Athena manor is the most famous manor and one of the most luxurious manors in San Francisco. It covers thousands of acres. It is a completely self-sufficient manor. It is also the first house that ye Xiao bought after he came to San Francisco!

Of course, the real estate owner is not ye Xiao's name. Ye Xiao's identity is not easy to be exposed. This property fell on Ouyang Qianqian's head, and Ouyang Qianqian also became the owner of the manor. Since Cheng Yuchen became mayor of San Francisco, he immediately established a Chinese foundation in jiujinshan. All the funds of the foundation came from the rich Chinese Ye Xiao also donated a lot of money to Ouyang Qianqian. Now Ouyang Qianqian has become the president of the foundation!

With the help of Liu Yukang, Ouyang Qianqian has made a certain amount of profits with part of the foundation's money in just a few months. Now she is using this money to improve the situation of some poor Chinese in San Francisco!

This is a digression. At this time, Ouyang Qianqian, President of the Chinese foundation, who has become the goddess of all Chinese in San Francisco, is standing at the door nervously in her home service. Ye Xiao's sister Yan is coming. That is Ye Xiao's closest person in the world, and ye Xiao's only elder. When she thinks of meeting Ye Xiao's elders, Ouyang Qianqian should be careful The liver is bouncing!

Although she got along with Ye Xiao for several months, she still couldn't straighten her mind. When she thought that Tan Xiaoxiao, who deeply loved Ye Xiao, was still serving in the army, and she was staying by Ye Xiao's side, her heart was full of bitterness, but she really loved Ye Xiao. Even if she looked at Ye Xiao, she was already satisfied!

When ye Xiao bought the manor in her name and invited her to become the owner of the manor, Ouyang Qianqian once refused. She knew Ye Xiao's intention, but she really didn't want to put too much burden on Ye Xiao. Until ye Xiao told her that the manor would be the stronghold of tianyaomen in San Francisco and a trusted person was needed to preside over it Only then agreed to enter this Manor!

At present, there are more than 500 permanent residents in this most luxurious manor in San Francisco. These 500 people include the bodyguards, gardeners, chefs, drivers and maids of the manor. Among them, there are more than 300 bodyguards, all of whom are elite from tianyaomen!

Even the gardeners, chefs, drivers, including maids, are all from tianyaomen. In addition, ye Xiao has obtained all kinds of weapons from various channels. This manor, which is only a little luxurious in the eyes of outsiders, has actually become a secret base!

As long as ye Xiao is willing, he can set up a standing armed force of more than 1000 people in the shortest time. Such a force can do great harm to San Francisco in the shortest time!

Even in the manor, there are seven helicopters and dozens of valuable vehicles. This is a luxurious and safe manor!

At this time, Ouyang Qianqian, as the owner of the manor, stood in the door of the hall with a nervous expression in her red dress. Behind her, there were two rows of maids in maid's service. All the faces were full of respect!

Soon, there was a footstep outside the hall. Ouyang Qianqian looked up and saw Ye Xiao personally leading four women to come. Among them, there was a very cute girl who looked like a doll and was holding Ye Xiao's arm!

The face showed a kind smile, Ouyang Qianqian took the initiative to welcome up!

"Qianqian, this is my sister Yan, this is sister Yan's good friend, sister Lin is also bao'er's mother, this is bao'er, this is Ye Binglin, sister Yan, sister Lin, this is Ouyang Qianqian, bao'er, Binglin, please call me sister!" See Ouyang Qianqian take the initiative to meet up, ye Xiao smile to introduce to the public way!

Hear ye Xiao's introduction, Ouyang Qianqian some dizziness, how Yan elder sister's good friend calls Lin elder sister? And sister Yan is too young, right? She had heard Ye Xiao say that he was brought up by elder sister Yan. Originally, she thought that her sister Yan was more than 40 years old, but the beautiful woman in front of her looked more than 20 years old at most?

"Yan Jie, Lin Jie, Bao Er, Bing Lin, welcome to Athena Manor!" Although the heart is very surprised, but Ouyang Qianqian's face or emerge the most brilliant smile, said hello to several people!

Seeing Ouyang Qianqian who has won the mark, Murong Mingyan's face shows a satisfied look. This little guy has a good eye. With a fiancee like situ Haoyue, she also raises such a lady of Ouyang family outside. She is really more powerful than his father!

Yilin also looked up and down Ouyang Qianqian, and then threw a playful smile to Ye Xiao. She was embarrassed to see ye Xiao!

Ye Binglin just according to Ye Xiao's command, quietly called her sister, but when she arrived at yibao'er, her big eyes were constantly turning around Ouyang Qianqian. After everyone had asked each other well, she said slowly, "are you the woman of Ye Xiao's brother?"

"Poof..." All the people on the scene almost spurted out blood. Irene was even whiter. The girl, isn't it obvious? What are you going to do with that? Is it deliberately embarrassing? After all, Ouyang Qianqian's identity can not be seen. Ye Xiao's legal wife is situ Haoyue!As for Ouyang Qianqian, she is also blushed and shy by her words. She has already stayed in Athena manor. Naturally, she is Ye Xiao's woman. This is also what ye Xiao once said. However, she has a knot in her heart. Now she is asked by such a pure and lovely girl (although bao'er has grown up, she still looks like a little Lori) How does she answer?

Say yes? How can you say that? A friend? Where do you have friends who live here? Although her name is written here, Ouyang Qianqian has never regarded herself as the real master here. In her heart, she just helps Ye Xiao take care of everything here temporarily!

Ouyang Qianqian looks at Ye Xiao quietly, and finds that he is casting an encouraging look at herself. Even Murong Mingyan, who met for the first time, also has a kind smile on her face. Ouyang Qianqian summoned up her courage and nodded gently!

"Well, I tell you, I'm the sister of brother Ye Xiao. No matter how close I am to brother Ye Xiao, you should not be jealous, and you should love and love me as much as brother Ye Xiao, you know?" Yibao'er opened her mouth like a little overlord, and this sentence also made Ye Xiao and Irene have a big head!

What ye xiaotou is big is what the little girl said. No matter how close I am to Ye Xiao's brother, you can't be jealous. What is this? As for Irene, she wanted to commit suicide with shame and anger. How did she have such a wonderful daughter? Can you even say that?

"Ha ha, don't worry, my sister must love you more than your brother!" However, Ouyang Qianqian, who heard this sentence, showed a kind smile and touched her head affectionately. She was very happy to be admitted by a little devil like yibao'er!

"Hee hee, you are as generous as brother Ye Xiao said. Bao'er likes you!" Yibao'er, who had just pulled a face, immediately laughed, and then stood on tiptoe to kiss Ouyang Qianqian's face!

Such a scene made people laugh. Under the leadership of Ouyang Qianqian, a group of people walked into the hall

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