Xing Yifan goes into a room full of girl's breath, which is still very tidy, and the wall is covered with her paintings. Xing Yifan also turns over her works from the side, only to see that there is a cartoon author's name in the inner page of her published works, summer.

Xing Yifan raised his lips and smiled. He took it up and looked at several pages. He didn't expect that she was a cartoonist. No wonder she had nothing to do all day!

It has to be said that her cartoon is very beautiful and can't be seen. She has such a talent of muddling around.

He mentioned to her what she was going to bring in his villa at one time.

Bai Xia looked at him and said, "thank you."

"Your room is the third on the left of the third floor." After Xing Yifan finished, he took the lead in lifting things for her.

Bai Xia saw his figure upstairs. She bit her teeth and decided to go upstairs on her own.

After Xing Yifan put down her things, he also put clean quilts and pillows for her. This room is not occupied yet, and everything is fresh.

After Xing Yifan finished his own work, he was ready to close the door and come out. At this time, Bai Xia had jumped up the third floor on one foot, stroking the stairs, and jumped up with his teeth clenched.

At the moment, she was at the door. Xing Yifan opened the door and scared her.

She was standing on one foot and breathed.

"Ah..." A exclamation, her whole person shakes one time then accurately hugs toward the man.

Xing Yifan quickly lifted her pretty buttocks, lifted her whole body, and formed the posture of holding the princess, because if he didn't lift her whole body just now, her plaster foot would surely step on the ground with uncontrolled support.

Bai Xia hugs his neck, a frightened white face, and Xing Yifan's handsome face are just a palm apart.

Bai Xia finds out the ambiguous action at this moment. Her white face is pink with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"I'm sorry!" Bai Xia is also embarrassed. What's wrong with her? I've been jumping at him lately.

Xing Yifan took her into the room, put her on the sofa, and gave a low warning, "don't run around, stay in the room."

"Oh! All right! " Bai Xia sits like a obedient child.

When Xing Yifan pulled the door out and closed it, his expression remained calm, as if there were some abnormal disorders, even his breath was slightly hasty.

Bai Xia, with a bitter face, leans back on the sofa and wants to beat himself up. How can he always be so reckless?

She turned on the computer, connected to the mobile phone network, and immediately edited several pieces of information to urge contributions.

Bai Xia looks at the information of urging draft, and thinks that if he doesn't pay a beginning, it will be difficult to open money next month.

It seems that she just took advantage of the day when her foot was hurt to draw a piece of opening manuscript and hand it in!

Bai Xia said to do it, and there was no time for her to hesitate. Anyway, she can't go anywhere now.

She took up her pen and began to write on the special comic paper. She sat on the sofa, and the first thing that came to her mind was Xing Yifan's comic hero like face. Just in time, her whole plot was based on him.

Bai Xia decides that she doesn't need to look for any plot. Isn't it the climax of all the rich plots that she and Xing Yifan get along with now?

There is really a sense of ups and downs in the picture!

When Bai Xia was looking for something else, she turned over a canvas bag beside her. She opened it and found several underwear and bras on the top.

Her head went blank for a few seconds, my God! He even remembered to bring this to her.

Bai Xia only felt a flurry of fever on her face. Did he take his hand? Take these things from her?

My God! Kill her! Bai Xia is going to cry to death. She is embarrassed!

After a while of emotional ups and downs, Bai Xia saw the editor's urging information again, so she had to calm down and continue to open the painting.

When her drawing hand kissed by an angel was sketched on the paper, a cartoon hero's face that looked like Xing Yifan appeared on the paper.

Bai Xia stared at Xing Yifan for a long time. Xing Yifan's various appearances had a strong influence on her mind. The cold lines on his face showed his own cold temperament.

Bai Xia is very satisfied. Now, in addition to publishing, she can also cut the Internet and has a very high popularity. However, she is slow in drawing, but ensures the quality.

Xing Yifan didn't come in to disturb her, because he went out to buy lunch and dinner at the nearby supermarket.

Xing Yifan is also depressed. Why does he serve this woman? Is it kindness or something?

In a word, if he left her in her own villa and died, he could not bear it.

I'm afraid that this woman will hurt herself even more. When her family is not around, she will trouble him.So, he thought, help to the end! When she is ready, I will clean the villa for him!

Xing Yifan was driving back, thinking about it all the time. At the moment when he got home, he found such a decent reason.

Bai Xia has been painting for more than an hour. Her back is aching. She has to stop and close the picture book. She picks up the computer and starts to write a dialogue again. In her mind, it's all her conversation with Xing Yifan at the moment, and she doesn't deliberately modify how much. Xing Yifan's words are always firm, powerful, concise and clear.

Bai Xia is writing. There is a knock outside the door. Bai Xia quickly closes the document, arranges the clothes and says with a smile, "come in!"

Xing Yifan comes in with a glass of water and a plate of fruit in his hand. Bai Xia is staring at her eyes. She is flattered and surprised to see her treatment. It's too good!

Xing Yifan is ready to leave. Bai Xia immediately reaches out his hand and clasps his wrist. She is very moved. She looks up and touches Xing Yifan's look back. She sincerely says, "thank you."

Xing Yifan falls on the wrist tightly held by her tiny hand. Bai Xia quickly pulls back her hand. She is embarrassed.

Xing Yifan picked up his eyebrows and said, "I'm good to you now. You'll be well injured later. You need to pay me back twice."

Bai Xia listened, nodded his head and said, "Well! I will. "

Xing Yifan is satisfied with clenching his lips and pushes the door to leave.

Bai Xia is eating fresh Hami melon, which is sweet and delicious. She is in a good mood. After eating, she can continue to work.

For lunch, Xing Yifan carried her down. Bai Xiafu was on his broad back, feeling his strong body, as if carrying her on his back. For him, there was no pressure.

After lunch, Bai Xia had a rest on the sofa. When Xing Yifan went to wash the dishes, she jumped on one foot.

Next, the two did not disturb each other, until the evening, Xing Yifan prepared dinner, and Bai Xia came down to finish eating.

Bai Xia, who hasn't bathed for two days, is also very uncomfortable. She takes a bath in her own way, changes into comfortable cartoon pajamas, sits on the bed, and continues to draw with the drawing.

Until very late, Bai Xia has forgotten the time, she only has the enthusiasm and beat the chicken blood brain.

Only on paper, the scene is rich, the characters are full, and the pictures of each frame are very good.

Bai Xia finally can't bear to pack up the drawing board and fall asleep.

In the morning, Xing Yifan is used to getting up at 6:30 on time for fitness. After an hour of fitness, he goes downstairs to prepare breakfast. At 8:00, he stands at the door of Bai Xia's room with breakfast.

He knocked at the door, but there was no answer.

Xing Yifan's eyebrows slightly twisted. He pressed the door handle and gently pushed the door open. Bai Xia held the quilt in his arms and slept heavily in the room.

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