After setting the goal for this dungeon, Jiang Li closed the system’s background introduction.

He looked at his shoulder and found that the wound he had just cut had closed.

He touched his face again.

He could already feel the hard blood scab.

“It seems that my self-healing ability is not bad.”

Jiang Li has a deeper understanding of himself.

In addition to extraordinary speed and jumping ability, he now has excellent self-healing ability.

After treating his shoulder injury,

Jiang Li looked around.

After so long, it’s time for this”death cage” to respond.

Sure enough.

After a while, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in the room.

“Today’s deathmatch ends”

“No. 555, congratulations on winning the third battle, now you can go to the intermediate area!”

“serial number……555?”

“”Meaning me?”

Jiang Li was a little slow to react, mainly because the number was too special.

He couldn’t help but think of Faiz.

Jiang Li didn’t understand what the voice said about the intermediate area.

But at this time, the white door in front had opened to both sides.

Jiang Li sorted out his emotions a little, and then stepped into the passage decisively.

There were white walls on both sides.

The straight passage was almost endless.

After Jiang Li walked for a long time, the front was suddenly open.

But when he saw the situation behind the passage,

Jiang Li couldn’t help but show a trace of astonishment on his face.

Because the so-called intermediate area was not a pure white space full of oppression like the primary area as he imagined. Instead, it was a closed and oppressive space…….More like a square?!

At a glance, there were many figures moving around in the square.

When they noticed Jiang Li walking out of the passage, many figures cast their eyes towards him. Except for a hint of silence in their eyes, the rest was……It’s all naked murderous intent!

“”They are all Orphinos!”

Jiang Li quickly scanned the area, feeling awe in his heart.

These figures walking around the square, who looked like humans, were all Orphinos!

And the aura of each of them was no weaker than that of the mantis Orphinos he had just killed!

Some of the Orphinos made Jiang Li feel palpitating, and they were obviously terribly powerful!

In addition, he also noticed that these people had metal rings on various parts of their bodies.

Some wore them on their necks like him.

Some were on their arms and ankles, and some were on places that Jiang Li could not see.

“”Hey, little brother.”

Just then, an old man came up with a smile on his face:”Congratulations on coming to the intermediate area!”

Jiang Li was puzzled and alert.

He took a step back:”Who are you?”

“Just call me Lao Gui!”

The old man who called himself Lao Gui showed a mouthful of half black and half yellow teeth, and said very kindly:”Little brother, you are a newcomer, and you must have a lot of questions in your mind now, right?”

“Don’t worry, little brother, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Seeing Jiang Li’s expression, Lao Gui waved his hand and said,”The place we are in is the activity square of the intermediate area. Fighting is not allowed. If you break the rules, you will be caught and used for experiments…….Tsk tsk, you definitely don’t want to experience that feeling”

“Look at the other Orphinos, their eyes are more violent and bloodthirsty than each other, and they want to eat others alive, but in fact, everyone is well-behaved, and it’s all because of this.”

Jiang Li looked around. He was already half-convinced in his heart.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the Orphinos was not concealed, but no one took action, which was enough to prove that what the old ghost said was true…….Of course, Jiang Li still did not let down his guard.

“Come on, come on, sit down first!”

Seeing this, the old ghost enthusiastically pulled him aside and said,”I’ll tell you about the situation here…….”

After Lao Gui’s explanation, Jiang Li had a general understanding of the”Death Fight Cage”.

The entire Death Fight Cage is divided into three areas: low, medium, and high.

As the name suggests, each area corresponds to the strength of the Orphino.

The low level is the weakest, and the high level area is the strongest.

The prisoners are promoted step by step through death fights and fighting, from low to high.

Once promoted to the high level area, there is hope to leave this killing cage!

The reason why Lao Gui told him this is…


“Before I tell you the reason, let me first tell you about the mechanism of this deathmatch cage.”The old ghost laughed and did not give a direct answer, but talked about other

“You came from the low-level area, and you should know that there is a deathmatch every day there. Only after you win three times and survive, you can be promoted to the current intermediate area.”

“In the intermediate level, the duration of the deathmatch is extended to once every three days…….You can also designate targets!” After saying this, the old ghost looked at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li nodded silently:”I see, you mean, you want me not to choose you then?”

“”Little brother is really smart!”

The old ghost nodded quickly.

Then he waited for Jiang Li’s reply.

Under his nervous gaze, Jiang Li was silent for a while, and finally nodded:”Okay! I promise you, if a fight to the death begins, I will never choose you as my opponent!”…………

“But, is it useful for you to do this?”

Although Jiang Li did not make his meaning clear, Lao Gui obviously understood what he was asking.

In response,

Lao Gui showed a smug expression:”Guess how long I have been here, old man?”

“Half a year!”

Under Jiang Li’s gaze, the old ghost stretched out his hand and counted.

“What has enabled me to survive these six months? It is because of my status as a mentor to newcomers!” Jiang Li was indeed a little shocked when he heard this. A death fight every three days means at least sixty death fights in six months…….

This old ghost actually survived sixty death fights?!

At this moment.

Jiang Li re-examined the old ghost.

Of course, it was not because of some new mentor.

He did not believe that the old ghost could survive sixty death fights just by introducing the situation to others.

What the old ghost did was only to prevent others from actively choosing him, but in this”death fight cage”, fighting and killing are inevitable, and one day he will be forced to fight.

In this case, if the old ghost himself did not have some strength, he would never survive.

Seeing the surprise on Jiang Li’s face.

The old ghost became even more proud

“Let me tell you the truth again. I, Laogui, can’t explain this to everyone!”

“I won’t approach prisoners who have red eyes and can only scream… There’s basically no point in talking to those who are so bloodthirsty that they can’t control themselves.”

“I will only approach those prisoners who are rational and have clear eyes… Well, like you, usually, these Aofiino are quite powerful.”

After listening,

Jiang Li suddenly realized part of the reason why Lao Gui lived so long.

The mantis Aofiino he just killed was the type that Lao Gui would not approach.

This type of Aofiino has completely lost its rationality after many killings and has become a real beast… And this just proves that it is not strong enough.

As for the strong ones, they agreed not to choose him as their opponent after Lao Gui’s explanation. In this way, Lao Gui only needs to face the weak prisoners.……

“”Tsk tsk.”

Jiang Li secretly admired in his heart.

After saying this, the old ghost immediately straightened his face.

“Well, of course”

“Another important point is”

“For prisoners in the intermediate area”

“Their idea is no longer to kill each other, but to further advance!”

Hearing this,

Jiang Li asked:”What is the mechanism of the advanced area?”

Lao Gui is worthy of the identity of a mentor for newcomers. Facing the new questions raised by Jiang Li one after another, he did not show any impatience, but answered Jiang Li seriously:”The advanced area is different from the low and middle levels. There is no need to fight each other, but to adopt……Arena system!”


The old ghost continued:

“The number and quota of prisoners in the high-level area are fixed, and there are only nine!”

“That prisoner in the intermediate area wants to be promoted to the advanced area. Guess what he should do?”

Jiang Li’s expression changed slightly.

He already had an idea in his mind.

“It seems that the little brother has already thought of it.”

The old ghost confirmed Jiang Li’s guess, he gave Jiang Li a thumbs up, and then said:”If you want to be promoted to a high-level area, the only way is to knock down the original high-level prisoners!”

“And when you successfully defend the ring for a month, that is, thirty days, you can completely escape from this cage!”…………

Jiang Li took some time to digest what the old ghost said.

The old ghost did not say anything, just sat next to him waiting.

After everything was sorted out, looking at the old ghost next to him with a smile on his face and constantly greeting other people, Jiang Li asked the last question:”Have you ever thought about escaping?”

The old ghost was not surprised that Jiang Li would ask such a question, and it seemed that every newcomer asked him the same question, so after greeting a prisoner in the end, he turned around and answered without hesitation:”Yes, of course!”


The old ghost changed the subject:”But you know?”

“There are nearly 200 researchers in the entire”Death Battle Cage”……Well, these two hundred people are all Orphino. Although they usually focus on scientific research, after the transformation, they all have a certain combat power to a certain extent!”

“In addition to the experimenters, there are also 100 Leo cavalrymen guarding the cage laboratory…….You know what Leo cavalry are? They are the ones that can transform into steel armor. They can deal with us mid-level prisoners as easily as cutting melons and vegetables!”


“And this.”

The old ghost pointed at the metal collar around his neck and said,”This thing is very difficult to deal with!”

“This collar is custom-made for each prisoner.”

“For some prisoners who can trigger electric current and lightning, the collars are made of insulating materials and loaded with highly toxic modules. Once the prisoners make any unusual movements, the toxins will be injected. It only takes three seconds to poison any living creature to death!”

“For some prisoners whose bodies can be deformed or softened, the collar will be equipped with an ultra-high-power electric shock module. Once changes in the prisoner’s body are detected, the electric current will be triggered and the prisoner will be directly turned into charcoal!”

“For prisoners with strong defense, the collar will be loaded with explosive modules…….”

“But do you think that’s all?”

“Much more than that!”

“The biggest obstacle comes from the superiors, Ophiino, who are stationed there!”

“How can we escape under such conditions?” The old ghost shook his head:”If we escape, we will die!”

“”Superior Ophino?”

Jiang Li caught a key word in the old ghost’s words and asked immediately.

There was a trace of fear in the old ghost’s eyes:

“They are a group of guys called”Lucky Clovers” and they are simply monsters!”

“There was once a prisoner who was promoted to a high-level area and became extremely arrogant. He wanted to challenge the other eight high-level prisoners at once…….And the fact is that he did it!”

“Eight high-ranking prisoners were killed by him one by one!”

“But his arrogance soon attracted the interest of a superior in the Clover, Ophino, who personally took action…….In the end, it only took one move to beat the prisoner alive!”

After hearing this,

Jiang Li’s heart became heavy.

He asked for information about his superior, Ophino, and the Clover.

The old ghost lowered his voice:


“Dragon-type Orphino!!”

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