Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

1 Flat apologies Shaw

"That heppoco! Where the hell are you wandering?

Aslan can't leave Leyte because Merrill is protecting Sun Ryu's Fleur. Besides, Foreign Minister Bacchus, who is no good, is returning home.

"Well, Prince Shaw is also on her honeymoon with Lady Melissa. The other ladies are pregnant, and don't you congratulate them on having more children? My granddaughter, Fanna, would also like to serve in the back palace."

Aslan has difficulty turning down Flanagan's offer because Shaw hasn't had a prince yet. But this matter is partitioned by Lily, Shaw's First Lady. Aslan is fearless, but not foolish enough to ignore the First Lady. If you turn the First Lady around to the enemy in the Southeast Islands, it will be very difficult to live there.

"Talk to Lily about Shaw's rear palace! That heppoco! Can't you make it like a prince..."

Aslan mumbles that two princesses were born to keep standing, saying so himself.

"Master Lily just says that Prince Shaw is being poked at for not wanting more Lady...... the ministers will be dissatisfied with the royal family and the princesses of other countries alone. Just in case you can't dream."

Damn, Flanagan told me he hated it, and when Aslan's frustration culminated, the Braves returned to the port in a bad time.

"Sands is back!

Aslan yells back at Meryl's howling voice.

"That heppoco! You're finally home!

Oh man, now that King Aslan has gone somewhere again, Flanagan shrugs his shoulder. Since I am resigning from the Chancellor, I was no longer as hungry as I was before. Besides, you have to work out King Shaw's Prince as the next king.

"I'm sure your father will be angry."

Shaw sighs as he holds Melissa down from Sands. Anyway, when I got back to Leyte, my father decided to stay away and decided to take a short honeymoon with Melissa on the way home from Lexington Harbor.

"We haven't changed our dates so much, so maybe we won't find out?

That kind of Melissa is sunburned in wheat on her honeymoon on a small island in the South. Of course, Shaw has a healthy sunburn, and I can't see he's just dying in a duel.

"Well, I just let the Braves take a vacation on Mailing and Lucinus Island... then we'll find out! But it was fun, and I could refresh it."

The two, who were distance married, laugh and kiss Couscous. But King Aslan is not the only one angry.

"Master Shaw! I was worried!

Lily rushes over to the Dragon House in the Back Palace. Shit! Shaw says it's not if he's falling for it, leaving Melissa's care to Lily to hurry to the royal palace to say hello to her father.

"Father, I'm so sorry for your concern."

Even in silence, I can feel the aura of anger. Shaw bowed his head and waited wondering if he could hang any words, but he is silent no matter how long he waits.

"Is that it, Father?

I've been left alone! Has Shaw been distracted by his own stupid actions? And I got anxious.

"King Aslan ~! Which way are you going?

From around the dragon house at the Royal Palace, you can hear Foreign Minister Bacchus screaming.

"Awful! Father, you left me and ran away!

Shaw hurries to the dragon house too, but Merrill is after he's already flown. Surrounded by Foreign Secretary Bacchus, Secretary of State Besmel and Minister of Military Affairs Dawson.

"Prince Shaw! I can't believe they're dueling themselves!

Shaw, who had been scolded by the three ministers, is helped by a Flanagan advisor.

"Well, well, yes, that's not how you scold Prince Wang. And Prince Shaw will have to greet Mia, Lili, and the Queen back home."

Shaw thanked Flanagan for a moment, but even followed her to Mia's room, where she was strongly pushed by her granddaughter, Fanna, and realized how sweet she was.

"I have as many as six wives this fall! I don't want any more."

Flanagan was trying to persuade the stubborn Prince Shaw to join Mia. It also follows inside Mia's room.

"Shaw! I was worried."

Shaw apologizes for worrying Mia, who raised her since she was a baby. Mia allowed me to be careful from now on, but turned her attention to Flanagan behind her.

"Master Flanagan? How did you do?

Mia sighs and kills Shaw and Flanagan as they serve tea and send it away, saying it would be fringe. Good show, but only stubborn on this one. Mia also knows that Lily is struggling so hard to retain herself.

"Prince Shaw needs a prince. It's got to be a lot of successor candidates."

Shaw breaks his waist when he protests that his wives are pregnant.

"Will Prince Shaw be made to scorn the heavy ministers and the great merchants?

Mia shuts up and leaves it to Flanagan. It's obvious that you can't keep doing this.

"No, I don't want to scorn you, so I don't want more wives."

Repeat claims from childhood, but Flanagan does not retreat a step.

"Are you going to destroy the dreams of the heavy ministers and the big merchants? It is the highest honor of the men of the Southeast Islands to have their daughters and granddaughters daughter-in-law in the rear palace of King Shaw's Prince. Don't break your dream of getting a prince or a princess grandson."

Shaw still doesn't snort. Even though Mia is honest and gentle, she sighs that she's only stubborn on this matter. Ask the sock lady to call Lily to come. I could tell you, but I thought it would be better if I put it through.

"Master Mia? What can I do for you?

Lily, summoned by a woman officer, looked at Flanagan's face and guessed what the story was about. But with an unfamiliar face, he lowers his hips on a low couch.

"Master Lily, there's room for some new ladies in the backhouse, isn't there?

Lady Esmeralda is now on Ishmal Island, and Mimi plans to stay in Jungfrau for the next year, so although Melissa has returned home, only four people have a queen in the rear palace. Three of them are pregnant, too.

"But I'll marry Mimi in the summer, and Misha will marry me in the fall..."

Shaw shut his mouth, sometimes stared at by the gentle Mia. Lily sighs.

"Dear Shaw, please welcome Fanna, Granddaughter of Lady Flanagan, Alanna, Minister of Military Affairs of Zahan, and Sylvia, Under-Secretary of State for Military Affairs of Loudache, as Your Ladyship."

Shaw can't believe First Lady Lily betrayed herself! and surprise, making his mouth pound. Mia sympathizes that Lily's retention was also limited.

"As it is now, we will all be dissatisfied with all two granddaughters of Secretary of State Besmel. Then the fairness of the royal palace cannot be preserved. Oh, I know you want to say it's His Highness Kazim's daughter, but the other ministers don't think so."

Flanagan quit Mia's room because she had said everything she wanted to say. Prince Shaw decided that Mia and Lily should be left to persuade him.

As soon as Flanagan leaves the room, Shaw starts complaining.

"It's terrible! I've said many times that I don't want to have more wives!

Lily decides to be ready as the First Lady of Prince Wang.

"I understand that. So I kept it to a minimum."

Shaw was frightened when he was strictly assured by Lily, who was always a good understanding of himself. Mia apologized to Lily because she spoiled herself.

"Lily, my education was bad. We had to raise them more rigorously. Even though we have to pay attention not only to diplomacy, but also to the political balance in the country. You're going to have a hard time with Lily."

Lily asks Mia, who bows her head, to raise her head in a hurry.

"Because I'm not going to make it. As the First Lady of Prince Shaw, I had to make a political decision a little faster."

Shaw sweats cold when he sees two of the First Lady apologizing to each other. Reflect on Mia, a raised parent, and Lily, a partner in her life, who was suffering to the best of her own self.

"Okay! Okay, so please stop apologizing to each other! Doesn't change that I don't want to have more wives, but if you decide you need Lily, I'll think about it."

Chip! and the two First Ladies tongue-in-cheek, even on this occasion. Mia looks at Lily to see if she can cry. But Lily re-sits when she hands over the guidance.

"Lady Shaw, Lady Fanna, Lady Alanna and Lady Sylvia will be welcomed to the rear palace."

Shaw nodded powerlessly at Lily's remarks.

... Oh man, you didn't have to cry down...

Mia is in a good mood and gives her disappointed Shaw a fragrant cup of tea.

"Shaw, Lily's having a really hard time. You have to thank the three of us for keeping it down."

Shaw noticed he was sweet on his partner Lily.

"Sorry...... but don't really add any more"

... Shibuki! ……

Two First Ladies, lightning down!

"Shaw!" "Master Shaw!

Shaw, surprised by the great momentum, apologized plainly to both of them.

This day, I also went around apologizing to my worried wives, and I was tired of Shaw.

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