That is, at this time, they have been hiding around, and the members of tianyaomen who spread around revealed that they were shooting at the soldiers who had lost their combat power completely. They had lost confidence. If they were attacked like this, the chaos formation was even more chaotic. No matter how hard the junior officers worked, it was difficult for these recruited soldiers to come To form effective organizational forces, in the end, the main force of the Garrison has been taken away by karot. These people are only refugees recruited by karot. Many people have not received any military education except how to shoot!

The scene is a complete form of one side down. More than 1000 members of TIANYAO gate have been forced to suppress the more than 2000 soldiers!

When both battlefields were in chaos, the prison was also in a chaotic situation. When Princess hualianzhu came out of the cell, the female guards who remained outside raised their weapons without hesitation, and pulled the trigger against the soldiers in the prison at the table!

Only one shot, at least 300 unprepared soldiers died under the gun. These female guards were all elite blood Phoenix organizations. They came with qingluan to Southeast Asia. They would not have been forced to break them in their plan. However, when they saw the smoke coming out of the base, when hearing the deafening gunshot in the distance Especially when they learned from the mouth of the flower lotus beads that their head was attacked, the female tigers were completely angry, is it killing? Are they doing less of this?

They just want to kill the soldiers around them as soon as possible, and then rush in and rescue their heads. Where else can they manage so much!

Hualian bead also ran out after hearing the call of several fights and qingluan. She was worried that this man and horse could break out of here. But when she saw the black smoke in the sky and the gunshot in the distance, she had put down her heart a little and saw that someone attacked the barracks. Whoever it was, it was a good thing!

In the protection of these guards, hualianzhu and his team wanted to control the situation quickly. But the soldiers could not be their rivals at all. Only for a while, all the guards around them were killed and killed. On the other hand, there were only more than ten casualties on the side of blood Phoenix. But when they were ready to rush in and rescue their head, the prison was in charge Once again, a group of elite soldiers came from each channel. These men were wearing dark green field army uniforms. Each of them was flashing the same blood awn as those women of blood Phoenix. They also revealed a fierce force. This is a soldier completely different from those ordinary soldiers?

Seeing the sudden emergence of these soldiers, the face of hualianzhu has changed. Thailand is absolutely not such a elite soldier. But what can be seen here is obviously the people of the bloody refining army. Have they been buried in prison for a long time?

Fighting again and again, when the blood Phoenix women opened two or three times, those people have rushed to the front, and the soldiers of the bloody refining army rushed in. Soon, the square that the people used to move was in chaos, whether it was a woman organized by the blood Phoenix or the soldiers of the blood color refining army, they lost their guns and killed together !

So close, there are so many people, any bullet, may hurt their own companions, they can only with the knife in their hands to win!

Originally, the blood Phoenix who could help qingluan was stopped by the sudden emergence of blood color purgatory soldiers. The number of blood color refining army occupied the advantage. However, the women of blood Phoenix were desperate to rescue their heads with their hearts. In a moment, they even took the upper hand!

At this time, in prison, the qingluan, who was hit by the hand of heaven, ran fast and fast after them. They were all the first-class and powerful people. Any poor pool might kill themselves!

Qingluan did not know the situation outside, but she must rush out at the first time, and she has no success with these people here. Only when she comes out, she has a chance!

But when qingluan and Xiao Nan rushed out of the prison, they found that there was already a mess outside. There were many bodies lying on the scene, blood Phoenix, blood refining army, some struggling hard, and wanted to stand up and continue fighting. Some had been lying there convulsing from time to time, and blood had already dyed the earth, but more still, Obviously dead, cool!

Seeing such a scene, qingluan wants to split her eyes. These are all good sisters who have died with her. Now, they have died so much for their own reasons. How can she not be angry? Blood purgator, I remember you!

Although angry in her heart, qingluan did not rush in immediately, because she knew that the bloody purgator had occupied the absolute upper hand, and she rushed to the past and was only killed. Now, the most important thing is to escape here and revenge the bloody prison army!

It has to be said that at this time, qingluan can still maintain absolute calm, with this alone, it is worthy of being the head of blood Phoenix!

See their head rushed out, blood Phoenix members more desperately, the number of each other so many, of course, they must fight for their head of blood, to work out a living way!Qingluan takes Xiao Nan to the wall of the prison from the edge, and then jumps down as a whole. The rainy day and other people follow closely, and they have no intention of participating in the melee at all. Now the bloody purgatory army's people have occupied the absolute upper hand. They really don't need to go up again. Now killing qingluan is the most important thing!

This time, no matter what the reason, we have a thorough feud with Xuefeng. Under such circumstances, if we can kill qingluan, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Xuefeng. Therefore, we have decided to pay attention to the rainy day, and do our best to kill qingluan at all costs!

These are experts. Although the seven or eight meter high wall is difficult for them, it is not enough to stop them. With the help of soul searching, they quickly get off the tower and rush to qingluan at full speed!

Qingluan and Xiao Nan ran at this time, but they ran to a dense forest behind the prison. Only when they entered the dense forest, with the help of the cover of the dense forest, could they hope to get rid of the strong men behind them!

The prison is more than 1000 meters away from the woods. In peacetime, there are soldiers guarding this area, but at this time most of the soldiers are taken away, and the remaining soldiers are either going to fight the fire or being killed. This generation is empty!

At the speed of two people, it was only a few minutes before they arrived at the edge of the dense forest. But when they were about to rush into the dense forest, they had to stop because there was still a man standing in front of them, a man holding a desert eagle and wearing a military cap. It was not Luo Yuan who was he!

Seeing the black muzzle of the gun, looking at Luo Yuan with a calm smile, qingluan's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together, but Xiao Nan's eyes are flashing a touch of strange awn!

Luo Yuan didn't know who the woman was, but his gun was aimed at qingluan all the time, just because the woman put too much pressure on him. Especially when he saw the rain falling and others chasing him at full speed, he guessed that he might have intercepted a wonderful figure

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