Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

17 I'll leave you to Ambassador Dynum.

Shaw gave a bath to a beautiful squire who seemed to be a souvenir of his predecessor Bacchus, and doubted Ambassador Dinham's taste a little.

"White! Did you eat proper bait?

In a hot gown, he sighs when he sees Prince Shaw, who speaks to the white that stops in a garden tree, and Ambassador Dinham is defenseless.

Ambassador Dinham is not interested in men, but since assuming his duties in the Principality of Malta, he has been investigating Lord Jarrice's hobbies.

... Didn't know I had that much admiration for King Aslan...

I've heard it for a long time, but every time I go to the palace, I keep my mouth shut to be asked for more information about King Aslan and Prince Shaw, as well as about Princess Jasmine, the sister of Foreign Secretary Bacchus.

Prince Shaw grew up in the rear palace, so he's always used to having female officers and samurai on his side, so I guess it's okay to go out on the terrace in a gown, and Ambassador Dinam rethinks his plans that he won't be allowed to see Lord Jarrice or Prince Hernandez in such defenselessness.

Ambassador Dinham's slight length was not Lord Jarrice's preference, and even if he was invited to a banquet, he was annoyed enough to be eagerly asked about King Aslan, but the preferred type of diplomats were feathers with troublesome problems.

"Prince Shaw, Prince Lupus and Prince Gilbert have been secretly consulted."

Originally, if King Shaw and Prince Hernandez were to see each other, Ambassador Dinham would think that even if this one didn't lay a hand on anything, Lord Jalis, who is under suspicion and jealousy, would end up with a rebellious son, but not with dangerous eyes.

"How was it? Meet you both."

Shaw, who finished his brief covert conversation as Lord Lupus and Lord Gilbert, was tired and left to the sofa in the embassy salon.

"Prince Gilbert felt a little more like Matomo than Prince Lupus... something similar!

Shaw, who was sent a hot gaze by the princes who inherited Lord Jarrice's hobby, throws up in a laid back tone. If you are a similiar or nearer prince, I feel that according to the custom of first-born inheritance, even Prince Lupus is good for Prince Hernandez's cauldron.

"Please think carefully as Prince Shaw will continue to date the Principality of Malta.

Taking into account that the lives of the second and third princes will be in danger, will you be chosen Prince Lupus?

They pointed out the diagram, but Shaw argues.

"Well, I did think about that, too, but putting up with Lord Jarrice offering a twist to pirates is also a limitation.

At Prince Gilbert, I don't rely on him for a little while at my age... "

Shaw thinks he wants to get rid of Lord Hernandez as well as Lord Jalis.

"The Principality of Malta historically has dealings with pirates.

The exchange of hostages and the slave market will not go away if you retire Lord Jalis. "

Shaw gets angry that it's intolerable.

"No matter how many patrols we let, we can't eradicate them because the Principality of Malta and the Kingdom of Salam are giving pirates a twist!

Ambassador Dinham understands the wrath of the young Prince Shaw, but even if he slaps these two countries, he sighs and kills them that the pirates just screw the other countries again.

"For one thing, do you occupy the Principality of Malta?

Shaw was tempted by Ambassador Dinham's bold statement glittering eyes, but he shook his neck sideways when the three northern empires would not be silent and would shed wasted blood.

"We have to fight that galley ship to control the Duchy of Malta.

Since galley ships are more comfortable changing direction and so on than sailboats off the coast, this one will suffer considerable damage. "

Ambassador Dinham appeases the young Prince Shaw, even if he is angry with Lord Jalis, for not riding a reckless operation.

"Galley ships are a threat, but they can also be hired.

If you dock a few large Braves warships in Byzan Harbor, you can easily take control of the Royal Palace, where security is thin. "

Shaw did think that if he was a luxurious and spirited royal palace, he could suppress it, but he also realized that Ambassador Dinham didn't mean it.

"I ask that the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands not be on the table, not in such a pirate manner"

What a diplomat, if you don't know what you're thinking, frowns at Ambassador Dinham, who is happily plotting a conspiracy.

"I leave the matter of the Duke of Hernandez to Ambassador Dinham.

Talk to Raythe about Lord Jarrice, and Lord Hernandez's cauldron.

Your father and Foreign Secretary Bacchus will have some ideas. "

Ambassador Dinham sighs that he is not going to stay in the Principality of Malta for as long as Lord Jalis is around, because he is on his honeymoon and turns down the banquet to Pishari and hurries to the Braves.

"They really left like a storm"

While dropping off the Braves, Ambassador Dinham grumbles that King Shaw's response must be reported to Raythe. Unlike the idiot princes of Lord Jalis, he was a Dinam ambassador who remembered satisfied to serve the wise King Prince.

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