Obviously, the woman didn't expect Xiao Nan to be so good at it. She didn't catch him and let him escape from his fingers. She was more angry at the moment. She stepped forward with one foot and continued to buckle to Xiao Nan's shoulder!

Xiao Nan, who is willing to let the woman grasp his shoulder, shakes his body, has avoided the woman's grasp, and then the body repeatedly retreats, his face, also emerged a touch of anger!

He is a jade face killer, but he is one of the three evils of Nanfeng. He is also the leader of the Zhuque Hall of TIANYAO gate. Even if you saved my life, it would not be like this? Besides, I've been eaten by you once. Even if you don't think it's enough, I'll give you a favor later. That is, why do you limit my freedom? Even if the Buddha has fire, let alone Xiao Nan!

"Don't blame me if you do it again!" Once again, he avoided the woman's grasp, and Xiao Nan roared, but at this time, the cloth on his body had slipped off, and the whole person was standing on the carpet, and some parts under him were swinging. The woman opposite him was also naked, a pair of plump and rickety, very interesting!

"Well, then you are not polite to me. I'd like to see if you are as good as those in the movie!" Seeing Xiao Nan's anger, the woman's face gave a angry smile, and then, without waiting for Xiaonan to start, she had already rushed over again, but this time she was no longer grabbing at Xiaonan's shoulder, but directly hitting Xiaonan's face!

Seeing that the woman beat her face, Xiao Nan immediately became completely angry. This face is the only one he can handle, at least in front of Ye Xiao. He still hopes that if he can't get along in the future, he can eat by this little white face? If you are disfigured by this woman, how can you get a girl?

This is even more outrageous than cutting off one's own life!

The angry Xiao Nan didn't care about anything else. He even clenched his right fist and hit the woman's fist directly. He didn't believe it. He was an old man. When he compared his strength, he couldn't compare with such a girl whose height was only 1.65 meters!

"Bang..." Xiao Nan felt that his fist had hit the iron fist. Without any hesitation, he suddenly burst out. However, it was still hard to resist such a force. Xiao Nan's forehead exuded fine sweat, and then the double inch strength broke out, but he still felt a sharp pain in his fist, Under the compulsion, Xiao Nan used his own three inch strength which he had not long understood, which is also the strongest strength he can exert so far!

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" Xiao Nan's arm came such a sound, and then Xiao Nan's whole body was shaken back. He felt his whole arm was as useless as before, without any sense. When he was still standing still, he saw the woman's hind foot pedaling, and then the whole person was like a cheetah. He immediately threw himself in front of him and installed it on his body !

When she jumps, she looks like a cheetah, but when she bumps into Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan feels that he has been hit by a tyrannosaurus humanoid, and the whole person flies backwards like a ball!

"PATA "I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Xiao Nan landed on a huge sofa. Xiao Nan's body fell on a soft cushion, but the sofa still couldn't bear such a force of gravity. The whole sofa collapsed. It's said that the hardness of the wood is comparable to that of ordinary marble, and the sofa is so thick Shattering, enough to think about the impact of the force!

If it wasn't for the thick cushion, Xiao Nan's whole body would have been smashed to pieces. Rao was so. His internal organs were also tumbling, and his head was dazzled by the collision. Before he fully recovered, the woman's body had come to him, sitting on his body, and reaching out to grasp his two arms So he pressed him under the body, and her indescribable also flickered in front of Xiao Nan!

"I said, from today on, you are my man!" Seeing Xiao Nan who was pressed by himself, the woman snorted coldly!

"No way!" Xiao Nan scolded, his hands are struggling, joking, he is an absolute pure man, how can be subdued by a woman, but no matter how hard he tries, he feels as if there is a mountain pressing on him, no matter how hard he struggles, it is difficult to get rid of it!

Nima, what did this woman eat and grow up with? How could she be so strong? Xiao Nan's heart keeps cursing!

"Very good, auntie. I like to challenge some impossible things. Today, I will let you become my man with your heart's content." The woman is also a roar, but also one hand to grasp Xiaonan's two arms, unexpectedly let Xiaonan unable to move!

"Never..." Rao is Xiaonan caught by a woman, still refused to surrender, was about to say impossible, but the woman did not know where to take a pill, directly into Xiao Nan's mouth!

"What did you give me to eat?" That pill as if mouth, immediately melt open, immediately Xiao Nan feel a heat stream attack then whole body!

"I don't know what the name is, but the effect is almost the same as that of jingun budaowan, but the effect will be ten times better than eight times!" A sneer appeared in the corner of the woman's mouth. She didn't believe she couldn't swallow Xiao Nan!"What?" Xiao Nan is furious?

As soon as the voice dropped, Xiao Nan felt that a group of evil fire was constantly rising in his body, especially gathering in his abdomen. The burning was so fierce that some parts of himself were uncontrollable and could not be described!

Xiao Nan wants to resist. He already knows what this woman is going to do, but his hands are hard to get rid of by the other hand, and his body is pressed to death. When the woman pouts and sits down, Xiao Nan's body trembles. Then the woman sits on his body, twists and shakes her body wildly The pleasure that Tao never felt was inhaled into Xiao Nan's mind!

Nima's, it's exploded!

Xiao Nan, who was pushed backward, is handsome and unrestrained. He is loved by everyone. The flowers bloom. He is so enchanting that he has been killed by a woman. When he thinks of this, Xiao Nan wants to cry for help. He is really afraid!

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