She happened to be caught by Xing Yifan through the glass mirror. He couldn't help picking up the corners of his mouth.

Bai Xia's mobile phone rings. She picks up her mobile phone and looks at it. It's the editor in chief. She dare not neglect to pick it up. "Hello! Boss. "

"Miss Bai, can you update it earlier today! Those readers are urging us to change! Your cartoon is popular this time. Everyone is looking forward to the next wonderful content! "

"Oh! I try to be early. " White summer should say.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xia put them on the sofa and said to the man coming out of the bedroom, "I have to go back to work, you take care of them."

"Well! Go! Work early, don't stay up late at night. " Xing Yifan's opening order.

"Good!" Bai Xia replied with a smile and went back to work in her room.

Xing Yifan sat on the sofa, and after a while, his cell phone rang. There was a voice of blue Qianchen, "is there a big case that you can't answer?"

"How big?"

"Involving two billion financial fraud cases, it happened to be an uncle I knew. He asked me to recommend powerful lawyers to him. I thought of you first."

Xing Yifan just thought about it for a few seconds and replied, "OK! I'll take it. "

"My uncle wants to see you today."

"Good! I'm going out now. You can make an appointment. "

"All right!" Blue thousand Chen answers.

Xing Yifan gently stroked the flowers in his arms, showing the tender side of the iron man. He picked up the little guy, pushed the door open, and knocked on the door of Bai Xia's house.

Bai Xia just didn't start. When she heard the knock, she hurried to open the door. "What's the matter?"

"I'll take care of you. I have something to go out today." Said Xing Yifan.

"Good! Give it to me, you can rest assured. " Bai Xia held each flower in her arms and looked at him. "Will you come back for dinner in the evening?"

"It depends! If you don't come back, I'll call you. " Xing Yifan stared at her.

Bai Xia has a hot face. How can it be like a way of getting along with her boyfriend and girlfriend!

"Good! Just send me a message. " Bai Xia said with a hot face, ah! He can't come back. What does she ask!

"Good!" Xing Yifan replied and turned to enter his room.

Bai Xia closed the door and was embarrassed.

Xing Yifan returns to his master bedroom, where there is only a small cloakroom. He brings several suits from the villa.

After a while, the man stepped out of the master bedroom was already in a straight suit, with a dark green wristwatch shining on his wrist. He had a strong elite atmosphere.

Xing Yifan picks up the car key and pushes the door out. When he passes by the door of Bai Xia's house, he takes a look and walks towards the elevator.

LAN Qianchen asked for a quiet coffee shop that was very suitable for conversation. Sitting beside him was a businessman in his early forties, who was full of the smell of a successful man. This time, he wanted to sue a good brother before him, but now he has become an enemy.

When he looked at the young man walking in, he was shocked. The good brother introduced by LAN Qianchen was younger than he thought!

He thought that those who came out of the profession of lawyers, who had some experience, had to start at the age of 30!

But the man in front of him, who is only twenty-five-six, is not afraid to look down on his calm self-confidence.

However, LAN Qianchen just told him the identity of this young master Xing. He had the bottom of his heart. He was the second young master of Xing group! It's true that heroes are young!

"Yifan, I'd like to introduce you to my father's friend Chen Liang, who is also an uncle I respect very much." LAN Qianchen rises to introduce.

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Xing Yifan reaches over.

Chen Liang immediately took his hand and looked respectfully, "Hello, master Xing!"

"Just call me anything." Xing Yifan said politely.

"Good! Then I will call you Yifan! I also have a headache in this case! Thanks to Qianchen recommending you to me, I feel hopeful. "

"Uncle Chen would like to talk about this case with me first!" Xing Yifan sat down. He was most interested in the case itself.

LAN Qianchen looks at Xing Yifan's face and is full of interest. He thinks that as long as he is interested in something, the case will be half won.

The conversation passed unconsciously, and Bai Xia, who painted at home, has completed half of her work. Her current work is basically to record her and Xing Yifan's life, and today's kiss event is also painted by her.

Just when drawing the picture of two people kissing, all she had in mind were the feelings with Xing Yifan for a few seconds.

Just feeling the blank of her brain, something exploded in her heart, which made her heart stop.

However, at this time, when he thought of Xing Yifan, she thought, would he lie to her!

How could he be the first kiss? Last time I saw him take the girls home!If she didn't hide there, he might not know what happened that day.

Thinking about it, Bai Xia suddenly gets upset. He even lied to her! Also let her own honest confession, she had to be the first kiss!

It's six o'clock in the evening unconsciously. Bai Xia is waiting for Xing Yifan's message with her mobile phone. If he doesn't go home, she will cook the frozen dumplings she bought.

Because of the complexity of the case, LAN Qianchen asked Xing Yifan to have dinner together in the evening, and Xing Yifan agreed.

Just, he quickly thought of one thing. He picked up his cell phone and said to LAN Qianchen, "I'll make a call."

Then he got up and walked out the door.

This makes blue thousand Chen a little surprised to see him, what telephone need to carry him to make! Is there any secret between them that he can't know? LAN Qianchen really has some complaints.

Is this the treatment of a good brother?

Although Xing Yifan can send a message, he doesn't want to do it. He wants to hear her voice.

Bai Xia is at home holding flowers in her arms. Her cell phone rings. She picks it up and sees that Xing Yifan called in.

She quickly picked up the answer. "Hello, are you coming back for dinner?"

"You may not come back. Don't wait for me. Is there anything to eat at home?" Xing Yifan asked.

"Yes! I have frozen dumplings! I'll cook it later. " Bai Xia laughed.

"That's what you eat?" Xing Yifan is slightly surprised.

"Yes!" Bai Xia laughed.

"Forget it, you don't have to cook it. I'll have the restaurant pack up and send it to your house later." Xing Yifan feels that she is too aggrieved to have such a coping dinner.

Bai Xia hurriedly said, "no, it's too much trouble."

"No trouble! You wait at home! It's about seven at the most. " Xing Yifan finished and hung up.

Bai Xia had to wait at home. When Xing Yifan came in, LAN Qianchen took the opportunity to whisper, "what are you doing, mysterious God?"

"Nothing." Xing Yifan shakes his head.

LAN Qianchen thinks that Xing Yifan must have something to hide from him. Hum, when he is free, he must be torn down.

Xing Yifan chooses a new restaurant, which is close to Longjuyuan, so that he can send the restaurant to Bai Xia's home as early as possible.

Xing Yifan comes to the front desk and orders while LAN Qianchen and Chen Liang are talking about things.

Bai Xia sat at home. At about seven o'clock, it was delivered as expected. At the first sight, the lunch box was still very high-grade packing and the dinner was also very rich.

There is a dinner, snacks, desserts, fruits, she can not help but secretly wow, what a high-level dinner!

It must have come from a very expensive restaurant! Bai Xia's heart is sweet. At this moment, she is really hungry.

Eating and thinking, OK! Forgive him for cheating her on the first kiss!

Who made him nice to her?

Xing Yifan always talked about coming back late. About 9 o'clock, he stepped out from the direction of the elevator. Because there was no nest in Bai Xia's house, he had to take them home to sleep.

He rang the doorbell.

Bai Xia had a bath now and was drawing in her pajamas at home. When she heard the doorbell, she rushed over. Looking through the cat's eyes, she opened the door in surprise.

The man outside the door is not dressed casually, but in a formal suit, handsome and awe inspiring. The dark gray suit on his slender and charming body is just damned charming.

Because Bai Xia is short of material for his suit, she stares at Xing Yifan who is greedy outside the door.

"What are you looking at?" Xing Yifan squints.

Bai Xia's reaction is just now. She has been staring at him for too long. She laughs, "it's nothing. Do you want to pick them up?"

"Well!" Xing Yifan nodded.

As soon as Bai Xia let him in, she found that she was wearing cartoon pajamas and had not yet worn a bra. She was so embarrassed that she encircled her arm. I hope he didn't find out.

"The flowers are in my room. I'll take them out." Bai Xia finished, rushed into the room and carried out the flowers on the quilt.

In front of him, xingyifan reached out to pick it up. They struggled for a while. Xingyifan, fearing that it would fall, immediately put his hands around it.

His palms were in one embrace, and he inadvertently wiped Bai Xia's chest.

Bai Xia's pretty face is hot. He reaches for his hand and encircles himself. Xing Yifan's eyes come here. Although she encircles her, he knows that she has nothing to wear under her. It's quite big.

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