Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

13 Recovery from the effects of poison

Shaw took time to recover from the effects of the poison. As always, I get worried letters from my wives who want to be intelligence agents.

"Where did you hear about the duel?

I camouflage Melissa, but she looks strange. But I can't imagine your father falling apart, nor can I imagine Ambassador Pasham connecting with his wives.

"I have to write a reply to reassure you..."

I can now sit on the bed or walk in the room for a little while, but my eyesight hasn't subsided yet. Well, it's hard to write a response for each wife.

"I'll write down how you're doing and send it to you. And Shaw's proxy?

Shaw is astonished and hastily stops.

"That's... I'll write you back slowly ~"

There is a cold sweat that I am not joking, such as a proxy for my pregnant wives in Late. When it got inconvenient, Shaw had decided to ask Melissa for something.

"I took care of Master Stewart and Sir James during the duel. I'll go thank you too when I recover, but I need you to go to Melissa before I do. I think he's worried because he knows he was injured and damaged by poison."

I'd like to keep you on Shaw's side, but Prince Stewart, who took care of you, asked me to thank him in his place, and Melissa would be delighted.

"Of course I am! I am Master Shaw's wife!

Shaw feels hindsight in Melissa, who is delighted to dye her cheeks to change words from the subject of Leyte's wives. Besides, I haven't kept my word.

"When you're feeling better, let's go on our honeymoon!

Melissa gave up wondering if she had been forgotten as promised.

"Even after I got married, I was sent to the University of Paloma. So..."

Shaw holds Melissa and dictates.

"I've been very busy since I became Prince Wang. I'm going to take a break because I'm hurt."

Of course, Melissa is also happy to go on her honeymoon with Master Shaw. I'll leave you two alone, but wohon to the chief therapist! and is coughed up.

"Prince Shaw, you look quite recovered. Let's get a little more time out of bed. But don't let them push you."

The chief therapist came to New Paloma. He then told him that he would order the instruments to be used in surgery before returning home. Shaw rejoices that Leyte University will open from the fall semester.

"Saleem, I threw a round on my brother."

With the forgiveness of the chief therapist, I was sitting in a chair, but I still don't have the energy to write a letter. I cannot substitute letters to my wives, but I thank my brother and give him thanks and instructions to improve each job I have entrusted to him.

"Master Shaw, please don't pack too many roots"

As Shaw's masterpiece, Melissa, who goes to thank Crown Prince Stewart, shows up in beautiful Royal Southeast Islands clothing.

"Hey, Melissa! You look great. But even though you always wear dresses in New Paloma?

Shaw praises me and smiles happily.

'Cause we're going to the royal palace in Lord Shaw's name.'

I can't take my eyes off Melissa's hindsight as she kisses her cheeks and leaves the room. I fell in love with the way the leopard walked, but I remember Rude and frowned.

"Is the dry season of the Kingdom of Savannah over? Did the two princes get on safely..."

Ask the embassy member who was writing the oral statement to look it up and go back to bed. It's hard to come back in strength. Sleep all night until Melissa returns.

Little by little, the young Shaw is sure to regain strength and be able to go see the Sands as far as the Dragon House.

"Sands, you're worried."

Sands is glad Shaw is feeling better. When we're together this way, our worried, catchy hearts melt.

"Don't ever duel again!

Shaw apologizes to Sands many times and stays on his side until he feels better. Ambassador Pasham, when he came to the Dragon House to look for him, leaned over to the relieved Sands and slept.

"Oh, well, I didn't expect you to sleep in a place like this..."

Ambassador Pasham, who has looked after him since childhood, tears into his eyes that he is really glad he has recovered. But Ambassador Pasham had been re-diagnosed by the Kingdom of Kazalia with Princess Sherry's fringe. Since Lady Melissa was studying abroad, her relationship with Princess Shelley was shelved. I graduated from Paloma University this time, so I brought it up again.

Ambassador Pasham has little merit in having a bastard daughter-in-law that Queen Jane and Crown Prince Stewart have not recognized, but he gives King Edoardo a balance that he can sell his thanks.

"Plus, Princess Erica's friendship, Princess Misha's entrance, and son-in-law to Princess Zelia! I want to wrap up some gorgeous friendships too!

King of the cheating kingdom of Cazaria, but King Eduardo is cautious that Queen Jane will never be pitied again, and Prince Stewart is to be cursed by Lady Rosalimond. Honey, if you don't have someone to trap on, you get a big sigh of sigh.

"Oh? Why are you sighing?

Soon, Foreign Minister Bacchus stood behind him. Pasham hastily tries to say hello, but leans against Sands and falls in love with Shaw's sleeping face.

"Well! What a lovely sleeping face! I feel young when I'm meditating on my eyes!

... This one has excellent abilities, but why was King Aslan appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs? ……

Unexpectedly breaks in between Prince Shaw and Foreign Secretary Bacchus.

"No more! Stay out of my way... I rarely get a chance to see Prince Shaw's sleep face. I need to burn it to my heart."

With Ambassador Pasham and Foreign Minister Bacchus rubbing their voices, Shaw wakes up.

"Already! I was off because of you..."

Shaw wakes up with the hand offered by Foreign Minister Bacchus. Ambassador Pasham was frightened by King Shaw Prince, who was too defenseless.

But Foreign Minister Bacchus squeezed his expression and whispered to Prince Shaw that he wanted to report something.

"Let's hear it in the study!

Shaw thought there was some reason why Foreign Secretary Bacchus was absent while he was under the influence of poison. Apparently, he looked harsh that Melissa and I might not be going on our honeymoon.

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