedly, the women will go to the temple frightened. Zelia hadn't even noticed her brother planned to assassinate herself yet.

Sands enjoyed a nap after the sea bath, and the white and Ross stopped at or wrapped around the tree branches and were lenient.

"Dear Zelia..."

To Zelia, who was carrying something heavy in her heart, Shaw thought it was Jenas, but tried to ask gently.

"Master Shaw, you promised to call me Zelia."

When I saw the cute and obstinate Zelia, I knew why, so I thought I didn't want to give her an unpleasant name.

"Zelia, let's swim together!

Drawing Zelia's luxurious hand, Shaw rushed into the sea.

After a seawater bath, Shaw returns to the embassy, for the first time, to tour the ploy and make up his mind to kill people.

"I want to eliminate the factors that bring Zaycroft's conspiracy into the Kingdom of Surah"

Ambassador Raben was heartily surprised, but sincerely worshipped, that the moderate Shaw had given permission to annihilate Zaycroft and Jenas.

Ambassador Raben was worried that Shaw would not be able to make a ruthless decision because these aspects are sweet, but this would make the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands feel safe too.

Ambassador Raben, who loves the ploy, begins to seriously think about how to wipe out Jenas and the surrounding people so as not to touch Princess Alger's intrigue.

Shaw, disgusted by the ploy he ordered, goes to see Sands.

"What's wrong?

Sands noticed Shaw, the dragon knight of bondage, was depressed.

"I don't want Zelia to look that spicy again... but I gave orders to turn the ruse around and get Jenas wiped out because it tasted worse..."

Seeing as the gentle Shaw is troubled, Sands is confused as to what to encourage.

"You should kill someone who annoys Zelia!

When you see Shaw worried about Mahogany White and fly inside the Dragon House, hun! and shook his head.

'If Jenas were to be honest with me about the duel, it would be easy to talk...'

Jenas, keen on diet and beauty, ordered Ambassador Raben because he couldn't have responded to a duel or anything, and because he was publicly desirable for an accident or death.

"Shaw! Shall I kill Jenas?

Said Sands and White at the same time, Shaw laughs bitterly.

'Sorry! You worried me. If Father finds out, Heppoko! And they're gonna yell at me.'

Shaw decided to do anything to protect Zelia.

"Zelia will have a different type of reign than Queen Alger. Charismatic, Queen Algiers is prospering the Kingdom of Surah with a kingdom as strong as her father"

Shaw thinks he and Zelia have something in common in that he is the successor of an excellent king or queen.

"I believe that working with ministers and bureaucrats to rule the country is less likely to choose the wrong path, even for ordinary kings, than to govern with strong royalty. Zelia thought the same thing, and now is an important time to gather trusted men. Yet I can't believe that Zaycroft, who has a grudge against the Southeast Islands, instigates Jenas to get in the way..."

Shaw left the beginning and end of Jenas and his surroundings to Ambassador Raben, but only Zaycroft clenched his fist when he finished it exactly.

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