However, when he saw the women gathered around him, his face showed a wry smile. He was the first sword in the world, the descendant of Miyamoto Musashi. It was said that Matsushima maple, who was more talented than Miyamoto himself, was the descendant of gun god bullet. She killed the bullet himself and shocked the world in the name of bullet, but she had not been found for many years, plus a silver fox, a sniper genius What kind of power can such a combatant master break out in the end? The most important point, they are so beautiful, and beauty itself is the most terrible weapon of women!

Fortunately, they are here to help themselves, if they really offend such a few women, God knows what it will look like!

Xiaoye, even if there are so many women in Xiaoye's heart, can't even see so many women's dizziness together, even if there are so many women in Xiaoye's heart, it's not enough to say that there are so many women's dizziness in Xiaoye!

At the thought of this, ye yubai's worship of Ye Xiao is even stronger!

"Brother Xiao, Canglang has sent someone to pick us up. Do we want to start now?" At this time, ye yubai came to Ye Xiao and whispered in his ear!

There are so many beautiful women gathered here. Although their clothes are very ordinary, their aura is so powerful that it is difficult not to attract other people's attention. It is better to leave here as soon as possible!

Canglang himself still holds a post in the military headquarters. However, he has been active in the border of China for several months. He arrived here for the first time after he knew that Xiao Nan had an accident. At the beginning, ye Canglang and Xiao Nan took over the surrounding forces and were very familiar with this area. Now Xiao Nan is no longer here. Ye Canglang is the first to gather the remaining forces of Zhuque hall Come on, fight the bloody purgatory!

"You'll send them there first, and I'll wait for someone else!" Ye Xiao thought for a moment and said faintly!

"Ah Ye yubai is suddenly a burst of head big, let oneself serve a few big beauties to leave first, this is not to embarrass oneself? These can be extremely fierce existence, except you Xiaoge in, who can suppress them?

How could he know that even ye Xiao felt a big head and the woman's mind was out of his mind. Although they all came to help themselves, what kind of sparks would come out between them? This was hard for even ye Xiao to predict. Didn't Shao Bingyan sneer at Peng Ying's poem just now?

"Xiaobai, let's go first." Fortunately, at this time, Shao Bingyan took the lead to say hello to Matsushima maple. Ye yubai breathed a sigh of relief. According to Ye Xiao's command, he led the way ahead and quickly left the airport with such a group of people to arrive at the place where they were stationed!

Finally, in addition to Kanu, others followed ye yubai, but Xiao fei'er stayed, and she had to take a flight back to Kyoto!

After waiting for more than an hour, Xiao fei'er's scheduled flight is about to take off. Ye Xiao takes her to the gate with a smile on her face. Xiao fei'er, who is not too close to Ye Xiao, suddenly turns around and hugs Ye Xiao!

Such a move surprised Ye Xiao. In his memory, Xiao fei'er is not a woman who loves others. Even all along, she only said that she and she were friends. She never made such intimate actions in public. Even when there were only two people, she seldom did so. How could she suddenly do this?

"I know this time will be very dangerous, but you must live well, for me and our children!" Quietly dropped such a sentence in Ye Xiao's ear, Xiao fei'er turned around and walked into the gate, leaving Ye Xiao stunned!

Our children? Our children? What's the meaning of this? All of a sudden, ye Xiaocai thought that when Xiao fei'er just hugged her, her abdomen seemed to bulge up against her own, and the clothes she was wearing today were quite different from those in the past. She was especially loose? But there are so many women around today that he didn't notice for a moment!

Is Xiao fei'er pregnant with her own child?

Think of the last time you did that with Xiao Fei Er four months ago? At that time, safety measures were taken, but Xiao Fei Er pulled out the raincoat savagely at last. Did you say that he won the bid?

At the thought of this possibility, ye Xiao has a big head. She wants to find Xiao fei'er for a moment. However, Xiao fei'er has already entered the boarding gate and disappeared. She quickly takes out the phone and dials Xiao fei'er. However, there is a voice prompt that the number you dialed has stopped, which makes Ye Xiao speechless!

Nima's, Yan elder sister came to m country from China to give birth to a baby. Now it's good. It's been several months. If she knows, I don't know if she will faint happily!

But Xiao fei'er didn't say it all the time. Didn't she want to be born secretly?

This time, she didn't know the situation was critical, and she would not say it, did she? In a flash, ye Xiao finally understood why Xiao fei'er would rather go all the way from Kyoto. If she just wanted to introduce herself to Matsushima maple, she would never come in person. She just wanted to see herself, and with her personality, if she really came, she would not leave easily. The reason why she did this was completely for the sake of her children!At the thought of this, ye Xiao's heart is moved. No matter how the feelings between him and Xiao fei'er are, she will be the mother of her own children from now on!

"Don't worry, I will come back alive!" Looking at the direction of Xiao fei'er's disappearance, ye Xiao secretly vowed, not only for the unborn child, but also for all those who care about him!

"Pa..." At this time, a big hand heavily patted on Ye Xiao's shoulder. Ye Xiao's whole person was surprised. When he turned his head, he saw purple desert's handsome and somewhat weird face!

"Big brother?" Ye Xiao is not surprised that Zimo can come to his side without being noticed by himself. He is not far away. If someone else is really close to him, he will surely remind himself that Zimo saved his life at the beginning, so he naturally knows Zimo!

And with the skill of purple desert, it's not a miracle to approach yourself at the moment when you lose your mind!

"What's the matter? Do not want to give up your most beautiful lady Seeing ye Xiao lost his mind, Zimo said with some interest. As ye Xiao's best brother, he naturally understood what happened between Ye Xiao and Xiao fei'er!

"Hey, this is not, but you, when did you get off the plane?" Ye Xiao scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed. He wanted to tell Zimo that he wanted to be a father, but he finally stopped the idea. Now it's important to save people. It's not too late to talk about it later. Otherwise, if there is any danger, Zimo will try his best to let himself leave first!

He knows Zimo's character clearly!

"Just got off the plane, these are the people I brought with me. There are only 16 people, but all of them are elite!" Zimo nodded, then pointed to a row of men in black behind him and said that he was the commander of the wild wolf field army. Yes, but this time it was a private matter. Can't the whole wild wolf field army open? That would cause a world war!

more "wonderful" part, please pay attention to WeChat official account search: x1035528444

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