Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

20 Lights that illuminate the future

Shaw, my son-in-law to Princess Zelia of the Kingdom of Surah, but yes, I can't leave Leyte. Upon completing her honeymoon to the Kingdom of Kazaria, she returned with white flowers.

"White flowers! Do you remember me? I took care of her when she was a chick."

The eaglemaker welcomed the white flowers enthusiastically, but Aslan shrugged that Eduardo was annoying again.

"Tash left... you have Crescent left. Instead of white flowers, I'll give you a good female eagle."

The eagle master said, "Do you give a female eagle to such a cold country!" He said back to King Aslan, scolding him that he would have received white flowers, and shut his mouth.

"Well, you won't find a female eagle worthy of a crescent that way in the Kingdom of Cazaria. I'll look for a female eagle that's also resistant to the cold."

Shaw is also horrified that when Crescent is connected and the eggs are laid, a little will ease King Edoardo's grief as well.

"Well, if you're home, you can go out."

While Son-in-law of the Kingdom of Surah was in, Shaw was not even willing to stop his father from flying with Merrill when he left a message saying it was difficult.

"Prince Shaw! Where is King Aslan?

I am grabbed by Foreign Secretary Bacchus, who sensed that my dear King Aslan had flown.

"Why didn't you stop?" The angry and heartfelt Foreign Minister Bacchus was forced to refresh his report on the situation in the Kingdom of Surah and on his visit to the Kingdom of Kazaria.

"Prince Shaw, there's no way Crown Prince Stewart won't be brought up for an affair with Prince Henry, is there? It's a hundred years early to deceive me."

Cucumber-tightened Shaw asks the opposite of the situation in the Kingdom of Savannah.

"The Kingdom of Savannah? Does the Sula kingdom even think about invasion? Now, the farming nation near the border with the Kingdom of Surah feels rebellious against Prince Jung, so it's a good opportunity...... maybe the snake god said something?

I misled Ambassador Raben, but he was reporting something strange to Raythe. Foreign Secretary Bacchus is good at reading the face of Prince Shaw.

"The snake God cared that Rude appeared in his dreams. Well, Rude's leopard killed the child snake, so he said he threw him out right away. Something bad is going to happen in the Kingdom of Savannah."

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bacchus twists his neck that Prince Shaw, who doesn't like snakes, is suspicious to talk so intimately with the snake god.

"I will give Ambassador Melville a detailed report on the situation in the Kingdom of Savannah. It's hard to expand your forces enough to threaten the Kingdom of Surah, but it's more desirable for politics to be stable as a trading partner."

Foreign Minister Bacchus thinks busily in his head that we also need to let Ambassador Melville investigate the snake god, while also telling him how he will report in detail.

"Prince Shaw!" The ministers, who perceived King Aslan fleeing, burst into an avalanche breaking through the stoppage of nearby Valdish and Pips.

"Oh, man, I feel like I'm back in Leyte."

"I'm sorry," which is more urgent, taking control of the two nearby apologizing? and ask Foreign Minister Bacchus with his eyes.

"With that said, Prince Saleem has reported some new inventions at the University of Leyte."

The two ministers said, "This is more urgent than that!," but Shaw called the Sands and headed to Leyte University.

"King or prince flying in the sky is a bad tachi!

When the two ministers looked up at the puffy skies and offended, they complained grandly about Foreign Minister Bacchus, who had done only his own business, but were just extra angry at the quiet attitude.

"Ooh! Prince Shaw, this way!"

I can admirably spot Sands going down inside college and a bear-faced bear roars. President Saleem of the University of Leyte is ashamed of the poor supervision of his professors, who would be disrespectful to Prince Wang.

"Professor Liechtenstein, can you do anything about that outfit?

He was staying at the lab, so dirty that he hesitated to go to the side.

"If you say such a thin thing, you're going to bald! Look faster than that."

Saleem cares about her hair getting a little thinner, so she almost yells at herself accidentally, but weighs herself in front of her brother.

... Father is fussy in those years, why? ……

Saleem sighs when Shaw's head, staring at the little light on the lab desk, is also fuzzy.

"Wow, that's a light bulb and battery! Awesome! But now I can only light a small light. Fast and bad, but take wind power."

"How hard did your nasty explanations make you struggle! Wind power this time? What kind of mouth is that?"

President Saleem sighed heavily when he saw the professor yelling at Prince Wang and the others said it was the stress of losing his hair.

The University of Leyte has a freak, no progressive professor, who Shaw has scouted from the Universities of Paloma, Jungfrau and Cairon, living and researching daily with rich financial resources.

Students are gathered not only from the Southeast Islands, but also from the Kingdom of Cazaria, where the University of Paloma is located, such as the joint study of medicine and curse, the study of marine life and the study of electricity that Professor Liechtenstein's Saleem does not understand.

"Nevertheless, where does Shaw twist his ideas out of?

The little lights on the desk are so unreliable that you don't know what they're for. Candles and lamps are about brighter, but I was explained that when wind power and the dots are complete, Leyte's night will also be as bright as daylight.

Saleem glanced over her shoulder wanting to peek into her brother's head, who was busily interacting with Professor Liechtenstein.

"Prince Shaw, you're in a good mood."

Shaw, who also returned lightly to the Royal Palace with Run Run and Footsteps, was greeted by Marche, who graduated from college and passed the civilian exam with brilliant grades. I'm in the midst of being trained by Valdish and Pips, my nearest senior.

"Marsh, inform Minister of Military Affairs Dawson that Prince Shaw has returned"

Marsh walked away early, instructed by Valdish.

"What do you say? Does Marsh seem useful? If I can, I want to build diplomatic relations."

I don't want to treat you special because you're my brother, but I still care about Marsh.

"If you want me to do diplomacy, shouldn't you have Foreign Secretary Bacchus work out for you?

Pips, who often delivers Shaw King Prince's letters to foreign countries, also nods in agreement.

"Yeah, not a regular diplomat, but deliver my personal letter... yes, I wanted my uncle Marsh to keep an eye on me if my daughter were to marry a prince any day"

It was Shaw dropping his shoulders when he unconsciously thought of his daughters like handkerchiefs in political marriage. Valdish and Pipps thought they couldn't do anything about the political marriage, but they looked at each other to work out Marsh.

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