Xiao Nan is a man of righteousness. When his brother is in danger, he stands up for his brother, even if he loses his life. What's more, he gives his body to such a woman. So he looks to qingluan. As long as qingluan can save Xie Chen, he can not let Xiaoge fall into danger. He really doesn't mind following him She, of course, after knowing her identity, Xiao Nan clearly understood that even if she wanted to mind, there was no use in it!

From now on, his life is her person, and death is her ghost. When he thinks of this, his face is a burst of bitterness!

"Don't worry, there are my people in the Thai government. They want to shoot your brother the day after tomorrow. We will rescue him tonight." Seeing Xiao Nan's eyes, qingluan patted her chest bravely, and had already taken over the matter. Seeing qingluan's confident appearance, Xiao Nan suddenly wanted to cry, not moved to cry, but wronged to cry. His own Zhuque hall leader, when does such a pure man need women's protection?

When Xiao Nan asked qingluan to save his life, a team of army green jeeps drove into the prison where Xie Chen was held in Qinglai mansion. When they saw the drivers, the prison guards didn't mean to check each other's documents, so they drove in!

The prison was built in the 1950s and 1960s, and it was closed for a long time. However, under the insistence of the king of Thailand, the prison was opened again and became a heavy prison in Thailand. The prisoners in the prison are either murderers with heinous crimes or smuggling and drug traffickers, which are enough to be sentenced in China Prisoner of death!

Because this prison is on the border. The prison is in charge of garrisoning this prison. In fact, it is the defense forces of Thailand. Frankly speaking, this prison is built in the middle of the defense forces' garrison, and their commander-in-chief is lieutenant general karot!

Because there are tens of thousands of national defense forces stationed, it is almost impossible to break the prison. Unless there is enough strength to wipe out all the national defense forces in this area, no one can rescue the prisoners from here!

In fact, the prisoners here have also become the coolies of the garrison of the national defense forces. On weekdays, they do some hard work like farming and construction!

At this time, the prison director of this prison, major zalun, was staying in his office, and he was under the pressure of female prisoners. Suddenly, he received a phone call from the guard. When he heard the arrival, he was shocked in a cold sweat and quickly got up from the female prisoner. He grabbed his clothes and ran outside, but he did not run to the door Mouth, a tall figure has stood at the door of the office!

Seeing this tall figure, zalun held up without any hesitation. He stood at attention for a moment, and then saluted the other party with a salute. He said respectfully: "general!"

It was the commander of this generation garrison, lieutenant general Carlot. When he saw that his subordinates were making women in the office, he didn't have much anger on his face, but it was gloomy. They guarded the border all the year round, but they seldom reunited with their families. If they didn't have fun, who would like to stay here all the time?

In particular, the women in zaren's hands are not big people, but some female prisoners. If such women play with them, they will play. What else can they do? In particular, zaren is very good at life. As long as the prison brings a little bit of beautiful women, they will send them to him. What is such a thing?

Here, he is the king, as long as he said nothing, everything will be OK!

But this time he didn't come alone, with guests. Now, seeing his subordinates doing such a thing in the office, his face is a little bit too much!

"Waste, have you forgotten my advice?" Carlot snorted coldly!

"General, I dare not. The prisoners are under strict control. There will be no problem!" Zharon held the sweat on his forehead one by one. He had seen several men following his general. Those who could come with the general, but did not wear military uniform, were obviously the general's guests. No wonder the general was so angry when the general's guests saw such a scene!

"Take us to see it!" The whole office was still smelling of hormones, so Carlot didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he snorted coldly!

"Yes, general, please follow me!" Zaren quickly put on a dress, respectfully made a gesture of invitation, and began to lead the way in front of her. As for the female prisoner, naturally someone would take her away. Of course, she saw something she shouldn't see, not leaving the office, but leaving the world!

The most handsome young man behind Carlot took a look at the prisoner's face, and then looked at his companion. His eyes were filled with disdain. Nanman monkey is a Nanman monkey. This kind of woman is hungry and thirsty. No wonder they were so easy to buy Carlot. Dare not, these Nanman monkeys didn't have any I've seen a real beauty!

Under the leadership of the warden, a group of people including Carlot walked toward the inside of the prison. Along the way, we could see many men with tattoos on their bodies and naked upper bodies working in the hot sun under the monitoring of armed soldiers. Even in February, it was extremely hot for this to bring!After walking for more than ten minutes, I came to the inner part of the prison. It was a dungeon like existence. As soon as I entered here, a cool air came and I didn't need to blow any air conditioning. It's just a natural summer resort. Of course, if you're not afraid of the rats that can be seen everywhere!

The warden opened the way, and naturally no one came forward to intercept them. Finally, they came to the front of the innermost cell in the prison!

This is a water prison. There is a man with his upper body naked. He is covered with water as deep as his waist. His arms are roasted and fall off. His whole head is hanging down. It seems that he is in a coma!

Seeing this pale man, the man in his twenties needs to send out Thailand's national defense forces to arrest him. The handsome man's face is not good-looking. Even the glasses man following him sighs in a low voice. It seems that he is sighing for the powerful assistant around him!

"General, you see, this is the deepest part of our prison. Everything here is made of granite. Unless the other party comes in from the front, it is impossible to rescue the prisoner!" Pointing to the man who was tied up in the dungeon, he said with pride!

This is the place under his jurisdiction, and he naturally has a reason to be proud!

Carlot did not speak, but turned to look at the handsome man!

"Oh, general Carlot, I think too much, I'm sorry!" The handsome man apologetically nods to Carlo's character!

"Hehe, don't you think you should be more careful. After all, that guy is not an ordinary person!" Carlot nodded implicitly too!

"Well, general Carlot will understand, but I still think they will take action in one or two days. He can't wait for that time!" The handsome man's tone was another turn, and Carlot was stunned!

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