For the sake of fairness and to prevent each other from attacking each other, fan wencha and Yamamoto taro brought the same number of people this time, no matter in number or in strength. Now, hearing the harsh gunfire, they can see that their boss's head burst into a cloud of blood fog. The people of the southern Guangdong gang were stunned first, and then they were furious one by one!

"You dead fat pig, how dare you plot against our guild leader, brothers, and kill these Japanese dogs to avenge the leader!" One of them yelled at the National People's Congress of South Vietnam, the center of fan wencha. He took out his pistol and fired at Yamamoto!

At the moment when fan wencha's head burst open, Yamamoto was stunned, especially when he was closest to fan wencha. His brain and blood spurted all over his face, and the whole person was stunned there on the spot. What's the matter? How can a good man explode like this? It was not until the member of the south Guangdong Gang called out that Yamamoto finally came back to his senses. Fan wencha was killed!

"Brother, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, I absolutely..." Seeing that the other party took out a pistol, he was going to attack himself. Yamamoto's face changed. He could swear that he had never arranged any people nearby. Moreover, to tell the truth, in this dark night, he didn't have such a sniper, sniping. This is not something anyone can play with?

However, his voice has not dropped. The head of the member of the south Guangdong gang who wanted to attack him with a gun burst open again, and his body fell straight down, so he fell to the bottom of Yamamoto's feet!

See such a scene, Yamamoto taro once again stay in a daze, is not his own demon possessed body? How could someone save themselves!

"Brothers, kill him, he even assassinated the second brother!" But in this way, it completely angered the people of the south Guangdong gang. If there is any doubt about fan wencha's death, then the death of the second brother has proved that these Japanese people have plotted against themselves and others!

Otherwise, how could it be that the second brother was about to attack him and get his head blown?

All the members of the south Guangdong gang are totally crazy. They don't listen to taro Yamamoto's explanation. One by one, they have to attack the Japanese gang with old-fashioned weapons!

Seeing that the people of the south Guangdong gang are completely crazy, Yamamoto also knows that it is useless to explain. He has launched an attack on the people of the south Guangdong gang. No matter who attacked fan wencha secretly, he is dead now. If you can kill the elite of the south Guangdong Gang, and you and others can escape here, then you can rely on him These weapons accept the territory of the south Guangdong gang. When the time comes, as long as one piece of smuggling is in hand, what else do you worry about?

Of course, now he doesn't try his best. He didn't kill fan wencha, but no one believes him. If he doesn't try his best, isn't he waiting to be killed by the people of the south Guangdong Gang?

As Yamamoto retreated to the back, he grabbed the desert eagle that had just arrived, loaded it quickly, and pulled the trigger to the people of the south Guangdong Gang!

The Japanese Gang also took out their weapons and fought with the rest of the south Guangdong gang. In a short time, more than ten people fell to the ground!

The weapons of the Japanese gang are more advanced than those of the south Guangdong Gang, but their reaction is slower. Only in the first round of attack, seven or eight people were killed and injured!

However, they had the advantage of weapons. In particular, some members of the Japanese Gang also learned from their leader. They quickly took out a submachine gun from the wooden box and loaded it with cartridges. They started to sweep the soldiers of the south Guangdong gang like this!

With just one volley, seven or eight soldiers of the southern Guangdong Gang fell into a pool of blood. Seeing this, the soldiers of the southern Guangdong gang were red eyed one by one. Most of them were born slaves. What kind of hardships have not been suffered? Now I see that my leader is dead, and my brothers are dead. One by one, my eyes are red. A member of the south Guangdong Gang directly pulls out a homemade bomb and rushes to taro Yamamoto and others!

This kind of homemade bomb is not very powerful, and it is even difficult to kill a person directly. However, the problem is that the direction of this guy's sprint is a box full of ammunition. Once the bomb detonates the contents of the box

It's a shell with a rocket launcher inside. If it really explodes, the whole wharf will explode into the sky!

"Quick, kill him, kill him, stop him!" Yamamoto is scared. If the ammunition really explodes, all the people present may have to go to the funeral for fan wencha!

All the members of the Japanese Gang all aimed at the soldier of the south Guangdong Gang, and then pulled the trigger mercilessly. In a flash, several blood holes had been found in the member's body, and the blood was constantly sprayed out, and his pace was also one of the stops!

"All dead!" At the moment when the member fell down, he opened the valve bravely, and then directly threw the bomb to the box with bullets!

Seeing such a scene, Yamamoto was so scared that his fat body turned and ran towards the sea behind him!

"Boom..." A loud noise, just as Yamamoto's fat ball like body rushed to the sea, the bomb directly fell on the wooden box, and then the whole explosion, a huge fire rose, a huge heat wave swept around!Yamamoto, including some of his most trusted subordinates, jumped into the sea for the first time, but there was still a member whose head was broken by a piece of bullet clip flying out, and another member fell on a rock head first, and blood flowed on the spot!

As for those members who did not have time to jump into the sea, they were all engulfed by the huge fire, and the sky over the wharf was red with fire

Looking at the fire that burst into the sky, looking at the fire enough to burn people to ashes, Oliver, mayor of San Francisco, was stunned, and the police chief beside him was stunned. Then they both looked at Ye Xiao at the same time and looked at Ye Xiao with a sniper gun in his hand. His eyes were full of admiration. This man, with a sniper gun, completely disintegrated the two gangs All the elite members of the faction did not even need to use one of his soldiers to disintegrate the two largest gangs in San Francisco. At this moment, Oliver finally understood why he could kill Yue Buxiu!

Not to mention the precise shooting technique, but to say that such mental calculation is absolutely beyond the grasp of ordinary people. One person and one gun are enough to destroy two gangs. If anyone else cooperates with him!

At the thought of this, Oliver did not dare to think about it any more. For ye Xiao, his heart was full of awe. Most of the bad ideas that he had intended to be governor had disappeared!

This is a man who is so terrible!

"Well, Mr. Mayor, now you can ask your men to go and clean up the mess." Seeing the reverent eyes from the crowd, ye Xiao chuckled faintly, put away the huge sniper gun and carried it behind his back. At such a close distance, he only sniped at two people. What a big deal is this?

Only those people who have never seen bloody killing will be so surprised. If cold soul makes a move, not to mention such a close distance, even if it is a few thousand meters backward, he can shoot one shot at a time and even hit each other in the eye! If they see such a scene, I don't know if they will shiver with fear

After ye Xiao's reminding, Oliver came back to his senses. At the moment, he issued an order to the chief of the police department, and several policemen swarmed in

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