In the night, tracking becomes a very easy thing, because the lights are hard to distinguish, and Xing Yifan is also anxious to see Bai Xia at the moment, he doesn't know that he is following three cars.

His car drove to a street. There was a newly built building beside the street. It was a little dark, and even the lights had not been turned on.

Followed by three cars, one of the leading men seize the time, toward the call machine, "this is it. Don't stop his car, we'll drag him into it to beat it up."

In their eyes, is not Xing Yifan a lawyer? A soft footed character, they can teach a lesson at will, as long as there is no human life.

Xing Yifan's car was suddenly approached by an acceleration overtaking SUV nearby, which made him avoid collision by turning the steering wheel, but the other side obviously didn't overtake, but hit his car head again.

When Xing Yifan's eyebrows are twisted, he also cherishes his car. As soon as his body is turned, he turns to a side road to enter the construction site. Xing Yifan sees from the rear-view mirror that three cars are behind him. He squints, and these people don't choose time for trouble.

When he's in a hurry, it's bloody.

Xing Yifan's car drove to the front and saw a row of parking poles. He still didn't hit them, but stopped the car and put out the fire.

The cars behind him also stop and turn off the lights. From the nearby city lights, Xing Yifan sees a group of people who come towards him with iron bars and a fierce face. Xing Yifan chuckles.

Liu Baoneng called a thug to deal with him so soon? Xing Yifan, seeing that these people are just Street gangsters, naturally does not pay attention to them.

"It's him. Give it to me until he can't get out of bed in three months." The leader of the man is very arrogant with an iron bar, pointing to the SUV side, handsome and straight young man.

Xing Yifan felt that the venue was not enough to play. He stepped into the construction site inside. It was very dark, but the place was still large. He shook his hands with each other for a moment, making the joint sound rattling. The two men who wanted to lead the way immediately stepped back.

"I know who sent you. Are you going to join us? Or alone? " Xing Yifan sneered, but he quickly continued, "come on, let's go! I'm in a hurry. "

In this sentence, I'm really pissed off by this group of hoodlums. It's clear that they are the one with a large number of people! Why does this man seem to ignore them as air?

"Grandma, where are you coming from? If you don't look at the guy in our hands, you dare to say such a big talk. In a moment, you will scratch your teeth and beg for mercy on your knees."

Xing Yifan only thought that they were talking too much nonsense, and he took his time. He bit his thin lips and said, "don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

"I haven't seen anything more arrogant than you, son." The man at the head angrily scolded and said to his subordinates behind him, "go, give it to me until he can't speak."

The first two men immediately hit Xing Yifan with iron bars, which was disorganized and all relied on brute force. In Xing Yifan's eyes, it was just like a joke. He sneered and gave a shot like electricity. He grabbed the iron bars of two people directly, and sent two hard ones back, which made the two gangsters react too late. Each shoulder took one and fell on the ground directly.

Other people looked at Xing Yifan, who was so difficult to deal with. They immediately shouted to Qi Qi to surround him. They wanted to attack him in turn. Xing Yifan was surrounded in the middle, and the light light in the distance reflected on him, making his straight suit full of texture.

However, at the moment, Xing Yifan doesn't intend to stain his suit, because he will attend the banquet perfectly in a moment.

He reached out and took off his suit, revealing a black fitted shirt that made him strong.

He put his suit on a high iron bar beside him and looked back at the surrounding humanity. "Don't dawdle, I don't have time to play with you for too long."

"Damn it, this kid can't be confident." The first man was so angry that he immediately waved his staff to the front, and his men nearby were not behind. Immediately Xing Yifan was faced with the blow of six or seven iron bars, but the light was dim.

All the people hit a blank, because Xing Yifan's figure was so sensitive that before they could react, Xing Yifan's figure disappeared.

When they reacted, Xing Yifan appeared behind them like a ghost. This time, Xing Yifan didn't wait for them to attack. With his long legs, he put the gangsters in front of him on the ground, and the iron bars in his hands began to wave. It was the gangsters' turn to hold the iron bars and block them. From time to time, there was a cry of pain.

Xing Yifan cleans up five or six of them in a twinkling of an eye, and the remaining two are retreating there. I can't believe that it's fatal to meet such a powerful role.

"Are you going to roll, or go on?" Xing Yifan forced them, covered with a murderous spirit.

The two men were retreating, and suddenly they ran into the iron pole where he put his suit. Suddenly, Xing Yifan's suit was about to fall on the ground, stained with the dust on the ground.

His eyes were a little anxious, and he hurried to reach for it. At this time, the leading man took the opportunity to hit him on the back with a stick. At the same time, he was wearing a knife, and his eyes were red with anger.Now he killed Xing Yifan. The knife in his hand suddenly wanted to stab Xing Yifan in the back. Xing Yifan received a stick. At the same time, he turned around with a suit in his hand. The knife stabbed Xing Yifan in the arm and made a cut.

Xing Yifan's face is like a leopard. He kicks at the tiger mouth of the man. The man's hand holding the knife is unstable. Xing Yifan puts his foot on his chest again. He hardly needs to do anything. The man falls back and sits on the ground.

And Xing Yifan stepped on his chest and pressed him to the ground again.

At the moment, Xing Yifan's ferocious strength made those gangsters who had already risen around him have no courage to provoke him at all, because his whole body's killing intention scared them.

"You dare to hurt me." Xing Yifan is really angry.

This man, who was trampled on his feet, almost broke his chest. He seemed to see death calling for hands. He was immediately frightened and frightened. He begged for mercy.

"Spare my life! Let me go! I also work with money. I have old people and small people The man cried for mercy.

Xing Yifan didn't let him go because he begged for mercy. He just didn't bother to teach him a lesson because of his time. However, when he left, he still stepped on one of his kneecaps and left angrily.

And his black sleeve, dripping blood, he ignored.

His figure quickly walked to his car. He took a piece of paper and put it in his mouth. At the moment, with his current injury, he had to go to the hospital to deal with it. However, Xing Yifan thought about it. It seemed that there was a medicine box in the trunk, but he didn't have time to do it now.

He backed straight out of the street and drove to the pavement not far away. He got out of the car, took out the medicine box in the back compartment, found the gauze, took off the black shirt. He grabbed the gauze with one hand and wrapped the wound skillfully until the wound about eight centimeters was wrapped by gauze and stopped the blood.

Xing Yifan put on his shirt and looked at the time. At 10:00, his long fingers buttoned up slowly and thoughtfully.

He stepped on the accelerator at his feet, and the SUV rushed out. It was already 8:25 at the gate of the hotel where baishize company held the banquet.

Xing Yifan stepped out of the car and took his suit from the back seat. He reached out and brushed the dust on it. He was sure that the suit was still clean. His neat cover also covered the cut part of his shirt. In an instant, he recovered the image of the second young master of Xing family.

He stepped into the brightly lit lobby of the hotel and pressed the elevator number on the eighth floor.

When the elevator reached the banquet hall on the eighth floor, he stepped down and the staff were checking the invitation card.

"This gentleman, are you a guest of Houde company?"

"I am." Xing Yifan nodded in response.

"Did you bring your invitation card?"

"You tell Mr. shead that I'm the vice president of blue's group. He should know." Xing Yifan didn't want to name himself, because he didn't want the Xing family to show.

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