Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

2 Guys, wait a minute!

Shaw was surprised and pleased that the village of Messina, which he had not visited in a long time, was undergoing remarkable changes.

"You've got a lot of kids!

Don't even be afraid of the giant Sands or Luca, let me ride! Esmeralda judges the children who come running over in a familiar manner.

"Jeremy! Leslie! Get these kids on the dragon."

A young couple, a young man who had emigrated from Wombin Island and a daughter from the village of Messina, left their babies with their parents and flew the children on dragons.

"Looks like we're running out of dragons."

Shaw also thinks we have to do something about the current situation where many residents of Wombin Island and residents of the village of Messina have the qualities of dragon knights, but only those who have the qualities to bond can become dragon knights.

"In the village of Messina, we've been sharing dragons for a long time... but many of the children seem to be able to become dragon knights of bondage"

Esmeralda wanted Luca to have a dragon, but she dyed her cheeks before she could marry Master Shaw. Shaw was thinking the same thing as Esmeralda, who dyed his cheeks, so he coughed up with Cohon, deviated from the embarrassing topic, and headed to greet his parents.

The women of the village of Messina were busy gathering to prepare for the wedding. A little cute girl ran out of the rally hall, puffing her brown hair stretched out to her shoulders.


Esmeralda hugs her away sister Alexandra of the year and kisses her cheek like she loves her.

"Welcome, Prince Shaw."

Haynes, who became the village chief of the village of Messina, came out to pick him up with his wife.

"I heard Molly gave birth to a child dragon. Mind if I take a look?

When Haynes greeted him, he laughed at Shaw, who said he wanted to meet Molly and the child dragon, who was a dragon idiot, but guided him in a good mood because he was mellow on the child dragon himself.

"Is this child dragon Meryl's?

Marion, Foreign Secretary Bacchus, hasn't been away for a while, so Shaw is still a little surprised that Merrill, his father, who's been visiting Ishmal for a while, might be his mate.

"Yeah, it's been quite a while since I had Luca, but I'm glad I let Molly have a second child dragon. I named her Kayla, and I want Perry to have a dragon..."

Shaw wants Sands to have a child dragon too, and he gets in trouble because he's strained.

"A lot of kids still have Dragon Knight qualities, so they were talking to Esme about the lack of dragons. I'm planning on opening a Dragon Knight school in Leyte, but I need to get more dragons before I do."

When Prince Shaw and Haynes, who visited him to marry Esmeralda, talk about their plans to increase dragons efficiently in their room, it becomes furious to join Patrick, who returned for his sister's wedding.

"It's all about dragons! Esme, we have to get your wedding ready without those people."

Having said that, the bride is also a dragon idiot, so she wants Luca to have a dragon as well, and she seems to be concerned about the story in the room, and the mother has no choice but to clasp her shoulders and get ready with the women.

"Dragon bloodlines only emphasize those who lay eggs, but still want to avoid the same combination. In particular, Meryl and Sloan are parents and children..."

The women are busy preparing for the wedding in the hall, but Shaw is in the middle of a consultation with Haynes and Patrick by writing a brief bloodline.

"We want to avoid the dragons in the village of Messina from each other. So far, we've had quite a few inbred matings."

Everyone nods that Kayla, made by Molly the Dragon Rider of Haynes with Merrill the Dragon Rider of Aslan, is going to be bigger than the dragon in the village of Messina so far.

"Nor are the dragons of the Southeast Islands as close to the village of Messina, but they are repeatedly inbred. I want as much new blood as I can."

Everyone's convinced so far that they're under pressure from each dragon rider to give birth to a dragon, so their opinions are subtly different on which dragon to let them have eggs from.

"Mine doesn't have a dragon yet, so I hope you give it priority"

Patrick with a calm personality, but I feel Shaw and Haynes must be influenced by Perry the Dragon Rider for making a rather strong statement.

"Sands was a co-op of mating before this, and has been proposed by the dragon riders in the kingdom of Iran... because they will also co-op with Luca"

In front of my father and uncle, it was a little hard to say, but in the case of a dragon knight with a woman's bond, I would really limit my opponent.

"Ralph will want a dragon as well as Luca"

Haynes, who becomes uncle, discouraged Sarasa from marrying Mimi, but Shaw's heart docked. Patrick tried to reiterate his claim that he wanted to do it more in response to a strong desire from his dragon rider Perry than under such circumstances.

Guys, wait a minute!

Outside the rally hall where the wedding takes place, the dragons told each other that Sands, Perry, Molly and Luca couldn't leave it to the tied dragon knights.

"This time, I decided to let Perry and Sands have a child dragon. First, Sands will work with Perry, then Sands I'll work with '

Is Kayla the dragon still young enough? and Haynes asked Molly, the dragon rider, but nodded loudly that it was okay.

"Luca settled down a little bit and decided to have a dragon."

Shaw worries that Luca is disappointed, although it's convenient for Sands, who seems happy that the dragon will be able to have it.

"Luca, is that good?

Luca, included by Molly the parent dragon, was trying to give up if she had no choice, but she wasn't really convinced.

"Sands or the dragon knight in Perry's bond is a man, so I can mate with anyone flying... but I can only do it with Sands..."

Esmeralda, who was preparing for the wedding with her mother, rushed to hear the dragon riding mourning.

"Luca! I'm sorry"

Reflect that you should take more account of the complex position of the dragon knight of a woman's bond and his dragon rider.

'It's all right! I wish Sloane and I could fly mate!

At Sands' suggestion, Shaw felt the scales fall out of his eyes.

'Well, the dragon knight of a woman's bond was only supposed to be with her spouse's dragon rider, but if they were to mate with each other...'

In that case, it was Shaw who imagined that his wife should avoid each other. But Sloane was worried about what to do when her sister Pamela married Seagal, so she came up with a good solution.

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