Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

22 You need a warship to strengthen your defensive line!

Sailing along the northern coast of the Golce continent, the Braves head to Chennai.

"Somehow the crew is floating."

To Shaw's words, Captain Wonder sighed and ordered the version of the officer to clean the deck.

"You can't freshly polish it any more, but you're letting me clean the deck? Is Chennai still that strong?

Captain Wonder did not speak ill when he said he had no eyes on Hassan, Shaw's older brother, to make money.

"No way, you prioritize the development of pleasure streets over the shipyards of warships?

Captain Wonder hastily replied that the shipyard also operates splendidly.

"It's just that Chennai's pleasure streets are always full, as the men who work at the shipyard reside. The crew are looking forward to stopping in Chennai, but as for managing it, it won't cause any problems or get hiccups..."

The casino and Hassan pulled a hand from the management, but the other owners are open, and the pleasure streets lined with red plaid street whorehouses are reputable enough for guests to visit from the northern imperial continent.

"We have to hurry up production of warships!

Usually in the harsh tone of a moderate shaw, Captain Wonder wonders what happened, but as a martial officer, he did not ask questions because more warships are welcome.

"Hey, what are you pissing off?

Sands felt Shaw frustrated and suggested that he could fly from here to Chennai, but shake his neck sideways with a big sigh.

'You should calm your feelings by the time you get to Chennai. It's calmer to be sailing like this...'

Looking to hit Hassan with frustration, Shaw leans against the Sands and calms her down as she watches the white clouds float puffy in the blue sky.

"I wonder if your father and Foreign Minister Bacchus are going to leave Sir Zaycroft's problems to me..."

Shaw grips his fist all the time trying to protect Leticia, who was hurt in Barbarossa's case, from unpleasant eye contact with Zaycroft's problem again.

Captain Wonder realizes that Shaw, who has known him since he was a young child, has a difficult problem as Prince Wang, but he is not in a position to speak out.

"I wish Pips was here at a time like this..."

Captain Wonder grinned bitterly that Pips was a pick up.

When the port of Chennai is seen, the crew of the Braves also floats in blatant footsteps.

"The number of buildings has increased since we first arrived."

Shaw is disappointed that Hassan is also making a decent business development, which can be confirmed from afar.

"Brother Radic as Stopper is gone, and I was worried he might be focusing on all the development of an easy-to-make pleasure zone again, but this looks okay"

After Radic's assignment to Morrison on Ishmal Island, Shaw was a little worried that Hassan, who became Chennai's chief administrative officer, was not running to monetization again.

"Captain Wonder, I'm going to greet Brother Hassan one step ahead!

As he jumped on the Sands, Shaw headed to the building that was the previous casino.

"Oh! That's Shaw!

Shaw is a little surprised by the fat Hassan once, more than he had seen before, but begins to tell him that he needs more warship production than that.

"Brother Hassan, we need to fortify Sands Island and Wombin Island as soon as possible. Countries other than the South-East Islands cannot reach Izmal without replenishment on these two islands. We need a warship to reinforce our defensive line."

As soon as he arrived, Hassan felt surprised that something was wrong with Shaw, who said he wanted to inspect the shipyard, clamping up on the need for more production.

"Of course, we can hasten the increase in warship production, but we've just been sailing. Let's take a bath and take a short break before we go on an inspection."

Shaw reflected on himself as he was empty by himself, immersed in the luxurious bath of Hassan's mansion.

"The Braves also have to sail to Sands Island, so we need to replenish water and food, and the crew will want to take turns and go up to land for a little rest. There's no point in rushing like this..."

Upon getting out of the bath, Shaw discusses the situation in Chennai as he dines with Hassan and how Reite is doing.

Hassan was a little relieved when he returned to the usual show.

The sudden appearance of Shaw was so tight on his face that he wondered if his father had come.

Hassan thinks Shaw would be better suited for a more laid back manner, although his father is so overwhelmingly coercive that he doesn't lean on others. I laugh bitterly that Shaw's flavor is to try and use his brothers in spite of his laid-back and eagle attitude, or persevere if I say so.

"Is there a problem? If there's anything I should know and put down, I want you to let me know."

Shaw thinks a little and decides to tell him about Zaycroft that he wants Hassan to be on his guard because he would be in trouble if he could get a warship from the Southeast Islands to another country.

"I'm not sure yet, but beware of a diplomat named Sir Zycroft of the Kingdom of Salam. Thanks to the northwest of the Kingdom of Cazaria and the dynamic movement of pirates in the Arzier Sea, the shadow of this man flickers."

Hassan was also angry for a long time before the Kingdom of Salam was on the bed of a pirate ship, but she ate about who Zaycroft was.

"Sir Zycroft is... said to be the king's bastard"

Hassan feels suspicious in the tone of things caught in her back teeth.

"Speaking of the Kingdom of Salam, Barbarossa was screwing around... no way, Zaycroft is his son! You didn't eradicate it?

Shaw felt Hassan poke at the harsh royal code of the Southeast Islands.

"We're still investigating, but Ambassador Raben said the appearance of a diplomat named Sir Zaycroft feels like there's a mixture of blood in the Southeast Islands. There are also a large number of pirates in the Kingdom of Salaam who have been driven off the coast of the Southeast Islands, so I don't know if they are Barbarossa's sons just because of their appearance..."

As sweet as ever! and Hassan smiles bitterly when she realizes her brother's troubles.

"Are Sir Zaycroft and the others also abetting the Duchy of Malta's idiot son and the Prince Snake of the Kingdom of Surah? He's the enemy of our country, so he's Barbarossa's son, but he's someone else, but we just have to get rid of him! The pirates of the Kingdom of Salaam have no choice but to carry timber from the Kingdom of Cazaria!

Shaw was ridiculous to have been worried guzzled by Hassan's unequivocal opinion of putting his interests at the centre, as usual.

"Right! They are enemies of our country, so I will just do it!

Hassan slapped her laughing brother on the back and told him to work hard.

"Brother Hassan, it hurts!"

He was a blurry brother, but Hassan again appreciated his hard work as Prince Wang.

Upon hastily completing the shipyard inspection, the Braves, which had been replenished, followed Chennai's harbor. The crew were in Chennai for a short period of time, but each seemed to have enjoyed themselves, adjusting the stiffness and sail.

"He's done a lot of homework..."

Hassan, as always, smiled bitterly off his brother, who travelled pointing out that he was a bishibashi, even though he was blurry, to increase the production of warships, to take control of Chennai's wind discipline a little more, and to let others raise the hedge kingdom's goats.

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