When Bai Xia returned to Xing Yifan's villa, she went upstairs to pack up her things. Looking at the room where she only lived for five days and five nights, inexplicably, she really liked everything here and was reluctant to leave.

However, how could she continue to stay here? Eating him, using him, and letting him take care of himself with three meals a day really bothered him.

And, because she's here, taking up a lot of his time.

Bai Xia came out with the things in his hands. As soon as he got to the porch, Xing Yifan leaned on it. When he saw her coming out, he stepped over and reached for her bag.

Bai Xia was moved. The doctor asked her not to lift heavy things for a while. Unexpectedly, he was so considerate and considerate that he took care of her even at this point.

"Thank you!" Bai Xia also can't remember how many thanks he said to him in this period of time. It seems that every thing he did moved her to say thank you.

Xing Yifan just silently carried her things downstairs, and went downstairs without putting them down. He said to her, "I will deliver them for you."

Bai Xia said, then she looked at each flower and asked, "can I live with each flower for two days? I promise I will give it back to you. "

Xing Yifan was shocked at the thought of her last blackout. It would be better to have a cat with her. He didn't insist on it. "Take it with you!"

Bai Xia chuckles. At this time, each flower is just watching her on the sofa. When she comes, she holds each flower and rubs its small head with a smile. "How about going home with her mother for two days?"

"Meow..." Blossoming like a happy response to her.

Xing Yifan carries her things out of the door, and Bai Xia also opens the fingerprint lock on her side and pushes the door open. Xing Yifan carries her things upstairs and puts them at the door of her room. He looks at the woman holding the cat. "If you have anything, you can call me."

"Well, thank you." Bai Xia chuckles and nods.

Xing Yifan turned around and left. Bai Xia saw that he was about to leave. He didn't know which string in his heart was wrong. He called him, "Xing Yifan..."

Xing Yifan stood at the entrance of the stairs and turned to look over.

Bai Xia looked at him, and his mood was up and down. He said, "I..."

"What do you want to say?" Xing Yifan squinted and waited for her words.

"I I just want to say, thank you for taking care of me these days, and I will remember it. " Bai Xia said with sincere gratitude.

Xing Yifan said, "no need."

Finish saying, turning around, Xing Yifan's deep and dark eyes clearly flashed a trace of loss, thought that this woman would be moved to express her love to him!

Bai Xia stood at the stairs and watched him go downstairs. She breathed a little. She spent a year here, talking to herself every day with a cat.

But I don't know. After meeting Xing Yifan, it's the most wonderful story of her year. The days when she lived in his house are also the warm times she can only count in her life.

Bai Xia is thinking about something in a daze. Suddenly her mobile phone in her bag rings. She is surprised. Is the editor in chief urging the manuscript?

She took it up, but she took a little breath. It was her father's father's father, who had no contact for almost a year.

Bai Xia took a deep breath, then he said, "Dad."

"Xiaoxia! What's the matter with you? You've been back home for a year, and you don't contact me. Where do you live now? " The white father's voice seemed angry and disappointed.

"Dad, I'm fine. Don't worry." Bai Xia took a sip of her lips and didn't know what to talk about for a while.

"Xiao Xia, come home and let Dad see you. I haven't seen you for three years." The white father wants to do his duty as a father to his daughter who is away all year round.


"Yes, just tonight, go home for dinner." White father still wanted to see her because of his guilt.

"Oh! Well, I'll go home tonight. You haven't moved Bai Xia's curious question is actually a very ironic one.

It wasn't her home, so she wasn't sure if her father's would move.

"Oh! I'll send you the address later. In the last two years, my father has changed to a bigger villa. "

"Oh! OK, send me the address! " Bai Xia replied.

"In a second, you are all twenty-three, and my father wants you too! Come back early. "

"Good!" Bai Xia replied that Bai Fu hung up the phone first. It was clearly two fathers and daughters, but Bai Xia had nothing to talk about, as if the father had been forgotten in her heart.

Bai Xia thought that she would go home for dinner in the evening. She had to hurry up with some manuscripts, so she carried each flower into the room. She prepared for her work.

Imperceptibly, it's five o'clock. Bai Xia cleans up, chooses a fashionable floral dress, and paints her makeup lightly. She thinks, let's return the flowers!

She was afraid that she would come back late, and duo was alone. She drove out to Xing Yifan's house. She held duo in her arms and rang the door of his house.After a while, in the direction of the garden, Xing Yifan stepped over in black.

"Master Xing, I'll give you back one after another. I'm going out at night. I'm afraid I can't take care of it."

Through the distance of the iron door, she sent in many flowers.

Xing Yifan took each flower back to his bosom and twisted his eyebrows to ask, "where are you going?"

"I'll see my father when I get home. I may come back later." Then she said with a smile, "I'll go first."

Looking at her sitting in the car, Xing Yifan thought that her feet were just right, and told him in a low voice, "drive carefully."

"I know. I'm an old driver, too." White Xia ha ha ha a smile, finally leave Xing Yifan, is her beautiful smile, and her white car has left.

Xing Yifan holds many flowers, but there is a thing in his mind. What is the life experience of Bai Xia? Inexplicably, he was curious.

She lived alone for a year, and could not find a family to take care of her even when she was injured. Xing Yifan thought, and the curiosity became strong.

And he knows to inquire this matter, can find a person, elder brother that is very capable assistant, Han Yang.

Xing Yifan returns to the hall, picks up his mobile phone and dials up Hanyang's phone.

"Hello! Second young master. " Han Yang of that end has great respect for him.

"Assistant Han, would you please check a person's information for me, and don't tell anyone first?" Xing Yifan opens the road.

"OK! May I ask who you want to check. "

"A girl named Bai Xia is twenty-three years old and her birthday is August 20th." Xing Yifan says what he knows. This is a contract on her desk with her birth information when she last packed Bai Xia's things.

"What kind of information does the second young master want to find out about this young lady?"

"Check her family background!"

"OK! Give me some time. I'll call you as soon as I have any news. " Hanyang is very good at the main road.

"OK, I'll wait for your call." Xing Yifan said, hung up the phone, and realized that he was interested in Bai Xia. He was stunned for a few seconds.

Bai Xia is looking for a nearby address along the address sent by her father. It's a high-end residential area in the center of the city. It's said that the real estate here is the highest price in the center of the city. It can afford to buy a house here and it's a villa. The family situation is not ordinary. It must be this area. Money can't be robbed.

Bai Xia knows that her father's company has grown again in recent years, but she has never extravagantly asked for money at home, because there has been a very powerful woman around her father, with a son and a daughter occupying everything of his father.

Father is a very restless person, he had a lot of women in his early years, Bai Xia from the sad, to now indifferent.

However, what's more, the woman who gave birth to a son and a daughter beside her father is still sitting in her white lady's position, safe and sound.

Unlike her mother, who is so vulnerable and helpless that she can't accept her father's playful life style, she wrote a suicide note and ended her life as early as possible. She left behind the worldly affairs and the complex family she faced.

Bai Xia's car is parked in the parking space next to the community. She comes in with her bag. As soon as she comes in, the bodyguard asks her to register, "Miss, please register your details and write down the name of the visiting householder."

Bai Xia finished. The bodyguard looked and asked in surprise, "who are you, Mr. Bai?"

"I'm his oldest daughter." Bai Xia's self mocking answer.

"Oh! I didn't know Mr. Bai had such a big daughter! " The bodyguard was surprised that he had not seen it for three years.

Bai Xia was not surprised. She went into the community. The bodyguard kindly pointed out a direction for her. Bai Xia followed the spacious community road and looked at the number of the house. Finally, she stood in front of a large and medium-sized villa.

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