Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

6 Raythe University Opens!

In September, the University of Leyte opened. Shaw said he would leave it up to Dean Saleem's brother, but he took on the greeting as a guest without turning it off.

The freak professors were also dressed properly by Dean Saleem, and the freshmen who are shining their eyes trying to learn at Leyte University are taking their seats to hear the congratulations of their guest, Prince Shaw.

"I would like to place a blend of magic and science in this founding philosophy of Leyte University. I don't just want you to stay in the debate about which is superior in magic or science, I want you to acknowledge each other's superiority and work together to move forward with your research.

Here, I want you to know the old days and learn the new ones. Please study literature, history, free ideas, and have a lively discussion. I want professors and students to speak freely and create a new culture.

And please be willing to learn not just in the interest of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, but also to invent inventions to develop the world and maintain peace. "

To the congratulations of Prince Wang of Young Idealism, the professors rejoiced that they were free to class, and the students who enrolled would slap each other on the shoulders with the students in the next seat in an effort.

Some of the female students who were listening to the congratulations in the upstairs seats expected it to be a new world, but a few were ecstatic of King Shaw's Rin.

Princess Pamela is lovely, Brother Shaw! and whispers with Siegel's sister Fanna of Forgiveness. Alanna and Sylvia also burned their fighting will to work hard to get married to the rear palace as soon as possible.

"Brother Shaw! It was a wonderful celebration."

After the entrance ceremony, my brother Marche spoke up.

"Marche, study hard"

Marche, who said she wanted to be close to herself, is happy to learn in college without haste.

"Yes! I will do my best to help you, brother!

It's good to stick around, but I hope you enjoy your time as a student.

"I'll visit the mansion again."

The students who watched Prince Shaw and Marche speak intimately, with envy that it was good, surround themselves as soon as they parted. Dean Saleem said, "Make way!" and I can push it away.

"Brother Saleem, excuse me." If I have any trouble, I will show Shaw, who laughs bitterly, to the dean's office and entertain him with tea.

"It's about the Dragon Knight training center, but why don't the corrections department learn together at Leyte University's preschool? So I hope the royal martial arts officer can teach me..."

Shaw was busy and concerned that the Dragon Knight Naruto was behind him, so pleased with Brother Saleem's suggestion.

"Right! Dragon flying training should officially begin after a trained Dragon Knight returns home in Leudenheim or Westin. Until then, I think I should fly on a dragon or let them travel with me and let them get acquainted"

Many children on Wombin and Izmal Island have dragon knight qualities. He wanted me to learn it at the training center.

Nearby Pips and Valdish greet King Shaw, who returned to the royal palace singing his nose song with a smile.

"Did anything good happen at Leyte University's admissions ceremony?

"Well!," said Shaw in an upbeat mood, but was called to Mia's room.

"What is it? Do you even want to know about Pamela's admissions ceremony? Oh, maybe they'll scold me for letting you go to the mansion with Seagal's sister?

When I went to Mia's room with my neck twisted, my father was leaning against the cushion for tea.

... I have a bad feeling about it. ……

"Father? I thought Mia called me..."

Sit Shaw with a strange face.

"Congratulations Shaw, on opening the University of Leyte. Saleem deserves a dean."

I was praised when I heard Mia congratulated her for being very fine too, but I am concerned about her father in the room. Aslan was silently drinking tea while Mia worked Shaw or something.

"Father? Can I help you?

Aslan is sick and tired of having to instruct him from this side.

"What's going on in the aftermath of the Kingdom of Salam?

Shaw had heard from Foreign Secretary Bacchus and Military Secretary Dawson that pirates in the Kingdom of Salam had been exterminated. As much as that, Father knows, I don't know what the question means.

"You heppoco! Those hertz would forget the heat if they were too throat! They're gonna pull in pirates again. Besides, Piotr is too stupid."

Sure, you're right, Shaw snorts, too.

"We want the poor peasants of the Kingdom of Salam to work on Ishmal. I thought if I worked at the plantation and let him save some money, I should let him be a pioneering peasant... Ah, about King Hertz and Prince Piotr. Foreign Minister Bacchus is giving instructions to Ambassador Globe…"

My father frowned, not wanting to hear about such an immigration plan, so I answer in a hurry.

"That little rat could be a little too much. It's hard to find out that the Southeast Islands pulled a thread behind them. Somebody send in the role of Stopper as First Secretary. Choose between Seagal or Ashend."

Mia's own son's name has been raised, but don't break King Aslan's position as the First Lady, and he looks strange. I'm trying to raise a civilian to support Shaw when he takes the throne.

"Seagal is helping work on codifying the law. I think Ashend manages the landfill wharf..."

Both, it's a job we can both do, but Shaw worries. To stop the hamster that the conspiracy seems to like more than a three-time meal, the load feels heavy in the young Seagal.

"I think Ashend is fit"

Aslan nods that he has passed for once because he did not choose his alumni and gave the name of a suitable Ashend.

"Ask Seagal to accompany you to your wedding with Misha. In the other custom, the bridegroom needs an escort. Franz is on assignment as ambassador to Cairon. If you take Ambassador Lillick to see him, he'll be on guard, so introduce him to Franz."

Shaw also knew about the wedding customs of the Empire, so he was thinking about having Captain Wonder escort him. But I nod that this is a good opportunity to introduce Sir Franz, an excellent diplomat to Seagal.

"On the way home, Seagal leaves me at Jungfrau. Let me help Erica get married. Let him learn about Ambassador Nuton, who accompanies the royal marriage. You have a princess, so you'll need her in the future."

"I don't want to politically marry my daughters!" Throw a cushion and control Shaw's voice of protest.

"You're still saying such sweet little things! Send Franz to the Kingdom of Laurent, and the Kingdom of Iran is going to sign an alliance of the Three Kingdoms. You're going to isolate the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands!

Mia says Shaw is strangely stubborn, pushing her sigh to death and offering her tea.

"You can let Seagal learn about royal weddings for when you need them in the future."

Aslan says Mia is sweet on Shaw and asks for a replacement by drinking up tea.

"Oh, yeah! Mia had a favor to ask. I want to take Lily to my wedding with Misha. I want Misha to explain to me how to live in the rear palace, because I want to show her a foreign country. I was wondering if I could take care of my pregnant wives while I was away."

Aslan, sitting back with Gabba, starts dictating Mia.

"Shaw is blurry, but I'll just say one good thing. The First Lady also has to look at foreign countries. Mia, let's go abroad together!

Until Pamela marries Mia, Shaw also takes care of Lily while she's away.

"That's right. I'll think about it for a second."

Aslan sighs that it's hard to repay Mia for her stubborn old temperament with hard work.

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