Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

26 Did You Know?

When Esmeralda was indulgent in her own room in the rear palace, Shaw sent herself to the Kingdom of Savannah and the Kingdom of Surah knowing about Lord Zaycroft to her father? And, wanting to ask questions, I was making a report.

"Sir Zycroft of the Kingdom of Salaam is approaching Prince Jenas of the Kingdom of Surah, the Prince Hernandez of the Principality of Malta, and the Baroness of Raburn of the Kingdom of Iran to plot a conspiracy"

I made the report as calmly as possible, but I'm frustrated by Father's attitude that I don't know if he's listening.

"Phew...... you couldn't get close to the royal family of the kingdom of ilbania...... well, no matter how many yungfrau nobles were rotten, i wonder if Eugene's eyes are glowing"

Aslan sips a cup of tea and asks the impression of the two princes of the Kingdom of Savannah, frowning at the taste of the fine tea leaves that should be. Shaw thought Sir Zaycroft was more important than the matter of the Kingdom of Savannah, but described the problems he felt.

"I think Prince Jung, who was conceived by the First Lady of the Hunting Nation of the Kingdom of Savannah, would have succeeded King Angus without a problem more than a decade ago, but it seems difficult to connect the chiefs of the farming nations around him. In Prince Mauri, the tribal chiefs of the main body of the Kingdom of Savannah will not be convinced."

Oh man, Aslan sighs when every retrieval is hecko. I hate Shaw for not understanding what it means to let him go to the Kingdom of Savannah if he doesn't think about which princess he will marry.

"King Angus is on the verge. I'm grateful to have Ludo's leopard."

After a streak of reports, Father spoke of fringe and such with a strange face, so too does the patience Shaw was trying to hope for in his calm manner.

"I don't want any more wives! Besides, it's about Sir Zaycroft..."

Aslan had no intention of dating Shaw to finally notice Sir Zaycroft and make a gaggling noise.

"Again, you're bonkers! I'll leave him to you. You want me to ask Bacchus for help? Discuss with Dawson the enhancement of the Sands Island and Wombin Island defensive lines!

If I say so, Mia will leave to have some tea. Shaw really wanted to curse the misfortune he was born to such a parent, but he gives up wondering if it would be better than King Angus or Lord Jarrice.

Shaw rushes to Foreign Secretary Bacchus's office when he can't help but be angry at his father for being rolled in the palm of his hand. I was entrusted with the end of Lord Zaycroft, so I wanted to gather information and just cat it.

"Welcome home, Prince Shaw."

You didn't tell Foreign Minister Bacchus, who greets you with a smile, that you knew about Sir Zaycroft and told yourself! And I wanted to yell at him, but it was obvious that Father had instructed me, so I put up with him gut.

"I want information about Sir Zaycroft in the Kingdom of Salam"

... Oh, well, early return home...

Minister for Foreign Affairs Bacchus hands over Sir Zaycroft's dossier to Prince Shaw. It looks just like King Aslan, who took the material to pull it off and began to read it with serious eyes, making the face of King Shaw look rough! And, a stunning view.

"As soon as Ambassador Kirsch retired, Sir Zaycroft showed up."

Sounds like Barbarossa did the end of it, but it leaked because it was a short-term relationship with King Hertz's bastard and, at the time of the crusade, after his daughter-in-law to the petty servant Zaycroft.

"Prince Shaw, you've been entrusted with the end of Lord Zaycroft. That's what you do. You can't mess with other problems."

Shaw gets doggedly tired when Foreign Minister Bacchus asks all the questions about the problems in the Kingdom of Savannah, the Kingdom of Sura, the Kingdom of Iran and the Principality of Malta. It was Shaw who understood how my father felt about escaping Raythe.

"We have to discuss the defensive line with Secretary of State for Military Affairs Dawson..."

Shaw, whose eyes were full of Lord Zaycroft, was asked by Foreign Minister Bacchus how he should respond as a southeastern archipelago by pointing out the problems of the countries that were attracting the conspiracy. However, it is not an easy problem to solve at once.

"I've just returned home, so let's keep it that way for today... Secretary of State for Military Affairs Dawson and Secretary of the Interior Besmel are wandering around outside the room."

Secretary Dawson has to discuss the defensive line, but why is Home Secretary Besmel here? And I twisted my neck, but I got caught leaving the room.

"Prince Shaw! Do something about those freaks! Prince Saleem can't handle it."

Shaw holds his head when Professor Victor and others, a freak professor, arrive at Leyte from the University of Jungfrau.

"Minister of the Interior Besmel, let their matter be chan. Now we have to discuss this with Secretary of State for Military Affairs Dawson!

Once we meet face to face, we know we're going to get caught up in the pace of the Victors. I want warships deployed to Sands Island and Wombin Island as a matter of urgency, so I will give priority to discussions with Secretary of State for Military Affairs Dawson. However, Interior Minister Besmel, loud to courtesy on a daily basis, sighed when he saw that he was quite tempered and that it was going to be difficult to set up the University of Leyte.

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