"Bang..." Ye Xiao's fist hit carmenro's arms heavily. Then everyone heard a huge sound. It felt like two trains collided!

Ye Xiao jumped down from the steps, and kamenro stood under the steps. He felt his arms hit by a huge stone from top to bottom. The terrible force made his arms tremble, forcing him to retreat. Every step back, the floor under his feet was crushed to pieces After seven steps, he has removed such a distance, and the seven floors have been completely smashed!

Carmenro's arms are still shaking, and even the muscles on his arms are torn. But his eyes are full of horror. He looks up at the man who repels himself. He is standing in his position just now!

Not to mention the horror of kamenro's face. Those soldiers who were lucky enough to witness all this, including violet, were shocked. Violet, in particular, had always regarded Ye Xiao as a dandy in China until he finally said that. However, he only took him as one thing, but he did not care too much about it When her general was thrown from the inside, she only thought it was the hand of Zimo, the commander of the wolf field army. Almost every time they met, they would have a contest. It was normal for her general to be thrown out by him!

But what she did not expect was that the man who threw out his general would be such an ordinary looking man. How could such terrible power be hidden in his thin body?

Especially to see his last encounter with the general, the overwhelming power made violet feel shocked from the bottom of his heart!

The general, known as Mammoth, has always been famous for his great strength in the underground world. The first person who surpassed his general in strength was the purple haired young man. However, at that time, he was not in the current state. But now, it is the young man brought by the purple haired man, a young man who looks even smaller than him, who attacks under this normal condition Quit the general? How much power does it take? It was the general who suffered the blow. If it had been replaced by other people, it would have been smashed into pieces?

Violet's heart, no longer dare to have any underestimate, this is a strong existence that makes people feel afraid!

"Wolf, you've made a big joke on me. Now you're not going to introduce who this brother is?" After more than ten seconds, kamenro's arms regained consciousness. He said to Zimo at the moment. Through the blow he had just made, he knew that he was a strong man who could be equal with himself, and he was no longer a suckling boy!

"Ha ha, ye Xiao, this is the force general kamenro I told you about. This is my brother, ye Xiao, the leader of TIANYAO gate!" Purple desert this just implicit smile, and then toward two people introduction way!

"Fuck..." Kamenro made an international gesture directly to zimobi. When he came, he only said to introduce a friend to himself. He didn't say who the friend was? If he had said that this friend was the master of TIANYAO gate, would he still have a competition with him?

Well, even if with their own temperament will find him to draw, but definitely not so careless!

The headmaster of TIANYAO gate has done more and more things in recent years. How can ordinary people compare with such a terror that can kill beards independently and attack their vice-chairman in the capital of China?

Damn it, the purple desert this guy gave a Yin!

No longer pay attention to purple desert with a pale smile on his face, kamenro quickly stepped forward and extended his right hand to Ye Xiao: "brother ye, it's good to meet you here."

"Ha ha, the general flattered me!" Ye Xiao smiles implicitly. For a straightforward man like kamenro, he still likes it very much. As for the violet on the side, he is surprised and speechless at this time!

Is the leader of TIANYAO gate such a young man? As an adjutant of kamenro, she knew clearly what it meant to be the head of TIANYAO gate. She killed the general of blood independently, killed the bearded man independently, and attacked the deputy head of China. Such a strong existence is such a man in his early twenties?

Look at his appearance, change to other people, should still be reading?

However, thinking of his earth shaking punch, violet felt that this was the gate master of TIANYAO gate. Besides the gate master of TIANYAO, who could fight back a powerful general?

He also beat, scolded and scolded. Carmenro Received ye Xiao and Zimo in his own way, and then went down to a valley in this mountain forest under the arrangement of violet!

This is a valley with extremely beautiful scenery. It has to be said that kamenro looks like a rough man, but actually he knows how to enjoy it. The whole valley is not too big, but it is full of flowers everywhere. From time to time, there are birds flying by. It's a wonderful world of birds and flowers. In the middle of the valley, a small courtyard is built with bamboo, which is a place for kamenro to entertain guests It's in this small courtyard!Looking at this exquisite bamboo yard, ye Xiao is very curious. There is no bamboo in this area. Where did this guy get so much bamboo? Sitting in the cool bamboo garden and drinking the best Longjing from China, ye Xiao sighed a long time. I really didn't expect to find such a beautiful scenery in this hot place. Just relying on this, we can see that kamenro is not a real man!

"Wolf, what do you want me to do When ye Xiao and others have finished a cup of tea, carmenro said directly!

He knows exactly what happened to the golden triangle of this generation. At this critical time, Zimo and the headmaster of TIANYAO gate came to the door in person. If he just introduced a friend to him, he would not believe it!

And he is also a straightforward person, can not like to beat around the Bush, so directly asked out!

"You can't beat around the bush. If you want to say anything, just say it!" One side of the purple desert gently put the cup on the tea table, turned his head and said to Ye Xiao!

This time, he accompanied Ye Xiao to come here. He was an intermediary. No matter what kind of deal Ye Xiao wants to make with Carmelo, it has nothing to do with him!

"Well, general, I need your help. I need your men to attack Chiang Mai, Thailand!" Ye Xiao also feels that kamenro is a straightforward man. Now when he hears Zimo's emphasis, he is no longer wordy, and he directly states the purpose of his coming here!

"What?" Rao knew that Zimo and ye Xiao would not have any good things, but when he heard what ye Xiao said, kamenro was also surprised and almost jumped down from the ground!

Attack Chiang Mai, Thailand? Chiang Mai and Chiang Lai Fu are two adjacent areas. Now he asks his own people to attack Chiang Mai, Thailand? No matter what he wants to do, but it will definitely lead to a war between the two countries! Don't he know what will happen if he sets up troops on the Thai border?

Even though he has a great influence in Myanmar, he can't rashly trigger a war between the two countries. He can't afford such a responsibility!

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