The dinner was very delicious. Bai Xia wanted to eat it with an open stomach. Xing Yifan was very generous and ordered many meals. In this kind of high-end restaurant, every dish was made with a sense of art. It was elaborately cultivated and the dish was super beautiful. There were several dishes that Bai Xia could not bear to eat.

"What is this?" Bai Xia looked at the small green brown particles and looked up curiously.

Xing Yifan narrowed his eyes and said, "caviar."

Bai Xia swallows saliva immediately, is this the caviar that the rich can taste? It's said that a mouthful of gold, she thought to herself, how much does this mouthful cost?

Xing Yifan watched her staring at caviar, but he didn't eat it. He narrowed his eyes and said, "why don't you eat it?"

"Reluctant to eat." Bai Xia looks up, a pretty face is wrinkling.

Xing Yifan snorted and almost laughed. He was in a good mood and said, "eat it! I can afford it. "

Bai Xia had to take a small spoon, gently scoop a little entrance, with a golden crab ball, it was really delicious.

Bai Xia thought that she was nearly 90% full. Suddenly, the waiter knocked on the door and came in. Her plate was filled with delicious dessert and fruit. Bai Xia was slightly staring.


After the waiter put it down, he scattered some plates and left. Suddenly, the table was full of delicious food.

Looking at the dessert, Bai Xia felt that her stomach could be filled again. She reached for a small cup of cake to eat.

Xing Yifan dines gracefully. His gesture of cutting steak is like a gentleman's aristocrat. Bai Xia looks at him several times, but Xing Yifan is still the prototype of her hero!

She wants to capture the most handsome side of Xing Yifan, so that the leading actor in her cartoon can be vividly displayed.

Bai Xia is eating. Suddenly, she burps politely. In an instant, her pretty face is red under the candlelight. She covers her mouth and puts down the spoon. She can't eat any more.

"Are you full?" The man opposite, even if he heard her, did not laugh at her.

"I'm so full." Bai Xia told each other truthfully, but he was also a little embarrassed. In front of him, it was like a village girl going to the city. When she saw delicious food, she paid for it all the time.

Xing Yifan also put down his knife and fork, holding up a glass of champagne and drinking.

"I'm going to the bar later! Are you sure you want to come with me? " Xing Yifan squints and asks, he actually wants to ask blue Qianchen to come out, but even if she wants to go, he dispels the idea.

Bai Xia is eating too much now. She really doesn't want to go home and live. If she lives at home, she will feel wasted on the romantic Christmas Eve tonight.

"Please, take me to see it!" Bai Xia is rarely accompanied by him. If she wants to go to such an occasion full of red lights, wine and gold, she doesn't do anything, just want to feel the vitality and passion of young people.

As a cartoonist, it's necessary for her to experience life.

Xing Yifan looked at her red lips and asked for help with a lovely expression. He agreed as she wished, "OK! I'll show you. "

"Thank you, Xing Yifan. It's very kind of you. I'm so lucky to make friends like you." Bai Xia immediately praised him.

Xing Yifan can't help glancing at her. He doesn't really like this! friend?

Who wants to be her friend?

To know that a man will be good to a woman, it must be with a certain purpose, and he is no exception, what is a golden bachelor?

It's a pity that the girl is slow to respond. It seems that her EQ is a little in arrears.

He was suddenly curious. What did she draw there all day long? Don't paint something malnourished!

Xing Yifan asks the waiter to check in. When the bill is placed on the table, Bai Xia can't help but lean over and secretly prepare to have a look. But when Xing Yifan picks up the bill, Bai Xia doesn't see it.

The waiter took his card and went out to swipe it. When he came back, he came back with a swipe slip. Xing Yifan picked it up as well.

Bai Xia didn't even have a chance to have a look. She asked curiously, "how much is it!"

Xing Yifan did not answer in silence, and said to her, "after all the meals, what do you care about this?"

Bai Xia had to follow him out. Two people were sitting in the elevator. Bai Xia belched a few more times. She was so ashamed that she didn't want to lift her head.

After I got out, I took Xing Yifan's car and Bai Xia asked, "shall we go to the bar now?"

Xing Yifan took a look at his watch. "It's still early, at least after ten."

Bai Xia is ready to indulge tonight, but after ten o'clock, she is still shocked. What are you going to do next?

"Where shall we go now?" Bai Xia asked curiously, it's only eight now!

"Go for a ride." Xing Yifan opens.

Bai Xia was in a good mood! Where to? "

"Beyond the bay." After Xing Yifan finished, he thought of a place he used to like very much. The scenery there was good at night, but the place was very partial, and there was no one. "If I take you to a place where there is no one, do you believe me?" Xing Yifan's eyes fell on the girl in the passenger seat.Bai Xia blinked his eyes. There was a kind of stimulation and a kind of worry? Where is that? "

"I used to go to a place that was quite remote. There should be no one at this time." Xing Yifan said to her.

Bai Xia's eyes looked at him for several seconds, as if he was sure whether to trust him or not. In fact, Bai Xia believed him unconditionally in her heart. She nodded, "I believe you."

Xing Yifan's eyes are a little more deep and complicated. How could she really believe him? In fact, even he didn't believe in himself. If he really got a place without people, would he have any idea about her.

And how could this girl believe him so easily?

"You can't trust any man so easily except me in the future." Xing Yifan quickly warned.

In fact, in this world, except for my father, the man I most believe in is you

Xing Yifan's eyes were fixed on the front. After a few seconds, he suddenly felt a sense of mission, as if he wanted to stand up to her.

"Well! In a word, you can't believe any man except me and your father. " Xing Yifan gracefully holds the steering wheel and drives into the avenue.

Bai Xia's heart is still a simple person. She has no interpersonal relationship, so she can't learn any complicated thoughts. She likes and dislikes clearly.

In addition to her work, she doesn't need to communicate with others. Besides her editor, even the editor often doesn't meet and communicate online.

Although Bai Xia has a bright and sunny personality, in fact, she suffers from some social phobia, which is a bit contradictory.

Bai Xia opened some windows and enjoyed the cold wind with cold feeling. She even had a good time.

"Be careful with the cold." Xing Yifan reminds me.

"It's OK, I'm still a little hot!" Bai Xia said, feeling the feeling of long hair in the evening wind.

Xing Yifan's car quickly drove to a Bay Avenue. The road pen is straight and smooth. Today is Christmas Eve. The road in the center is called a block, while the road in the outskirts of the city is very smooth.

Bai Xia's mood seems to be flying. She seldom indulges in such a reckless mood. Since she left her mother from childhood, she has a very timid character. Therefore, she has never experienced many things.

She was very grateful to Xing Yifan for giving her such a sense of security and taking her to experience these different lives.

After an hour's drive, xingyifan finally arrived at the bay that xingyifan said, and drove into a cement Avenue. On the road, there were still some tourists watching the sea at night, but xingyifan's car didn't stop, but went all the way inside.

White summer's heart can't help but start beating straight, because the road ahead is so dark! The reeds growing wildly on both sides, as well as the road sections that have been separated from the concrete pavement, seem to be a ghost at any time.

"Are you sure there's any scenery in it?" Bai Xia asked a little flustered.

Xing Yifan narrowed his eyes and said, "what's the matter? Are you scared? "

Bai Xia is suddenly excited. She doesn't want to admit it immediately.. Not at all! I just feel that if I go on like this, I'm afraid there is no way. What can I do if there is no way! "

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