
The Eagle Beast struggled to get up, but the next moment, it was as if a cannonball hit its back!

Fortunately, as a Beast, its strong defense and recovery ability allowed it to barely withstand this bombardment, but before the Eagle Beast could get up and fight back, the white leg armor whistled towards its head, and the Eagle Beast’s head could not bear the pressure and exploded!


The Griffin Beast next to him watched the Eagle Beast being kicked to death, and only when his face was splattered with the Eagle Beast’s smelly blood did he cry out in surprise.



Jiang Li looked at the griffin puppet and the others.

The snake recorder in his hand was stimulated to become a blood-red sword. Without hesitation, Jiang Li injected all the endless life energy in his body into it, and the sword immediately flashed with dazzling light….

That’s right, he’s going to use his ultimate move again!

“What a terrifying life energy!”

Feeling the energy fluctuations coming towards him, a drop of cold sweat rolled down the Griffin Puppet’s forehead.

Each legendary puppet has its own unique ability, and its ability is to be able to smell the energy breath of any creature, as well as the specific strength.

He had killed many fang vampires before.

But the life energy strength of this fang vampire in front of him at this time far exceeded all the fang vampires he had seen before, even the so-called strongest fang vampire killed by the mummy puppet was not even one tenth of it!

“Is it the problem with the saga armor?”

The Griffinmon was panicking:”Could it really do something to these vampires?”

It had also heard that the vampires were building weapons to fight against them.

But it had never taken it seriously before.

After all, it had felt the power of the King of Beasts up close, but now, seeing the power of the vampire after wearing this white armor, it began to panic.

But the Griffinmon immediately forced itself to calm down.

Because……The energy fluctuations on that blood-red sword have become increasingly violent!

It may be released at any time!

“Quick! All puppet beasts, attack together!!”

The Eagle Puppet Beast had just been kicked to pieces by Jiang Li, so the Griffin Puppet Beast was now the leader. Following its command, the surrounding puppet beasts roared and used their own methods to attack.

“Snaking, Death, Break!!”

“Snake……Death Breakout!!!”

But the puppet beasts had just arrived in front of him.

Jiang Li had already swung the snake flute, and countless lightning bolts gathered into a huge long whip.

“Boom boom boom!”

As Jiang Li swung the Lightning Whip again, it hissed and swept forward, like a giant python opening its bloody mouth, eager to devour all life!

In an instant, a sky-high flame exploded.

The several puppet beasts with hideous faces just now exploded before they could even scream!


Looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground in front of him.

Jiang Li let out a long sigh, feeling refreshed.

He was increasingly glad that he had chosen [Infinite Life Energy] at the beginning.

This talent was a perfect match for Vampire!

With infinite life energy, he didn’t need to worry about any consumption issues at all. He didn’t need any basic attacks or small skills. He could just use the ultimate skill right away!

And the most important thing was that Saga’s ultimate skill had no cooldown!

The ultimate skill had no cooldown, plus infinite energy…….

And this is exactly what he relies on to dare to face the mummy beast alone!


“Saga’s tolerance limit is not high.”This is the only thing that makes Jiang Li a little regretful.

Whenever the life energy output reaches a certain level, Saga will quickly send a reminder, indicating that it is full and does not need to eat anymore…….As for what would happen if ignoring the warning and continuing to supply life energy, Jiang Li guessed that Saga would most likely explode!

“”Swish, swish, swish!”

Just as Jiang Li was thinking, dozens of figures gathered around him.

A puppet beast with white bandages wrapped around its body and a white spirit stone on its head slowly walked forward from the back, and the other puppet beasts made way for him…….Obviously, this person is Jiang Li’s target this time, the legendary mummy puppet!

“You are indeed very strong and courageous, daring to come here alone.” The mummy beast spoke, its voice was very hoarse, like the friction of countless gravel,”I guess you want to take back this castle?”

“But the move just now should have consumed most of your life energy…….”Before the mummy beast finished speaking, its eyes suddenly widened.

Because it saw a blood-colored giant python made entirely of energy coming towards it again to bite!

At the same time, there was also a cold sound effect!

“Snaking, Death, Break!!”

“Snake……Death blast!!!”


The bloody giant python bit and rammed the puppet beast frantically. Its huge power was unstoppable!

The smoke dissipated.

Some of the puppet beasts that were originally in a circle were completely torn apart, and some of their bodies exploded.

The only thing left was a ball made of white bandages.

“With a”swish”, the bandage on the white sphere loosened automatically, revealing the figure of the mummy beast underneath.

“I want you to die!!”

The mummy beast’s voice was angry at this time, and the face covered with rotten flesh hidden under the bandages was shaking violently…….In just a moment, his subordinates were slaughtered!

At the same time, the Mummy Beast felt a little frustrated.

It had just given the other party enough respect, but the other party ignored everything and chose to start with zero frame…….

Do you have any martial ethics at all?

“Wake, Up!”


However, just as the mummy beast was angry, Jiang Li had already inserted the snake flute into his belt.


Jiang Li put his left hand behind him.

The snake flute sword with arcs dancing on the blade was gracefully raised to his chest.


The next moment.

A strange purple mist filled the air, and the whole world became dim.

Only a faint white light sprinkled from the top of the head, slightly illuminating the darkness and drowsiness.

The mummy beast subconsciously looked up, and a deep shock immediately appeared on its face that had been rotten for who knows how many years…….He actually saw a silver half-moon hanging high in the sky!

“Varied……What’s going on?!!”

The mummy was so frightened that it staggered back a few steps. It was still daytime just now, how come it was night in the blink of an eye?!

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