The base of Thai Qinglai mansion is between a rainforest. Not long ago, garrison commander karot was leading the large army to Chiang Mai for rescue at full speed. It took several hours to get from here to Chiang Mai. If kamenro attack is not too fierce, the Chiang Mai Garrison should be able to hold on until then!

Carlot took most of the main forces away, but this is the garrison of the national defense army. Now there are more than 5000 people left behind in the base. This is also a terrible battle force. Moreover, there are more than 100 guns and more than ten Mini tanks in the base. Of course, there are more than 30 helicopters. Such armed forces, in addition to the same number of the same size The enemy of quantity will attack, otherwise we will not break the base!

So when a team of about 1000 people appear in front of the base, ELO, the officer in charge of the left behind base, is very relieved. It is not a joke that more than 1000 people like this want to attack the base? First, ELO sent five tanks, sent out 2000 fully armed soldiers, sent out ten helicopters, and attacked the place where the thousand people were!

He wants to kill these intrusions at the front of the base. They must not be allowed to enter the base. There are prisons in the base to guard the felonized prisoners. This is the mission given to Carlot before he leaves. No one is allowed to approach the base!

At this time, there is a small mountain about three kilometers away from the base. A black green army uniform yecang wolf is standing on the mountain. Through military telescope, he looks at the horses and horses moving from the base. A sneering smile appears at the corner of his mouth!

Such a troop queue, such a speed of dispatch, can also fight?

Even if he was not born in the army, even if he had not read any military methods, he understood that it is a big taboo to send troops without knowing the enemy completely. But the left behind deputy of the base sent out troops like this. Is this not a death hunt?

Especially, the helicopter from the base, the sarcasm of Ye cangwolf's mouth is even stronger. This time, in order to rescue Xie Chen, all the experts who come to Southeast Asia have been in full swing. Not to mention the abnormal existence of cold soul, which can explode the armed helicopter of the Chinese garrison, say sharna, pengying poem and shaobingqian, all of them are good snipers With the specially modified sniper gun from Russia, it is not easy to shoot these helicopters. This is a live target!

Looking at the opponent who rushed towards this side quickly, ye Cang wolf waved his arm disdainfully. More than 1000 elite soldiers behind him spread rapidly, and they spread around the rainforest!

They are here to save people. They are not here to fight. It is unnecessary to fight hard with these guys. Even if ye cangwolf has full confidence to wipe out the other party by hand's hands, he will not do so. Fighting will kill people. These are all the elite of TIANYAO gate. Every member is the wealth of TIANYAO gate. It is unnecessary to use it here. He must do his best Reduce the number of casualties!

With the rapid dispersion of more than 1000 people, in the other direction of the base, a team of more than 100 people are quietly approaching the base under the cover of rainforest. They are not equipped with any heavy weapons. Only everyone carries a bucket and goes forward quickly. If in ordinary times, no matter how hidden their actions are, no matter how hidden they are, no matter how their cover is How good, it will be found by the base personnel. However, when Carlot takes most of the main forces and 5000 left behind have divided another 2000 people, the base has actually opened the open door. Most importantly, in order to prevent the other party from possible attacks, ello gathered the remaining 3000 people together, ready to support the troops sent by him at any time. The base faces all around The monitoring intensity has been reduced to the lowest!

In such a case, if all the members of the dragon soul Corps will be found by the other party, it can be wiped!

When the vanguard of ELO had been out of town for two kilometers, the more than 100 people were less than a kilometer away from the base, but they did not move on, but they were lurking in a grass, like a cobra, waiting for the best!

At this time, the helicopter in the sky has already flown to the mountain where ye cangwolf just stood. According to the plan of ELO, it is to use this kind of armed helicopter to conduct a round of high-altitude sweeping, disrupt the pace of each other, then bomb with tanks, completely break the defense line of the other party, and finally, it is their own troops to attack comprehensively and clean up the situation. However, when these helicopters fly here When over, I was surprised to find that there were no people under it. Of course, it was not that no one was there, and occasionally there would be a flash of people. But they all hid in the woods. How did they sweep it?

"A group of cowardly Chinese!" The chief helicopter in charge of the team scolded him, and then he heard a loud bang. The helicopter that was not far away from him exploded suddenly. A hot fire burst out in the air. The face of the Thai officer changed. What happened? Well, why did it explode suddenly?

"Boom and rumble..." Another loud noise, another helicopter burst into a sea of fire, the officer's eyes showed a startling eye, "sniper, each other has sniper, quick, fast to fly higher, and then..."

The officer finally understood what happened, and immediately roared at the pilot. But his sentence was not completely roared. The helicopter where he was also in exploded, and it burst into a spark, and he was completely submerged by the fire!In the blink of an eye, more than five helicopters exploded, and then the other helicopter pilots were about to fly high, but Leng Hun, who had been staying below, pulled the trigger without hesitation!

"Boom..." The sound of the continuous ring, and then the remaining helicopters in the shortest time to see the sky that burst out of a few huge firelight, standing in the base watching this side of ello, the whole people are stunned, this is armed helicopter ah, when is the armed helicopter in the battlefield so weak? Not launched a round of strafing, but all of them have been shot down. How accurate a sniper is needed?

A sniper who can shoot a helicopter with one shot is absolutely a top-notch sniper. One of such snipers in an organization is no longer good, but the other party has exploded more than ten helicopters in such a short period of time, at least more than three, and three snipers who have reached the top level in the world?

When ello thought of this, she was afraid. If she was locked by such a sniper

He did not dare to think about it any more. At this time, in the rain forest, the cold soul who shot down three helicopters easily got up from under a big stone, called to sharna and Shao Bingqian in the distance, and ran to the base with the huge sniper gun on his shoulder

That is, when these helicopters were detonated and helo and others were shocked, the more than 100 dragon soul team members who were ambushed outside the base quickly got up, carried black plastic barrels one by one, and ran to the base at full speed. When the other side was in a daze, this group of people had already rushed to the base, and then spread rapidly, one by one The plastic in my hand was opened and the liquid inside was poured out directly. It was a kind of black viscous liquid. Just after pouring out, a bad smell spread out

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