Only see the water vapor Teng, a wipe of nothing to wear figure, tightly shrink in the corner, blue Qianhao's vision immediately suffered some impact.

"What's the matter?" He asked in a low voice.

Blue Chu read the ring arm, tight in a corner, pointing to a small snake spitting letters on the ground, "snake There is a snake. "

The snake was also stunned by the heat of the fog and scurrying on the ground. At last, it found a water outlet and immediately went in and disappeared.

It was only a few seconds. The snake was gone, but there were two people standing in the bathroom, one in clothes and the other not.

"Ah..." A louder exclamation, LAN Chu Nian just found that big brother came in.

LAN Qianhao's eyes looked at her immediately because of her cry. Only when he saw this did he realize that the reason for her fright was him.

He quickly pulled a clean towel from the side and handed it to her, "wrap it up."

And he turned his back.

Blue early read immediately picked up bath towel, tightly wrap oneself, every cell on the body is in red.

She didn't dare to think about a question. How many do you see!

Blue Qian Hao pushes the door out, he is already in a cold sweat.

LAN Chu Nian just finished washing. She didn't dare to wash again, for fear that the little snake that left would come out and bite. She held the clothes and came out around the bath towel.

Blue thousand Hao is still in the room, the body a tight, also did not turn around then came out on the balcony, shut the door tightly.

Now, in his mind, it's not just the picture of the kiss.

Blue early read hurriedly put on clothes, a wet long hair draped in the shoulder, the whole face like steamed shrimp, hot.

Even if she is dressed, she dare not come out to see LAN Qianhao. She is in the room, wringing her hands and turning around. There is a bold idea in her mind.

Maybe there is only one way to solve the embarrassment of two people, that is her identity.

She and he are not brothers and sisters at all, so if such a thing happens, if it is not brother and sister's identity, will it be better to accept it?

LAN Chu Nian has been eager to let them know. In fact, she already knows her real identity.

LAN Chu Nian bit his lips. Yes, she had to tell him. She pushed open the door and walked out. Just blue thousand Hao is still on the wide balcony, this one is a protruding big balcony, two rooms are adjacent, so the balcony is common.

"Big brother..." LAN Chu called him ashamed.

LAN Qianhao's expression at the moment was very calm, because he thought of another way to appease her.

"You don't have to worry about what happened just now. I didn't see anything." LAN Qianhao comforts her very peacefully. Her eyes are calm, as if she didn't see anything.

Blue Chu read a startle, he did not see? Really?

"You really don't see anything?" LAN Chu said that he could not help being curious.

"Even if you see it, it's nothing." LAN Qianhao explains again, can't help but use a kind of elder brother's mouth airway, "mother bathed you when she was little, I often watched!"

The blush on blue Chu Nian's face was getting worse and worse. She said angrily, "that was when she was a child! I'm growing up now. "

"In my eyes, you are no different when you are young and when you grow up." LAN Qianhao's expression of self deception.

No difference.

Blue Chu Nian immediately stamped his feet, "it's just different."

LAN Qianhao wanted to laugh, but he held back, because he had to deal with this matter seriously. "OK, when I meet these things in the future, I don't need to panic, just pick up my clothes and come out."

With that, LAN Qianhao is going back to his room.

LAN Chu read to take off a mouth to stop him, "elder brother, wait a moment."

Blue Qian Hao does not look back, "what's the matter?"

LAN Chu Nian's breath was a little anxious. She clenched her fist as if she was struggling with courage. At last, she said in a loud voice, "I know my life experience. Don't hide it from me anymore. I know I'm not from my parents. I'm raised by them."

Blue Qian Hao's pupil eyes suddenly gaped a few points, he couldn't believe listening to this sentence, looking at the girl in front of him.

"Who told you?" LAN Qianhao is shocked no longer, and he doesn't want to show it too much. Even there is a surprise mood in his heart.

"My parents are talking in the room. I heard it secretly outside the door. For two months, you kept it from me. Why didn't you tell me?" Blue early read some sad to ask.

LAN Qianhao steps over, he reaches out his hand and gently falls on her shoulder. He must take this matter seriously.

"For the first time, we won't tell you, because we have already regarded you as a family. No matter whether you are adopted or not, you are all from our blue family." Blue thousand Hao comforts way, for fear that she knows this news, can lose, disappointed.

Blue Chu read suddenly raised his head and looked at his eyes. "Big brother, do you only treat me as your own sister?"Blue thousand Hao a Zheng, don't understand why she has such a question, he at the moment, nature can't show his mind at will, he nodded, "of course you are my sister."

LAN Chu Nian's heart fell sharply. Inexplicably, hearing the answer, she was a little flustered and lost.

LAN Qianhao reached for her hand and gently hugged her into her arms. "First time, don't blame your parents for this. They just want to protect you."

"I know I don't blame them, I don't blame anyone. " The tears of blue Chu Nian are rolling in her eyes, because there is still a kind of sadness in her heart. Why should she be lost?

Blue Qian Hao checks to feel sad mood, he bends down and wipes tears for her, "don't cry, you are blue first read, you are a member of our blue family."

Blue Chu Nian sniffed and nodded, "Hmm! I know. "

LAN Qianhao thought, when I go back this time, I can tell my parents about it.

LAN Chu thought of biting her lips and thinking of the matter just now, she looked up and said, "big brother, I won't put the matter just now in my heart."


"You You don't have to think of me as your sister We Don't we have no kinship? " LAN Chu recited his body and was a little shy to express. Blue thousand Hao's head slightly blew, this wench wants to hint what?

LAN Chu read some words, and his mind turned hard, but he didn't know what to say next.

I can't say boldly, let him treat her as a woman!

"Yes, we really don't have a blood relationship, so Who do you want me to think of you as? " LAN Qianhao inexplicably wants to guide her words, let her explain her meaning.

Blue Chu thought to swallow saliva and said nervously, "I I don't know. "

I have bound my brother and sister's feelings for so many years, but I still can't get out of this relationship. I can't think of it at the beginning of blue, and I dare not say it casually.

"Forget that for the moment, and stop thinking about it." Blue thousand Hao command a sentence.

LAN Chu read and nodded. It's not easy to talk about this kind of thing, but he still didn't mention it.

However, there is one thing that Lan Chu Nian is still a little unconvinced.

She looked up and asked directly, "do you really think I'm the same now as when I was a child?"

Blue Qian Hao choked, he coughed a sentence, "some are different."

"Blue early read to whet a laugh," where is different She flirted with him.

Blue thousand Hao handsome face is suffused with a blush, this wench is really shameless and impetuous again.

"It's not the same anywhere. Are you satisfied?" LAN Qianhao doesn't get angry with her.

LAN Chu said, "when I was a kid, I always peeped at me!"

LAN Qianhao's expression froze, denying, "no!"

Blue Chu read also blushed with shame, turned around and went back to the room. Blue Qian Hao breathed a sigh, but was forced to this by a little girl. It was a bit shameful.

But, in his heart, as if saw a kind of sign light, finally, her identity to say, parents really so insist?

If they will like each other in the future, will their parents not allow it? LAN Qianhao finished, looked at the direction of the room, the girl's mind is clear and simple, only for his feelings, she always has no serious appearance.

Does this girl like him or not? Sooner or later, he will try to find out.

In short, he had a strong idea that he would not let her go.

Especially when she disappeared just now, he really had a taste of losing her. However, he would go mad.

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