Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

12 Ambassador Nuton's troubles

"So, Luca's mating flight is over."

Don't even talk to Ambassador Nooton last night, he accused me of being caged in a room with Esmeralda, and Shaw flaunts his shoulder that discussions with the Iranian kingdom are rather intense, or that the cabbage feud is intensifying.

"What, do you want Esme to build a cabbage field out of laite?

That's not the problem! and Ambassador Nuton's nostrils swelled puffy, so Shaw says he'll leave the cabbage negotiations to be negotiated, and he eats his breakfast full.

Even though Ambassador Nuton enjoys negotiating because he likes it better than three meals, and because it's a strong case, Prince Shaw doesn't understand at all.

The problem is not negotiating with Foreign Minister Mauriz, but with the strength and desperation of your ladies' demands, Ambassador Nooton, the old fox diplomat, is also out of order.

"Prince Shaw has also received invitations and letters."

I get a pile of writing on the table with the rust, and the fruit I was about to eat gets stuck in my throat.

"Eh! This... could be..."

After checking the invitation for a moment, he takes a large number of letters and looks suspiciously at Ambassador Nuton's face.

"The curse of the cabbage fields is famous in the Kingdom of Iran.

Of course, you would be going to King Gregorius and the Duke of Sutherland's house for a favor.

But this embassy is the land of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

We cannot meet such demands! No, you don't have to respond. "

Years after Queen Yuri stopped cursing the cabbage fields, the couple who wanted the baby heard rumors about the new cabbage fields and sent them a plea.

"Then why don't we just say no to Catherine?"

Seeing Ambassador Nooton, who usually doesn't put his thoughts on his face, Shaw guessed that he was also asked to do so by a nobleman he's intimately associated with in Jungfrau.

Ambassador Nooton turns his mind on it.

"Actually, even from the Kingdom of Laurent and the Kingdom of Cazaria... I think if Esmeralda could build a cabbage field, he'd give in quite a bit"

Staring at Ambassador Nuton, who is rubbing his hands, Shaw sighs that the two countries where the princess of the Kingdom of Iran is married have no information.

"I can't help but thank Luca for her mating flight, but I'm not going to let Esmeralda build that many cabbage fields."

This time it's declared an exception, and Ambassador Nuton feels like he's been served a delicious treat.

"I don't know... well, I'll take care of this"

If the strong Prince Shaw's persuasion should be left to Foreign Minister Bacchus of Leyte, bind the sleaze and plea and put him on the side table.

Refreshed Ambassador Nuton will consider King Shaw Prince, who is drinking tea after a meal, and an invitation from the Kingdom of Iran.

"You have to attend the King and his wife's dinner party, and you can certainly turn down a luncheon with Crown Prince Philip and his wife.

You should also invite Crown Prince Philip and his wife to the embassy for dinner. "

Shaw takes his seat when he leaves the matter to Ambassador Nuton and Mrs. Camilla as well, and goes to see how Esmeralda and the cute chick dragon Fleur are attached to Luca's side in the morning.

"Really already! Being a dragon fool is a troubled thing!

Though the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands did not attach importance to dragons, King Aslan, Prince Shaw and the Dragon Knight continue. In the development of Ismal Island, the dragon gained acclaim for being convenient, and Ambassador Shearling has acknowledged the high level of mobility.

But Ambassador Nuton thought it absurd that the indiscriminate rule of the three kingdoms divided from the old empire that they could not take the throne unless they were dragon knights, so he sighs so that Prince Shaw doesn't write and undermine a very good successor who loves dragons.

"Um..." As Madam Ambassador, Camilla comes into the dining room with a troubled face, taking on diplomacy in the Kingdom of Iran and even the role of Princess Erica's guardian.

"No way, did they ask you to want cabbage?

For many years he has been a resident ambassador, so he was also intimate with the nobility of the Kingdom of Iran, but Ambassador Nuton thought he would refuse to let the unsolicited sidecar push him. But I was vulnerable to Mrs. Camilla.

"'Cause it's been ten years since Queen Yuri stopped making cabbage fields... It's hard to say no when a friendly lady asks me..."

Foreign Minister Mauritz can negotiate strength, Ambassador Nooton, but he can only sigh at his loving wife, who has always supported him.

"And Prince Shaw told me to build a cabbage field in Leyte."

Always, the women of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands were not on the side of the cafeteria to the point that they wanted to be intelligence agents, but Ambassador Nuton could tell that he knew better than he did what was inside the embassy.

"I will only give you one cabbage this time to the Kingdom of Iran!

This is the land of the Southeast Islands Union. "

I'm not Mrs. Camilla hooked on such a bluff.

"Well! You're going to give half to the Kingdom of Iran.

I hear from the people who came to me to ask for it.

There are 15 of them left, so please put up my face for a little while...

'Cause next year there's also Princess Erica's social debut! Some ladies are better off selling their favors here. "

Ambassador Nuton can only sigh that the bargaining power is also higher than that of a diplomat there.

Mrs Camilla gave me a name that bothered me, listening to a list of ladies who said I should listen to my request.

"Baroness Raburn? I don't think you liked it."

Jungfrau has an idiotic nobleman who lives in a flashy and luxurious way that doesn't deserve his identity, and Baroness Raburn is one of them. Lady Camilla usually doesn't even get close, as she takes such a stupid aristocracy and looks down on polygamy in the Southeast Islands.

"Of course, I hate it! But Baroness Raburn is widening in the social world these days.

I didn't think I was so wealthy, but having a fancy party is making love to a powerful man.

It's like you're bullshitting the social world. "

Ambassador Nuton raises his eyebrows that in the Baron Laburn family's territorial income, he won't be able to throw such a luxurious party or anything more than once.

"Besides, I don't think that's possible, but he said he was going to be near Crown Princess Liliana."

Ambassador Nuton laughed that Foreign Secretary Mauriz would not let a foolish lady like Baroness Raburn near her daughter, Lady Liliana.

"But the Baroness was proud to have given Lady Liliana such a wonderful gift."

Ridiculous, Ambassador Nuton shrugs his shoulders wondering if the Baroness might have a funny head.

"Princess Liliana grew up with no freedom at the Duke of Mauriz's house.

Gems and dresses are held by mountains... but suspicious?

Something suspicious! and the diplomat's inquiry tells him that Ambassador Nooton thinks about this possibility.

"Will Crown Princess Liliana want cabbage too?

Mrs. Camilla nods that Prince Maxius is now two years old, so it is not surprising that it is time to want a second child.

"I guess the Baroness wants cabbage because she also has a second prince alumni aim..."

The baby's gender is left to luck, but Ambassador Nooton is stunned by the strength of Baroness Raburn's ambitions.

"Sure, babies born of a cabbage field curse have a high rate of becoming dragon knights... well, sometimes people with dragon knights and magic are hard to make children, so they got cabbage as a priority..."

In the kingdom of Irvania, where dragon knights are weighed down, Ambassador Nuton roars that the cabbage curse is not only given a baby but also has collateral value.

Instruct Lady Camilla to keep her reply to Baroness Raburn on hold to investigate why she suddenly has a better wingspan.

... I have some bad feelings! Breaking down the stalks of the kingdom of Iran are stupid aristocrats! Don't be too suspicious of Baroness Raburn among them...

The next day, a sloppy investigation rises, and Ambassador Nuton learns the name of a young Salam Kingdom diplomat named Sir Zaycroft.

"Why did Baroness Raburn have better feathers in her interactions with diplomats in that poor country?

Find out more! While ordering, Ambassador Nuton had a frivolous and unpleasant feeling that the appearance of Sir Zaycroft was shallow and black in the Kingdom of Salaam and elsewhere in the North.

"Is something wrong?

When Prince Shaw, who returned to the embassy in a good mood from the Dragon House, took the investigation report he had in his hand and saw it happen to be a harsh face, Ambassador Nuton realized that his hunch was still moderate.

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