Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

14 Yuri's compatriots?

Shaw suffered judgment as to whether Sir Zaycroft toured the ploy in the Kingdom of Iran because Erica was engaged to Prince William, or whether he envied exporting wheat.

But stop worrying about that, and follow Brother Hassan's advice and tell him that whoever harms the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands should end it.

Two weeks before the Sands eggs hatch and Luca lays the eggs, it's finally like a honeymoon, spending a stroll through the cities of Esmeralda and Jungfrau or being invited to the royal palace.

In a carriage, Shaw talks feeling a little nervous as he heads to the dinner party between Esmeralda and the King and his wife, dressed in a new dress.

"Queen Yuri must have found out that she imitated the curse of the cabbage fields, but you just have to find Shira that it was also passed on to the village of Messina."

Esmeralda was worried that he could be blamed for imitating it on his own, but Shaw shrugged his shoulders that it was okay because it was about to be a folk legend.

"But you know I've made cabbage fields in the last few years..."

Serious Esmeralda wanted me to be honest with Queen Yuri about her imitation and give her some advice.

"Well, I'll deceive you about anything.

I can't curse a cabbage field until Esme grows up.

It's a bit subtle, so it was a show where I dyed my cheeks and spoke in Esmeralda's ears, but Ambassador Nuton, who was accompanying the carriage, listens.

"I see! So Queen Yuri is no longer cursed by the cabbage fields."

This! and Mrs. Camilla slapped me gently with a fan and apologized for my rudeness, but Ambassador Nooton shits that the young Lady Esmeralda is going to be able to curse the cabbage fields many times in the future.

"Ambassador Nuton, I'm guessing you didn't report anything extra to Reite."

Ambassador Nooton says he didn't report anything unnecessary, declares in the face, but he sighs that Shaw definitely did.

Esmeralda has understood little by little that Prince Wang is difficult.

In doing so, the carriage reached the royal palace.

"Well, the smell of roses is on the wind... and how beautiful!

Esmeralda was invited to Lady Liliana's Tea Party and once came to the royal palace, but at night the chandelier's lights are gorgeous and it feels as if she had come to the kingdom of Oga.

"Isn't it strange, Mrs. Camilla?

Esmeralda, the first to wear a robe decorte at night, dodges with anxiety about whether a design with an open chest or back can be worn.

"Esme, it's so beautiful! Come on, I'm with you. It's okay."

Tied up with rich brown hair and stunning Southern pearl hair decorations, Esmeralda is filled with exotic charm with a mixture of blood between those who fled the empire and the locals of Izmal Island.

The ambassadors, as Prince Shaw is with them tonight, Lady Esmeralda continues later with a smile that the nascent bride looks happy when she looks more beautiful.

"With that said, the next bride of Prince Shaw will have her ancestors the people who fled the Old Empire."

Queen Yuri was not out of von Forrest, who rebelled against the old empire, but he had not thought much more deeply about the matter.

Because his father, William von Forrest, and his mother, Rosalimond von Mauritz, ran off and grew up as the daughter of a farmhouse in the country, so they grew up with no idea about the clan that had rebelled against the old empire, which had perished a long time ago.

"Maybe he's your ancestor and compatriots."

Even after decades of marriage, the lovely Gregorius kisses her cheek with a soggy cuddle of beautifully dressed yuri.

"If your grandmother were alive, what would you have said? No, I'm sure your grandmother doesn't care about the old days."

Gregorius wasn't a little bad at Master Mogana, but I could understand my dear Yuri admiring him, so I clung to tears in nostalgia.

"It may not matter what happened back in the day, Lady Esmeralda has green magic."

Yuri has heard from her daughter Catherine about the curse on the cabbage field.

"I'm glad it was so good! I hope you want Liliana as well as Catherine... but Ariena won't be able to... because some people in the Kingdom of Iran still have bad feelings..."

Gregorius comforts Yuri, worried about Ariena, who was married to the Kingdom of Laurent, which was a hostile country.

"I sent Franz to the ambassador, so I'm sure it'll help Ariena.

Little by little, national sentiment is getting better!

Having said that, Gregorius also does not believe that relations between the two countries will become friendly overnight.

"Hey, the Southeast Islands were friendly with the Kingdom of Laurent too!

Prince Shaw will be married to Princess Misha... "

Gregorius rushes to make sure Yuri, the diplomat, doesn't say anything extra.

"Hey, Prince Shaw is visiting Yungfrau on her honeymoon with Lady Esmeralda.

The whole Princess Misha thing is taboo!

That's how much I know! And if I was kissing you even though I stuck my lips together, Foreign Minister Mauritz would come and call me.

"I'm fine with being close, but it's time to get there."

Seeing that I could not speak to the king and his wife, whose women and samurai were falling apart, I came to call them not as foreign ministers, but as my own people.

"Ah, Eugene! I wanted to ask you something..."

Yuri tried to enquire about the fact that Prince Shaw had read a book written under his true name brought out of Von Forest's library by Professor Alex on his own.

But a couple of newlyweds arrive at the royal palace dining while talking amicably with Crown Prince Philip and his wife, so they greet each other with a smile.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight.

This is Esmeralda, the bride. "

Seeing as the nascent bride was nervous, Queen Yuri, speaking gently, the question as to why King Shaw could read his true name had gone somewhere.

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