Looking at the mobile phone, Xing Yifan three words, Bai Xia inexplicably has a feeling of heart rate acceleration.

She picked up her cell phone, some can't wait to go to the balcony to pick up, "Hello!"

"Where are you? Why haven't you come home yet? " The voice of Xing Yifan asked.

White summer heart thought, he must have seen the little aunt's villa did not turn on the light! Thought she hadn't come home yet!

She had to say, "I'm sorry! I moved tonight and haven't said a word to you. "

Xing Yifan didn't expect her to move either. After a few seconds of silence, he asked, "where did you move?"

"I moved downtown. My father bought me a flat here. I'll live here in the future." Bai Xia looks at the lights in the distance. I don't know if winter is coming or something. She feels a little cold.

"Which neighborhood?" Xing Yifan asked.

"Longjuyuan community on this side of the city center." Bai Xia replied truthfully.

"Have you moved all of them? Can I help you? " Xing Yifan asked.

"No, I don't have much. I've moved here. After that, I'm not there. Take good care of Duo Duo. Don't lose it!" Bai Xia said with a smile, "it's lost. Maybe someone else will take it away, and it's too late to return it to you."

Bai Xia didn't want to make the atmosphere too stuffy. He made a joke.

But someone at that end didn't smile, just answered, "OK."

"Then Xing Yifan, I still want to say thanks to you. Goodbye. You should take good care of yourself in the future. " In Bai Xia's tone, it's hard to avoid some reluctance.

"Well, you too." Xing Yifan answers in a low voice.

Bai Xia suddenly wants to talk with him. However, it seems that there are not many topics between them! She had to say, "then I'll hang up first. Goodbye."

Even if she had time to make an appointment to meet him, she would not dare to say it, for fear that she might disturb him.

"Good." That end Xing Yifan shallow should be a sentence.

Bai Xia looks at the screen that is still talking. Her fingers are broken. She looks at the disappearing conversation. She looks up to the other side of Xing Yifan's villa. Tears suddenly burst out of her eyes.

At the moment, Xing Yifan is also standing on the balcony, holding his mobile phone in his hand, looking at the dark villa beside him. His deep eyes are filled with emotions.

"Meow Meow... " All of a sudden, voices came from his feet.

Xing Yifan bent down and picked it up, stroked its little head and asked, "what's your name? Is she gone? Don't you give up? "

"Meow..." Duo Duo's big starlike eyes stared at him, as if to ask, can I find my mother?

”Do you want to find her? " Xing Yifan suddenly asked the little guy. In fact, he was just asking himself.

Just now, he suddenly felt that without that woman living next door, he seemed to have lost something in his heart. He felt that the scenery here was no better, the night scenery was no more beautiful, and the environment was quiet, which could not attract him.

"Meow..." Duo Duo looked at him and cried again.

Xing Yifan seemed to get a response. He suddenly chuckled, "OK, if you miss her, go to find her!"

Holding each flower, Xing Yifan asked again, "how about we continue to live next door to her?"

"I'll keep it from her first. How about surprise her when I move in?" Xing Yifan chatted and put each flower on the sofa. He began to inquire. He had to find out where Bai Xia lives now.

Soon, he got Bai Xia's address, the specific number of the house. At the same time, he found out the information of the two owners next to her.

It seems that all the people live next to her. It's really not easy!

Bai Xia is cleaning up her new home alone. She is sitting in a spacious study and can't sleep, so go on working! It seems that the next plot of her cartoon depends on her own writing, because her contact with Xing Yifan has been up to now.

I made a cup of coffee in the summer. It's already two o'clock in the morning. It's not as quiet as the villa. The lights are brilliant here. Even now, the streets are bright and the high-rise buildings are bright as the daytime.

Bai Xia, dressed in a coat, sits on a soft chair, like a lonely spectator, watching the stars change, waiting for the dawn to come.

And in Xing Yifan's villa, he didn't sleep. At the moment, he is learning about the two owners next door to Bai Xia. Because these are the houses that young people like, they live in two young owners. They are all men. Xing Yifan is checking their information and planning how to let them buy the house to him.

People who can live here are not short of money, so raising the price is not necessarily successful unless they can find the conditions that these owners have to agree to.

Xing Yifan will never give up what he wants to do.

It's just that these two hapless owners don't know that they will offend him. Live here well and be calculated by others. Who are you really provoking?It's just that they all live next door with a beautiful girl.

Early in the morning, it came slowly, and Bai Xiafu slept on the sofa. She was cold to wake up. When she opened her eyes, she found that she had slept in a pajama under her cover. She went back to the room and went to sleep in the quilt as soon as she was cold.

Bai Xia yawns when she is cold in the quilt. She warms the quilt for a while before she continues to sleep sweetly.

Around 10 o'clock, Xing Yifan's mobile phone was awakened by the call LAN Qianchen made.

"Hello!" Xing Yifan touched his forehead and picked it up.

"Oh! What time is it? Why are you still sleeping? Yes? Where did you hang out last night? I didn't take it with me. " That end blue thousand Chen jokingly asks.

"Look up the information." Xing Yifan replied.

"Please have lunch."

Xing Yifan sat up. Although he only slept for a few hours, he was tired and recovered all his energy. He replied, "no time, I have something to do."

"What have you been doing with mystery recently?" LAN Qianchen is a little puzzled. It seems that Xing Yifan is hard to make an appointment recently.

"Nothing. I'll treat you in two days." Xing Yifan didn't want to hurt his brother.

"OK! That's it! I'll wait for your call. " Blue thousand Chen can be recorded.

Xing Yifan has a look at the time. It's already ten o'clock at noon. He gets up, and the flowers that have already risen on one side immediately follow him behind him.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Xing Yifan went into his cloakroom and pulled out another row of clothes in the wardrobe. There were more than ten suits neatly placed there. He took out a dark suit from inside.

Shirts and ties are taken out in turn. Xing Yifan usually wears casual clothes at home, but as long as he dresses up.

The elite aura of the pillar of the country is very powerful.

Xing Yifan put on a fashionable wristwatch and stepped out of the cloakroom gracefully.

As I went downstairs, I was finishing my cufflinks. My hair was shapeless and angular. My deep and sharp eyes gave me a cold and harsh atmosphere that was not easy to provoke.

After checking the information of two owners last night, Xing Yifan finally found a reason to find an owner, because the owner had a difficult lawsuit. Although he found a lawyer, Xing Yifan decided to talk with the owner.

He is willing to sue for him for free as long as he sells the house to him.

Xing Yifan's sports car is parked in the parking lot in front of a financial company. At this moment, at the entrance of the company, many employees have noticed him and his eye-catching sports car, thinking, which boss's rich young master has come out?

However, the oppressive atmosphere didn't dare to make the group look at him more. Some of them accidentally touched Xing Yifan's eyes, and immediately seemed to be stared at by some fierce beast. They quickly fell down to avoid it.

When Xing Yifan pushed the door to enter, several young female staff members were stunned with excitement. They were handsome and temperament men.

Xing Yifan inquired about the owner's office at the front desk, and the front desk told him immediately.

Xing Yifan brings a briefcase into the elevator and presses the 13th floor.

Finally, he stood in front of the owner, and the owner looked at him, some surprised.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

Xing Yifan sat opposite him with a smile and took the lead in taking out his professional lawyer's card. "I'm a lawyer. I want to fight a lawsuit for you for free."

"What? How do you know I need a lawyer? " The owner asked with great vigilance.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you. I hope you can give me this chance to win this lawsuit for you." Xing Yifan looks confident and looks determined, as if winning is only one thing he said.

The owner did have a lawsuit that bothered him recently. However, it was very difficult for him to get involved with the other party. It was difficult for him to win when he hired several lawyers.

"Can you really help me? How do you charge? "

"I can help you for free, but on one condition."


"I hope that your house in Longjuyuan can be sold to me. I can buy it at the current market price in full, and you will never be less than one cent."

The owner listened to such conditions, and he looked at him in shock, "why do you want to buy my house?"

"Personal reasons, inconvenient to tell."

Even if a free lawyer comes to his house and can buy his house in full, he will not lose money. Such a good thing, naturally, will not be rejected by the owner.

"Good! I promise you, as long as you win this lawsuit for me, I will sell the house to you immediately. " The owner agreed.

Xing Yifan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath of relief. Finally, he found a chance.

However, this is the first time for him to do such a stupid and thankless thing, and for a woman.

The owner immediately said to him, "go to the next meeting room and I'll talk to you about the case."

Xing Yifan stood up with a nod, which was the first lawsuit after he returned to China, for this reason.

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